ISOBE Takanori
- Refereed academic journal/Refereed international conference paper
- Efficiency Improvement of High Frequency Inverter for Wireless Power Transfer System Using Series Compensator
大澤 順; 磯部 高範; 只野 博
IEEJ Transactions on Industry Applications/138(10)/pp.800-809, 2018-10 - Capacitance Reduction of Pulse Voltage Generator by Using Series Voltage Compensator
髙橋 勇紀; 飯嶋 竜司; 磯部 高範; 只野 博; 山﨑 長治; 長谷川 智宏
IEEJ Transactions on Industry Applications/138(9)/pp.747-755, 2018-09 - A Meta-Parameterized Approach for the Evaluation of Semiconductor Technologies
Barrera-Cardenas Rene; Isobe Takanori; Molinas Marta
IEEJ Journal of Industry Applications/7(3)/pp.210-217, 2018 - Loss analysis of quasi Z-source inverter with Superjunction-MOSFET
Kamoshida Naoki; Iijima Ryuji; Isobe Takanori; Tadano Hi...
ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING IN JAPAN/205(2)/pp.54-61, 2018-11 - Loss Analysis of Quasi Z-source Inverter with Superjunction-MOSFET
鴨志田 直樹; 飯嶋 竜司; 磯部 高範; 只野 博
IEEJ Transactions on Industry Applications/138(5)/pp.463-470, 2018 - A Dead-Time-Controlled Gate Driver Using Current-Sense FET Integrated in SiC MOSFET
Niwa Akimasa; Imazawa Takanori; Kojima Ryota; Yamamoto M...
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS/33(4)/pp.3258-3267, 2018-04 - Design Study on High-Frequency Magnets for Magnetic Hyperthermia Applications
Nomura Shinichi; Isobe Takanori
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON APPLIED SUPERCONDUCTIVITY/28(3), 2018-04 - Eliminating Body-diode Conduction of Z-source Inverter Using SiC-MOSFET by Short-through Operation
飯嶋 竜司; 磯部 高範; 只野 博
IEEJ Transactions on Industry Applications/138(3)/pp.250-256, 2018-03 - Experimental Investigation on Reducing Reverse Recovery Loss of SiC-MOSFET
丹羽 章雅; 小島 領太; 木村 友則; 笹谷 卓也; 磯部 高範; 只野 博
IEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems/137(2)/pp.208-215, 2017 - Dead Time Control Circuit using the Current Sensor of SiC-MOSFET
丹羽 章雅; 今澤 孝則; 木村 友則; 笹谷 卓也; 磯部 高範; 只野 博
IEEJ Transactions on Industry Applications/136(2)/pp.145-151, 2016-02 - Full-bridge reactive power compensator with minimized-equipped capacitor and its application to static var compensator
Isobe Takanori; Daisuke Shiojima; Kyohei Kato; Yoel Raul Ros...
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics/31(1)/pp.224-234, 2016-01 - Transformer-Less Series Reactive/Harmonic Compensation of Line-Commutated HVDC for Offshore Wind Power Integration
Muhammad Jafar; Marta Molinas; Takanori Isobe; Ryuichi Shimada
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery/29(1)/pp.353-361, 2014-02 - Soft-Switching Single-Phase Grid-Connecting Converter Using DCM Operation and a Turn-Off Snubber Capacitor
Isobe Takanori; Kyohei Kato; Naoto Kojima; Ryuichi Shimada
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics/29(6)/pp.2922-2930, 2014-06 - Offshore-Wind-Farm Configuration Using Diode Rectifier With MERS in Current Link Topology
Takayuki Kawaguchi; Tsukasa Sakazaki; Takanori Isobe; Ryuich...
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS/60(7)/pp.2930-2937, 2013-07 - A soft-switching bidirectional AC/DC converter with MERS turn-off snubber circuit and discontinuous current mode
磯部 高範; 加藤 恭平; 小島 直人; 嶋田 隆一
IEEJ Transactions on Industry Applications/133(12)/pp.1104-1111, 2013-12
- Efficiency Improvement of High Frequency Inverter for Wireless Power Transfer System Using Series Compensator