- Articles
- Efficient Computation of Weil Pairing over Supersingular Elliptic Curve and Its Evaluation
田中和磨; 照屋唯紀; 金山直樹; 西出 隆志; 岡本栄司
IEICE technical report. Information and communication system security/114(340)/pp.31-36, 2014-11 - 偏光板カードを用いた暗号プロトコル
品川和雅; 金山直樹; 縫田光司; 西出 隆志; 岡本栄司
コンピュータセキュリティシンポジウム(CSS), 2014-10 - A Privacy-enhanced Access Log Management Mechanism in SSO Systems from Nominative Signatures
Sanami Nakagawa; Keita Emura; Goichiro Hanaoka; Akihisa Saka...
Proceeding of TrustCom 2014/pp.565-574, 2014-09 - Accelerating Bit-wise Calculation in Multi-party Computation by Partially Using Small Prime
加藤 遼; 西出 隆志; 吉浦 裕
IPSJ Journal/55(9)/pp.1971-1991, 2014-09 - Logic circuit using siphons
品川 和雅; 西出 隆志; 岡本 栄司
情報科学技術フォーラム講演論文集/13(1)/pp.81-84, 2014-08 - Anonymous Encryption with Partial-order Subset Delegation and Its Application in Privacy Email Systems
Mingwu Zhang; Nishide Takashi; Bo Yang; Tsuyoshi Takagi
IET Information Security/8(4)/pp.240-249, 2014-07 - Fine-Grained Access Control Aware Multi-User Data Sharing with Secure Keyword Search
Zhao Fangming; Nishide Takashi; Sakurai Kouichi
IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION AND SYSTEMS/E97D(7)/pp.1790-1803, 2014-07 - Fail-Stop Signatures for Multi-Signer Setting and Their Applications
北島暢曜; 矢内直人; 西出 隆志; 岸本 渡; 花岡悟一郎; 岡本 栄司
Information Theory and its Applications/pp.140-145, 2013-11 - Character-based Symmetric Searchable Encryption and Its Implementation and Experiment on Mobile Devices
Takanori Suga; Nishide Takashi; Kouichi Sakurai
Wiley Security and Communication Networks/9(12:::SI)/pp.1717-1725, 2013-09 - A Note on a Construction of Gateway Threshold Password-based Authenticated Key Exchange
小林佑行; 矢内直人; 西出隆志; 岡本 栄司
Technical report of IEICE. ISEC/113(135)/pp.247-254, 2013-07
- Efficient Computation of Weil Pairing over Supersingular Elliptic Curve and Its Evaluation