KATO Takayasu
- Conference, etc.
- 同種移植後10年以上経過したのちに再発を認めた成人T細胞白血病/リンパ腫
助川 慎一郎; 横山泰久; 石塚幹太郎; 百瀬春佳; 須摩桜子; 清木祐介; 馬場直子; 真家絋一郎; 坂本竜弘; 日下部学; 錦井...
第8回 日本血液学会関東甲信越地方会/2018-03-03--2018-03-03 - Psychosocial factors affect duration of hospitalization in hematopoietic stem cell transplantation
新井 励; 横山泰久; 高村佳幸; 日高響子; 石塚幹太郎; 助川慎一郎; 須摩桜子; 槇島健一; 清木祐介; 馬場直子; 坂本竜弘...
第40回日本造血細胞移植学会総会/2018-02-01--2018-02-03 - 生着不全に対するmodified 1-day regimenを用いた臍帯血移植の検討
須摩桜子; 横山泰久; 石塚幹太郎; 助川慎一郎; 槇島健一; 清木祐介; 馬場直子; 坂本竜弘; 日下部 学; 加藤貴康; 錦井秀...
第40回日本造血細胞移植学会総会/2018-02-01--2018-02-03 - The IPF peak value could be useful as a predictor of platelet recovery after HSCT
Takayasu Kato; Yosuke Kanazawa; Yuichi Hasegawa; Asami N...
第40回日本造血細胞移植学会総会/2018-02-01--2018-02-03 - The prospective study of haploidentical transplantation using PT/CY and myeloablative conditioning
栗田尚樹; 横山泰久; 坂本竜弘; 加藤貴康; 日下部 学; 錦井秀和; 坂田(柳元)麻実子; 小原 直; 小川晋一; 周山卓也...
第40回日本造血細胞移植学会総会/2018-02-01--2018-02-03 - Analysisof the cost and the length of hospitalization after allogeneic HSCT
栗田尚樹; 横山泰久; 加藤貴康; 錦井秀和; 坂田(柳元)麻実子; 小原 直; 長谷川雄一; 千葉 滋
第79回日本血液学会学術集会/2017-10-20--2017-10-22 - Immature platelet fraction predicts platelet recovery after homatopoetic stem cell transplantation
加藤貴康; 長谷川雄一; 内藤麻美; 坂本竜弘; 槇島健一; 須摩桜子; 清木祐介; 馬場直子; 金沢陽介; 栗田尚樹; 錦井秀和; 横...
第79回日本血液学会学術集会/2017-10-20--2017-10-22 - Nestin-expressing cells in bone marrow is involved in BM erythropoiesis
坂本竜弘; 小原 直; 藤村亮介; 加藤貴康; Luan Cao SY; 錦井秀和; 坂田(柳元)麻実子; 高橋 智; 千葉 滋
第79回日本血液学会学術集会/2017-10-20--2017-10-22 - Targeted sequencing of primary central nervous system lymphoma (PCNSL)
服部圭一朗; 坂田(柳元)麻実子; 末原泰人; 横山泰久; 加藤貴康; 栗田尚樹; 小原直; 長谷川 雄一; 千葉 滋
第79回日本血液学会学術集会/2017-10-20--2017-10-22 - Genetic evidence implying the common precursor cells for primary and systemic relapsed tumors in PCNSL
服部圭一朗; 坂田(柳元) 麻実子; 末原泰人; 横山泰久; 加藤貴康; 栗田尚樹; 小原 直; 長谷川雄一; 千葉 滋
第76回日本癌学会学術総会/2017-09-28--2017-09-30 - Genetic evidence implying the common precursor cells for primary and systemic relapsed tumors in primary central nervous system lymphoma
Hattori Keiichiro; Sakata-Yanagimoto Mamiko; Suehara Yas...
Tsukuba Global Science Week (TGSW) 2017/2017-09-25--2017-09-27 - 骨髄線維化とDICを伴い,ボルテゾミブが著効した形質芽球性リンパ腫
清木祐介; 加藤貴康; 須摩桜子; 槇島健一; 馬場直子; 栗田尚樹; 錦井秀和; 横山泰久; 坂田(柳元)麻実子; 小原 直; 長...
第7回 日本血液学会関東甲信越地方会/2017-07-01--2017-07-01 - Targeted sequencing of primary central nervous system lymphoma (PCNSL)
服部圭一朗; 坂田(柳元)麻実子; 末原泰人; 横山泰久; 加藤貴康; 栗田尚樹; 小原 直; 長谷川雄一; 千葉 滋
第57回日本リンパ網内系学会総会/2017-06-29--2017-07-01 - Notch Signaling in Bone Marrow Nestin-Expressing Cells Affects Erythropoiesis at the Bone Marrow and Spleen
Sakamoto Tatsuhiro; Obara Naoshi; Fujimura Ryosuke; Kato ...
The 8th JSH International Symposium 2017 in Miyazaki/2017-05-19--2017-05-20 - Abnomal Increase in Neural Marker-Expressing Cells in the Bone Marrow of Patients with Myelodysplastic Syndromes
Sy Luan Cao; Obara Naoshi; Sakamoto Tatsuhiro; Kato Taka...
The 8th JSH International Symposium 2017 in Miyazaki/2017-05-19--2017-05-20 - Hes1 Suppresses Acute Myeloid Leukemia Development in Conjunction with FLT3 Repression
Takayasu Kato; Mamiko Sakata-Yanagimot; Yasuyuki Miyake; Hid...
The 5th JSH International Symposium 2014 in HAMAMATSU/2014-05-24--2014-05-25 - Differences in HCT-CI score depending on the method of adjustment of DLCO by hemoglobin level
横山泰久; 栗田尚樹; 関 正則; 真家紘一郎; 小川晋一; 高岩直子; 黒田章博; 宮本佳奈; 鈴木幸恵; 加藤貴康; 坂田(柳元)...
第36回 日本造血細胞移植学会/2014-03-07--2014-03-09 - Hes1 Is Responsible For Notch Signaling-Mediated Suppression Of Acute Myeloid Leukemia Development Via Suppression Of FLT3 Expression
Takayasu Kato; Mamiko Sakata-Yanagimoto; Hidekazu Nishikii; ...
The American Society of Hematology 55th Annual Meeting and Exposition/2013-12-07--2013-12-10 - TPO/cMpl-dependent megakaryocyte lineage decision at the proximity of hematopoietic stem cells
Yosuke Kanazawa; Hidekazu Nishikii; Kenji Matsushita; Teruma...
第75回日本血液学会学術集会/2013-10-11--2013-10-13 - Flt3 is a downstream target of Notch-Hes 1signaling as a tumor suppressor in acute myeloid leukemia
Takayasu Kato; Mamiko Sakata-Yanagimoto; Yasuyuki Miyake; Hi...
第75回日本血液学会学術集会/2013-10-11--2013-10-13 - Downregulation of Notch-Hes1 signaling increases Fit3 expression, which ultimately contributes to AML development
加藤貴康; 坂田(柳元)麻実子; 三宅康行; 錦井秀和; 横山泰久; 武藤秀治; 浅部幸紹; 小原 直; 鈴川和己; 千葉 滋
第72回日本癌学会学術総会/2013-10-03--2013-10-05 - Hes1 is responsible for Notch signaling-mediated suppression of acute myeloid leukemia development
Takayasu Kato; Mamiko Sakata-Yanagimoto; Yasuyuki Miyake; Hi...
18th Congress of EHA/2013-06-13--2013-06-16 - Hes1 is responsible for Notch signaling-mediated suppression of acute myeloid leukemia development
Takayasu Kato; Mamiko Sakata-Yanagimoto; Yasuyuki Miyake; Hi...
The 11th Stem Cell Research Symposium/2013-05-17--2013-05-18 - Reduced Tet2 Function Contributes to Development of Peripheral T-Cell Lymphoma with Follicular Helper T-Cell-Like Features in Mice
Muto Hideharu; Sakata-Yanagimoto Mamiko; Miyake Yasuyuki...
54th Annual Meeting and Exposition of the American-Society-of-Hematology (ASH)/2012-12-08--2012-12-11 - Transcription Factor Hes1 Functions As a Tumor Suppressor in MLL-Associated Acute Leukemia
Takayasu Kato; Mamiko Sakata-Yanagimoto; Yasuyuki Miyake; Hi...
The American Society of Hematology 54th Annual Meeting and Exposition/2012-12-08--2012-12-11 - more...
- 同種移植後10年以上経過したのちに再発を認めた成人T細胞白血病/リンパ腫