Researcher's full information

2019-10 -- (current)教育の法と制度筑波大学教職科目
2020-04 -- (current)Research Methods in Education AUniversity of Tsukuba, School of Human Sciences, College of Education
2020-04 -- (current)比較教育文化論筑波大学人間学群教育学類
2022-04 -- (current)比較教育文化論演習筑波大学人間学群教育学類
2020-04 -- (current)Advanced lecture on Comparative and International EducationUniversity of Tsukuba, Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences, Master's Program in Education Sciences
2020-04 -- (current)Seminar on Comparative and International EducationUniversity of Tsukuba.
2020-10 -- (current)Theory of International and Multicultural EducationUniversity of Tsukuba Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences Master's Program in Education (International Education)
2020-04 -- (current)Study on Educational TheoryUniversity of Tsukuba.
2020-04 -- (current)Education in Japan: Principles, Policies and Practice筑波大学人間総合科学学術院教育学学位プログラム国際教育サブプログラム
2020-04 -- (current)Methodology on Comparative and International Education IUniversity of Tsukuba.