- Affiliation
- Institute of Systems and Information Engineering
- Official title
- Associate Professor
- Sex
- Male
- Birth date
- 1984-01
- %DH<FPM<^mi>NgONPFP=<g<>gEK
- Research fields
High performance computing Computational science - Research keywords
Numerical Analysis Eigenvalue problem Linear system Machine Learning - Research projects
Next-generation high-performance linear solver for future computational science and engineering 2023-04 -- 2027-03 Takeshi IWASHITA Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) 45,500,000Yen 制約付き固有値問題に基づく局所潜在空間生成とその大規模分散データ解析への応用 2023-04 -- 2028-03 SAKURAI Tetsuya Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) 18,200,000Yen Development of highly reliable AI technologies based on complex moment-based techniques 2022-06 -- 2025-03 IMAKURA Akira Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Research (Exploratory) 6,240,000Yen Scientific Research of Accounting Informatics 2022-04 -- 2026-03 OKADA Yukihiko Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) 800,000Yen Development of complex moment-based methods and mathematical risk avoidance techniques for infinite dimensional eigenvalue problems 2021-04 -- 2026-03 Akira IMAKURA Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) 17,030,000Yen 高いスケーリング性能と高精度性を併せ持つ次世代固有値・特異値分解ライブラリの開発 2019-10 -- 2024-03 Yusaku Yamamoto Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Fund for the Promotion of Joint International Research (Fostering Joint International Research (B)) 3,360,000Yen データコラボレーション解析による生産性向上を目指した次世代人工知能技術の研究開発 2018-08 -- 2023-03 SAKURAI Tetsuya New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO)/Project to Realize a Smart Society through the Application of Artificial Intelligence Technology 24,000,000Yen 非線形非負行列分解を用いたディープニューラルネットワーク計算手法の開発 2018-04 -- 2020-03 IMAKURA Akira Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST)/ACT-I(加速フェーズ) 26,000,000Yen Development of eigenvalue analysis methods using a quadrature-type eigensolver with nonlinear transformations 2018-04 -- 2021-03 Tetsuya Sakurai Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) 900,000Yen Development of error resilience technology for complex moment-based parallel eigensolvers 2017-04 -- 2021-03 Akira IMAKURA Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B) 4,030,000Yen more... - Career history
2019-01 -- (current) University of TsukubaFaculty of Engineering, Information and SystemsAssociate Professor 2013-04 -- 2018-12 University of TsukubaFaculty of Engineering, Information and SystemsAssistant Professor 2011-04 -- 2013-03 University of TsukubaCenter for Computational SciencesResearch Fellow - Academic background
2008-04 -- 2011-03 Nagoya University Graduate School of Engineering Department of Computational Science and Engineering 2006-04 -- 2008-03 Nagoya University Graduate School of Engineering Department of Computational Science and Engineering 2002-04 -- 2006-03 Nagoya University School of Engineering Department of Physical Science and Engineering - Degree
2011-03 Doctor of Engineering Nagoya University - Academic societies
2008-06 -- (current) The Japan Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics 2013-06 -- (current) Information Processing Society of Japan 2015-08 -- (current) SIAM 2023-04 -- (current) 日本医療情報学会 - Honors & Awards
2023-09 日本医療情報学会 第6回学術論文賞 2023-04 令和4年度システム情報系教育貢献賞 2021-01 PKAW2020 Best Student Paper Award 2018-11 筑波大学 若手教員奨励賞 2017-09 日本応用数理学会2017年度年会 最優秀ポスター賞 2017-06 日本応用数理学会 2017年研究部会連合発表会 優秀講演賞 2016-09 日本応用数理学会2016年度年会 最優秀ポスター賞 2013-12 今後のHPC(基盤技術と応用)に関するワークショップ 優秀講演賞 2013-05 日本応用数理学会 第9回 若手優秀講演賞(2012年度) 2011-09 平成23年度日本応用数理学会論文賞(応用部門) 2010-09 平成22年度日本応用数理学会論文賞(ノート部門) 2008-09 第3回 計算科学フロンティアフォーラム 分野別最優秀賞(アルゴリズム・CAE・一般) 2008-04 ALA2018 The first prize for the best presentation among young participants - Articles
- Block cross-interactive residual smoothing for Lanczos-type solvers for linear systems with multiple right-hand sides
Aihara Kensuke; Imakura Akira; Morikuni Keiichi
arXiv/arXiv:2412.19488 [math.NA]/pp.1-24, 2024-12-30 - Toward the Application of Differential Privacy to Data Collaboration
Yamashiro Hiromi; Omote Kazumasa; Imakura Akira; Sakur...
IEEE ACCESS/12/pp.63292-63301, 2024-04-01 - Estimation of conditional average treatment effects on distributed data: A privacy-preserving approach
Kawamata Yuji; Motai Ryoki; Okada Yukihiko; Imakura A...
arXiv, 2024-02 - Collaborative causal inference on distributed data
Kawamata Yuji; Motai Ryoki; Okada Yukihiko; Imakura A...
EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS/244, 2024-06 - Collaborative causal inference on distributed data
Imakura Akira
Expert Systems with Applications/244/p.123024, 2024-06 - A privacy-preserving technique to identify the useful content of documents owned by multiple institutes
Kagawa Rina; Imakura Akira; Matsubara Masaki
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2023-12 - Non-readily identifiable data collaboration analysis for multiple datasets including personal information
Imakura Akira; Sakurai Tetsuya; Okada Yukihiko; Fujii ...
INFORMATION FUSION/98, 2023-10 - Another use of SMOTE for interpretable data collaboration analysis
Imakura Akira; Kihira Masateru; Okada Yukihiko; Sakura...
EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS/228, 2023-10 - DC-SHAP Method for Consistent Explainability in Privacy-Preserving Distributed Machine Learning
Bogdanova Anna; Imakura Akira; Sakurai Tetsuya
Human-Centric Intelligent Systems/(3)/pp.197-230, 2023-07-06 - DC-COX: Data collaboration Cox proportional hazards model for privacy-preserving survival analysis on multiple parties
Imakura Akira; Tsunoda Ryoya; Kagawa Rina; Yamagata K...
JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL INFORMATICS/137, 2023-01 - FL と DC 解析における通信コストと精度の比較: 筑波大学附属病院とつくば市役所の統合データ解析を想定して
豊田明広; 内立元豪; 小島真之; 香川璃奈; 大山孝; 今倉暁; 櫻井鉄也; 岡田幸彦
第37回人工知能学会全国大会, 2023-06-06 - Data collaboration analysis in predicting diabetes from a small amount of health checkup data
Go Uchitachimoto; Noriyoshi Sukegawa; Masayuki Kojima; ...
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS/13(1), 2023-07 - Image Data Recoverability against Data Collaboration and its Countermeasure
Yamazoe Takaya; Yamashiro Hiromi; Imakura Akira; Omote K...
In: Su, C., Sakurai, K. (eds) Science of Cyber Security - SciSec 2022 Workshops. SciSec 2022. Communications in Computer and Information Science, 2023-01 - Consistent MDT-Tucker: A Hankel Structure Constrained Tucker Decomposition in Delay Embedded Space
Yamamoto Ryuki; Hontani Hidekata; Imakura Akira; Yokota ...
In: Proceedings of 2022 APSIPA Annual Summit and Conference/pp.137-142, 2022 - Achieving Transparency in Distributed Machine Learning with Explainable Data Collaboration
Bogdanova Anna; Imakura Akira; Sakurai Tetsuya; Fujii To...
In: Proceedings of Principle and practice of data and Knowledge Acquisition Workshop 2022 (PKAW 2022), 2022-03 - Application of data collaboration analysis to distributed data with misaligned features
Mizoguchi Akihiro; Imakura Akira; sakurai tetsuya
Informatics in Medicine Unlocked/32/p.101013, 2022-07 - Complex moment-based eigensolver coupled with two Krylov subspaces
Imakura Akira; Sakurai Tetsuya
JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS/432/p.115283, 2023-04 - A Study of the Privacy Perspective on Principal Component Analysis via a Realistic Attack Model
Hiromi Yamashiro; Kazumasa Omote; Akira Imakura; Tetsuya ...
Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security (CIS 2022), 2022-12 - Verified eigenvalue and eigenvector computations using complex moments and the Rayleigh-Ritz procedure for generalized Hermitian eigenvalue problems
Akira Imakura; Keiichi Morikuni; Akitoshi Takayasu
JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS/424, 2023-05 - DC-COX: data collaboration Cox proportional hazards model for privacy-preserving survival analysis on multiple parties
Imakura Akira; Tsunoda Ryoya; Kagawa Rina; Yamagata Kuni...
Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 2022-12 - Complex moment-based methods for differential eigenvalue problems
Imakura Akira; Morikuni Keiichi; Takayasu Akitoshi
NUMERICAL ALGORITHMS/92(1:SI)/pp.693-721, 2023-01 - Fast Algorithm for Low-rank Tensor Completion in Delay-embedded Space
Yamamoto Ryuki; Hontani Hidekata; Imakura Akira; Yokota ...
2022 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2022-06 - Flexible subspace iteration with moments for an effective contour integration-based eigensolver
Huber Sarah; Futamura Yasunori; Galgon Martin; Imakura A...
NUMERICAL LINEAR ALGEBRA WITH APPLICATIONS/29(6), 2022-04 - Cross-interactive residual smoothing for global and block Lanczos-type solvers for linear systems with multiple right-hand sides
Aihara Kensuke; Imakura Akira; Morikuni Keiichi
SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications/43(3)/pp.1308-1330, 2022-06 - Divide-and-conquer based Large-Scale Spectral Clustering
Li Hongmin; Ye Xiucai; Imakura Akira; Sakurai Tetsuya
NEUROCOMPUTING/501/pp.664-678, 2022-08 - more...
- Block cross-interactive residual smoothing for Lanczos-type solvers for linear systems with multiple right-hand sides
- Books
- Alternating Optimization Method Based on Nonnegative Matrix Factorizations for Deep Neural Networks
Sakurai Tetsuya; Imakura Akira; Inoue Yuto; Futamura ...
- Alternating Optimization Method Based on Nonnegative Matrix Factorizations for Deep Neural Networks
- Conference, etc.
- Analysis for the residual gap of block Lanczos-type solvers and its improvement by cross-interactive residual smoothing
Aihara Kensuke; Imakura Akira; MORIKUNI Keiichi
Fundamental Forum, Chengdu, China/2025-02-24--2025-02-24 - Verified computation using complex moments for Mathieu and Schrödinger eigenvalue problems
Akira Imakura; Keiichi Morikuni; Akitoshi Takayasu
Nagoya International Workshop on Numerical Analysis 2024, Nagoya, Japan/2024-10-11--2024-10-11 - 相互作用型残差スムージングにおける近似解ノルムの影響について
相原 研輔; 今倉 暁; 保國 惠一
日本応用数理学会 第20回研究部会連合発表会, 長岡/2024-03-05--2024-03-05 - Cross-interactive residual smoothing for reducing the residual gap of block Lanczos-type iterative methods
Aihara Kensuke; Imakura Akira; Morikuni Keiichi
The 17th SIAM East Asian Section Conference (EASIAM2024), Macao, China/2024-06-30--2024-06-30 - A projection method for singular eigenvalue problems of linear matrix pencils
Morikuni Keiichi; Imakura Akira
10th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM2023)/2023-08-20--2023-08-25 - Explainability and Fairness of Distributed Data Analysis
Kawamata Yuji; Motai Ryoki; Okada Yukihiko; Imakura A...
10th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM2023)/2023-08-20--2023-08-25 - Explainability and Fairness of Distributed Data Analysis
Bogdanova Anna; Imakura Akira; Sakurai Tetsuya
10th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM2023)/2023-08-20--2023-08-25 - Data Collaboration Cox Proportional Hazards Model for Privacy-preserving Survival Analysi
Imakura Akira; Tsunoda Ryoya; Kagawa Rina; Yamagata K...
10th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM2023)/2023-08-20--2023-08-25 - Distributed data analysis through data collaboration technique
sakurai tetsuya; Imakura Akira; Futamura yasunori
SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing (PP24)/2024-03-05--2024-03-08 - Recent progress in complex moment-based eigenvalue solvers
Imakura Akira; sakurai tetsuya; Futamura yasunori
SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing (PP24)/2024-03-05--2024-03-08 - A privacy-preserving technique to identify the useful content of documents owned by multiple institutes
Kagawa Rina; Imakura Akira; Matsubara Masaki
the 25th International Conference on Asia-Pacific Digital Libraries/2023-12-06 - Cross-interactive residual smoothing for block Lanczos-type methods for solving linear systems with multiple right-hand sides
Kensuke Aihara; Akira Imakura; Keiichi Morikuni
Minisymposium on the Stability of Numerical Linear Algebra Algorithms, 10th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics/2023-08-24--2023-08-24 - A projection method for singular eigenvalue problems of linear matrix pencils
Morikuni Keiichi; Imakura Akira
Minisymposium on the Stability of Numerical Linear Algebra Algorithms, 10th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM23), Tokyo, Japan/2023-08-23--2023-08-23 - 微分作用素の固有値に対する複素モーメントを用いた精度保証付き数値計算
今倉 暁; 保國 惠一; 高安 亮紀
2023年並列/分散/協調処理に関するサマー・ワークショップ(SWoPP 2023), 第35回「行列・固有値問題の解法とその応用」研究部会 単独研究会, 函館/2023-08-03--2023-08-03 - FL と DC 解析における通信コストと精度の比較: 筑波大学附属病院とつくば市役所の統合データ解析を想定して
豊田明広; 内立元豪; 小島真之; 香川璃奈; 大山孝; 今倉暁; 櫻井鉄也; 岡田幸彦
第37回人工知能学会全国大会/2023-06-06--2023-06-09 - 自己共役な微分作用素の固有値に対する周回積分型精度保証付き数値解法
今倉 暁; 保國 惠一; 高安 亮紀
第49回数値解析シンポジウム, 岩手/2023-07-13--2023-07-13 - CGS系統のブロッククリロフ部分空間法の枠組み
今倉 暁; 相原 研輔; 保國 惠一
第49回数値解析シンポジウム, 岩手/2023-07-12--2023-07-12 - 無限次元固有値問題に対する複素モーメント型解法とその性能評価
今倉暁; 保國惠一; 高安 亮紀
日本応用数理学会「行列・固有値問題の解法とその応用」研究部会 第34回研究会/2022-12-06--2022-12-06 - 一般化エルミート固有値問題に対するRayleigh-Ritz版の周回積分型精度保証付き部分固有対計算
今倉暁; 保國惠一; 高安 亮紀
日本応用数理学会2022年度年会/2022-09-10--2022-09-10 - データコラボレーション解析手法に対する精度解析および生存時間分析への応用
今倉暁; 角田亮也; 香川 璃奈; 山縣邦弘; 櫻井鉄也
日本応用数理学会 2023年研究部会連合発表会/2023-03-10 - 複数機関が分散保持するデータに対するデータコラボレーション生存時間分析
今倉暁; 角田亮也; 香川 璃奈; 山縣邦弘; 櫻井鉄也
日本応用数理学会 「行列・固有値問題の解法とその応用」研究部会 第34回単独研究会/2022-12-16 - Collaborative Future Selection for Distributed Data
Ye Xiucai; Imakura Akira; Sakurai Tetsuya
SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE23)/2023-02-26--2023-03-03 - Cost-Efficient Integrated Analysis of Distributed Data in Secure Environments
Sakurai Tetsuya; Imakura Akira; Ye Xiucai; Bogdanova Ann...
SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE23)/2023-02-26--2023-03-03 - ブロックLanczos型反復法の精度改善に向けた相互作用型残差スムージング
相原 研輔; 今倉 暁; 保國 惠一
日本応用数理学会 第19回研究部会連合発表会, 岡山(ハイブリッド)/2023-03-08--2023-03-10 - 後退安定な直交化を用いたブロックLanczos解法の残差ギャップについて
相原 研輔; 今倉 暁; 保國 惠一
日本応用数理学会「行列・固有値問題の解法とその応用」研究部会第34回単独研究会, オンライン/2022-12-06--2022-12-06 - more...
- Analysis for the residual gap of block Lanczos-type solvers and its improvement by cross-interactive residual smoothing
- Intellectural property rights
- 分散データ統合装置、分散データ統合解析装置、分散データ統合方法、及びプログラム
今倉 暁; sakurai tetsuya - 端末、データ処理装置、端末制御プログラム、データ処理プログラム、端末制御方法及びデータ処理方法
今倉暁; 櫻井鉄也; 岡田 幸彦; 藤井智也; 坂元哲平 - 分散データ処理装置、端末、分散データ処理プログラム、端末制御プロ グラム、分散データ処理方法及び端末制御方法
今倉暁; 櫻井 鉄也; 稲葉弘明; 岡田幸彦 - 分散データ統合装置、分散データ統合方法及び分散データ統合プログラム
今倉 暁; 櫻井 鉄也 - 特徴量選択支援装置、特徴量選択支援プログラム及び特徴量選択支援方法
今倉 暁; 叶 秀彩; 櫻井 鉄也
- 分散データ統合装置、分散データ統合解析装置、分散データ統合方法、及びプログラム
- Teaching
2024-10 -- 2025-02 Computer Science Seminar Af University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Special Research in Humanics IIIa University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Computer Science Seminar Bf University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Research in Computer Science Is University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Research in Computer Science IIf University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Special Seminars in Humanics IIIb University of Tsukuba. 2024-07 -- 2024-08 Introduction to Information Science:Computation University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Computer Science Seminar B University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Computer Science Seminar B University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Research in Computer Science D University of Tsukuba. more... - Professional activities
2016-04 -- (current) 日本応用数理学会 「行列・固有値問題の解法とその応用」研究部会 運営委員 2021-04 -- (current) 日本応用数理学会 JSIAM Letters 編集委員 2013-04 -- (current) The Japan Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics 「産業における応用数理」研究部会 運営委員 2020-04 -- 2024-03 情報処理学会 ハイパフォーマンス・コンピューティング研究会 運営委員 2016-04 -- 2022-03 日本応用数理学会 「行列・固有値問題の解法とその応用」研究部会 幹事 2019-04 -- 2021-03 The Japan Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (JSIAM) 「行列・固有値問題の解法とその応用」研究部会 主査 2014-04 -- 2021-03 The Japan Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics JSIAM Letters 幹事編集委員 2012-08 -- 2019-03 The Japan Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics 研究部会 若手の会 運営委員 2012-04 -- 2015-03 The Japan Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics 学会誌「応用数理」編集委員
(Last updated: 2024-10-30)