OKA Mizuki
- Articles
- Life as an emergent phenomenon: studies from a large-scale boid simulation and web data
Ikegami Takashi; Mototake Yoh-ichi; Kobori Shintaro; O...
PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY A-MATHEMATICAL PHYSICAL AND ENGINEERING SCIENCES/375(2109), 2017-12 - A Sensorimotor Signature of the Transition to Conscious Social Perception: Co-regulation of Active and Passive Touch
Kojima Hiroki; Froese Tom; Oka Mizuki; Iizuka Hiroyuk...
FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY/8/p.1778, 2017-10 - Web System as a Living System
池上 高志; 岡 瑞起; 橋本 康弘
Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence/30(6)/pp.811-819, 2015 - マッシブデータフロー : 人と環境と人工システムが作り出す複雑さ(オーガナイズドセッション,<特集>2015年度人工知能学会全国大会(第29回))
池上 高志; 岡 瑞起
journal of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence/30(6)/p.772, 2015-11 - Editors' Introduction to "Massive Data Flow : Understanding the Complexity of Natural and Artificial Systems"
池上 高志; 岡 瑞起; 栗原 聡
journal of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence/30(6)/pp.815-816, 2015-11 - 24pAJ-7 Modeling Social Network Dynamics Using Hakes Process
岡 瑞起; 伊原 頌二; 池上 高志
日本物理学会講演概要集/70(1)/p.3217, 2015-03 - Modeling and Analysis of Tag Co-occurrence Dynamics Using Yule-Simon process
佐藤 晃矢; 岡 瑞起; 橋本 康弘; 加藤 和彦
Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence/30(5)/pp.667-674, 2015 - Dynamic homeostasis in packet switching networks
Oka Mizuki; Abe Hirotake; Ikegami Takashi
ADAPTIVE BEHAVIOR/23(1)/pp.50-63, 2015-02 - OpenCourseWare at University of Tsukuba
岡 瑞起; 長谷部 浩二; 加藤 和彦
工学教育研究講演会講演論文集/25(61)/pp.280-281, 2013-08
- Life as an emergent phenomenon: studies from a large-scale boid simulation and web data