Mitabe Isamu

Researcher's full information

2022-04 -- 2022-06Curriculum and the Course of StudyUniversity of Tsukuba.
2022-10 -- 2022-12Theory and Field Study in Physical Education IIUniversity of Tsukuba.
2022-10 -- 2022-12Career Development with Sport IIIUniversity of Tsukuba.
2022-04 -- 2022-07Practice of School Physical EducationUniversity of Tsukuba.
2023-01 -- 2023-02Introduction to Teaching Method for Health and Physical Education IIUniversity of Tsukuba.
2022-04 -- 2022-07Theory and Field Study in Physical Education IUniversity of Tsukuba.
2022-04 -- 2022-07学校体育実技体育専門学群
2022-04 -- 2022-07体育授業観察・分析法演習体育専門学群
2022-04 -- 2022-08保健体育科教員養成演習体育専門学群
2022-04 -- 2022-07体育理論実習Ⅰ体育専門学群