Institute of Human Sciences
Official title
Associate Professor
Research fields
Special needs education
Research keywords
education for visually impaired, support system for children with low-incidence disabilities in local mainstream schools
Research projects
Inclusive graphicacy tools and techniques for promoting access to STEM education for students with visual impairment-comparison among Europe, North America and Asia2023-10 -- 2028-03Hisae MIYAUCHIJapan Society for the Promotion of Science KAKENHI/Fund for the Promotion of Joint International Research (International Collaborative Research)21,060,000Yen
Clarifying support system that reflect factors needed in supporting inclusive education for children with low incidence disabilities2023-04 -- 2027-03Hisae MIYAUCHIJapan Society of for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C)4,810,000Yen
Supporting general education classrooms to become more inclusive: inventing a checklist2018-04 -- 2022-03H. MIYAUCHIJapan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists3,640,000Yen
Factors in building support system; system that is built on expertise of education of visual impairment2014-08 -- 2016-03H. MIYAUCHIJapan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists(B)2,730,000Yen
Historical research on the support system for children with visual impairement in inclusive settings2011-08 -- 2013-03H. MIYAUCHIJapan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Research Activity start-up2,860,000Yen
Educational needs of children with visual impairment and their support2006-04 -- 2008-08H. MIYAUCHIJapan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows2,800,000Yen
Career history
2021-05 -- (current)University of TsukubaFaculty of Human SciencesAssociate Professor
2014-04 -- 2021-04University of TsukubaComprehensive Human SciencesAssistant Professor
2011-04 -- 2014-03Ibaraki Christian UniversityDepartment of EducationAssistant Professor
2008-09 -- 2009-08Hyogo University of Teacher EducationDepartment of Clinical Psychology, Health and EducationAssistant Professor
2007-04 -- 2011-03University of TsukubaAcupuncture and Physical Therapy Teacher Training SchoolPart time lecturer
2006-04 -- 2008-08University of TsukubaDepartment of Comprehensive Human SciencesJapan Society for the Promotion of Science Research Fellow (DC1)
2003-07学士University of Tsukuba
2007-03MA (Disability Sciences)University of Tsukuba
2013-10Ph.D. (Disability Sciences)University of Tsukuba
Academic societies
2018-01 -- 2021-12Council for Exceptional Children, Full member
2018-01 -- 2021-12History of Education Society会員
2006-06 -- (current)Association of Disability Sciences, Japan
2003-09 -- (current)Japanese Association of Education for Low vision (Nihon Jyakushikyouiku Kenkyukai)
Honors & Awards
2018-04Faculty of Human Sciences-Good Teacher Award
2013-03Best Paper Award, 2012 Association of Disability Sciences
  • Disability in China and Japan (Behinderung in China und Japan)By S.Degenhardt, W.Gewinn, H.Miyauchi & Y.Zhang
    Miyauchi Hisae
    (Disability. Cultural Studies Handbook)/J.B. Metzler publishing house, 2020-11
  • Chapt1-4 Current condition of visual impairment in other countries (in Japanese)
    宮内 久絵
    Instructions on sports for people with visual impairment/筑波大学出版会, 2021
  • Chapter5―7 History of Special School-Education for students with visual impairment (in Japanese)
    宮内 久絵
    History of Japanese Special Education-Postwar (in Japanese)/明石書店/pp.614-629, 2019-12
  • Chapter6-2 history of special classes in Japan: special classes for low vision
    宮内 久絵
    History of Japanese Special Education-Postwar (in Japanese)/明石書店/pp.715-726, 2019-12
  • Question 97: the situation of education for the visually impaired in other countries
    宮内 久絵
    Education for the Visually Impaired Q&A/ジアース教育新社/pp.240-241, 2018-10
  • Chap. 4 World report on support for students with disabilities: case in England
    宮内久絵; ハーディング ジョン
    よくわかる!大学における障害学生支援〜こんなときどうする〜/ジアース教育新社/pp.244-248, 2018-06
  • Idea and policy behind Special Needs Education
    Special Needs Education in Japan/ミネルヴァ書房/pp.3-15, 2018-03
  • Inclusion in Japan
    Miyauchi Hisae
    Inclusion in Japan(Schulische Inklusion in Japan)/Bad Heilbrunn/pp.179-188, 2018-03
  • 障害者権利擁護運動事典(分担翻訳)
    宮内 久絵
    障害者権利擁護運動事典, 2015-05
  • 第8章視覚障害教育,第14章世界におけるインクルーシブ教育の動向と課題 (岡典子・宮内久絵)
    宮内 久絵
    特別支援教育基礎論/p.112-130;204-220, 2015
  • 第11章キャリア教育・進路指導
    宮内 久絵
    視覚障害教育入門/ジアース教育新社, 2012
  • イギリス特別なニーズ教育の新たな視点-2005年ウォーノック論文とその後の反響
    M.ウォーノック・B.ノーウィッチ著(宮内 久絵・青柳まゆみ・鳥山由子監修)
    ジアース教育新社, 2012
  • 第1章慈善的教育事業としての出発から特殊教育の成立まで (宮内久絵・岡典子)
    宮内 久絵
    特別支援教育を創造するための教育学/明石書店, 2009
Conference, etc.
  • 視覚障害者の早期就労支援のための実態調査(2)就労継続者と転職・離職者の実態
    吉泉豊晴; 中野泰志; 宮内 久絵
    The Japanese Association of Psychology for Human Services the 22nd conference/2024-12-22--2024-12-22
  • 視覚障害者の早期就労支援のための実態調査(1)中途視覚障害者の生活・就労状況と受傷後に受けた支援・サービス
    中野泰志; 吉泉豊晴; 宮内 久絵
    The Japanese Association of Psychology for Human Services the 22nd conference/2024-12-22--2024-12-22
  • The importance of early support and holistic support system for children and people with visual impairment in regards to their health and wellbeing
    中野泰志; 柏倉秀克; 吉泉豊晴; 宮内 久絵
    The Japanese Association of Psychology for Human Services the 22nd conference/2024-12-21--2024-12-22
  • Exploring Tactile Skill Development Through Play: A Cross-Cultural Comparison of Toys and Games in Asia, Europe, and North America
    Miyauchi Hisae; Herzberg T; Thamburaj R.; Schutt M.
    The 2024 Association for Education and Rehabilitation (AER) International Conference/2024-07-24--2024-07-28
  • Exploring traits and challenges of acquring ECC skills among students with visual impairment in Japanese context
    宮内 久絵
  • 視覚特別支援学校理療か在籍者の視覚障害関連QOLとソーシャル・キャピタルとの関係
    松田えりか; 宮内 久絵
  • Inclusive education in England and partnerships between education, medicine and welfare-from a QTVI perspective (特別講演2)
    Hannah Burnely; Hayley Cooper; 宮内 久絵; 不二門尚
  • Factors associated with posttraumatic growth in middle-aged adults with acquired visual impairment
    Erika Matsuda; Miyauchi Hisae
    VISION 2023 (Denver, USA)/2023-7-24--2023-7-27
  • the relation between social capital and PTG among students learning in schools for the blind
    松田えりか; 宮内 久絵
  • 職業的自立を目指す視覚障害者のソーシャル・キャピタルとコミュニケーションスキルとの関連―視覚特別支援学校在籍者に対するアンケート調査から―
    松田えりか; 宮内 久絵
  • Inclusive education for Students who are blind or with visual impairment-from Japanese perspective
    Miyauchi Hisae
    University of Tsukuba Disability Sciences Program & The Ohio State University College of Education & Human Ecology International Mini-Conference/2023-03-09--2023-03-09
  • 中途視覚障害者の就労に必要な要素と視覚特別支援学校の 取組の特徴
    松田えりか; 宮内 久絵
  • インクルーシブ社会を実現するための人材開発:ポスト・コロナ時代に大学が果たせる役割とは
    Yoshiyuki Kawano; Noelle Arnold; Megumi Umeda; Hisae Miy...
  • 【International Mini-Lecture】 Inclusive education and the role of special schools-introducing practices of Kansas State School for the Blind, U.S.
    Harding J.; Miyauchi Hisae
    The Japanese Association of Special Education, 59th Conference (On line)/2021-09-18--2021-09-20
  • 専門性の拠点としての視覚障害教育センターの役割と具体的方略―アメリカ合衆国中西部における事例を中心に―
    宮内 久絵
    The 58th Conference of the Japanese Association of Special Education/2020-09-19--2020-10-20
  • Quality inclusive education and support system for low incidence disabilities
    Miyauchi Hisae
    Sharing Perspectives of Special Education: A conversation of research in both the US and Japan, Ohio State University/2019-9-28--2019-9-28
  • Disability and Japan
    Miyauchi Hisae
    IJS Lecture Series, The Ohio State University, East Asian Studies Center/2020-01-09--2020-01-09
  • Investigating the Significance of Space in Education for Children with Low Vision in Mid-20th Century Japan
    Miyauchi Hisae
    History of Education Society 59th Annual Conference/2019-10-31--2019-11-03
  • 米国における知的障害を併せ有する視覚障害児の指導-実態把握と多職種連携に焦点を当てて-
    宮内 久絵; 米田 宏樹
  • Similar Approaches, Different Outcomes in Integration of Blind Children-Historical comparison of England and Japan-
    Miyauchi Hisae
    History of Education Society, 58th Annual Meeting/2018-10-31--2018-11-04
  • History of special classes for partially sighted students in the post-war Japan
    Miyauchi Hisae
    VISION 12th International Conference/2017-06-28--2017-06-28
  • 筑波大学における弱視学生のアセスメントに基づく修学支援について
    森 まゆ; 宮内 久絵; 佐島 毅; 柿澤 敏文; 小林 秀之
  • Roles and the qualities needed in itinerant teacher for the visualy impaired in inclusive educational settings: perspectives of the QTVI in Oldham, England
    宮内 久絵
    National Conference of Education for the Partially Sighted, Japan/2017-01-19--2017-01-20
  • Historical research on the England's process of building the support system for the visually impaired in the mainstream settings
    宮内 久絵
    Japanese Association of Special Education, National conference/2016-09-17--2016-09-18
  • オーストラリアの大学における教育及び研究の本質に関する規定調査ーInherent Requirementsを中心にー
    佐々木 銀河; 田原 敬; 五味 洋一; 青木 真純; 宮内 久絵; 岡崎 慎治; 野呂 文行; 竹田 一則
  • more...
2024-10 -- 2025-02Research Investigation on Visual Impairment and Blindness IUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-04 -- 2024-08Research Investigation on Visual Impairment and Blindness IUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2025-02Research Investigation on Visual Impairment and Blindness IIUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-04 -- 2024-08Research Investigation on Visual Impairment and Blindness IIUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2024-12Introduction to Inclusive Smart SocietyⅠUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2025-02Research Investigation on Visual Impairment and Blindness IIIUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-04 -- 2024-08Research Investigation on Visual Impairment and Blindness IIIUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2025-02Research Investigation on Visual Impairment and Blindness IUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-04 -- 2024-08Research Investigation on Visual Impairment and Blindness IUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2024-12Introduction to Disabilities Sciences IIUniversity of Tsukuba.
  • 眼科からはじまる社会参加への道しるべ:英国の取り組みから考えるフォーラム
    吉泉豊晴; 平塚義宗; 宮内 久絵; ファシリテーター:中野泰志; コメンテーター:竹下義樹
  • Inclusive education in Europe and the United States and the points to consider in realizing quality inclusion for students with visual impairment
    宮内 久絵
    National Fall Conference For School for the Blind Principals/2023-10-19--2023-10-20
  • 視覚障害教育におけるインクルーシブ教育の現状と課題ー海外と日本の現状との比較からー
    宮内 久絵
  • 視覚障害教育の専門性とは何かー海外の最近の研究動向から考える
    宮内 久絵
  • Role of schools for the blind in the era of inclusion
    宮内 久絵
    Teacher training for Yamanashi Prefecutre School for the Blind/2021-08-23--2021-08-23
  • Role of schools for the blind and the importance of subject content expertise-from observing schools for the blind in the United States0
    宮内 久絵
  • インクルーシブ教育時代における視覚障害教育の専門性と盲学校の役割―米国視覚特別支援学校4校の視察調査を中心に―
    宮内 久絵
  • インクルーシブ教育時代における盲学校の役割―アメリカの盲学校視察調査から見えてきたもの
    宮内 久絵
  • Disability and Japan
    Miyauchi Hisae
    IJS Lecture Series, The Ohio State University East Asian Studies Center/2020-01-09--2020-01-09
  • Quality inclusive education and support system for low incidence disabilities
    Miyauchi Hisae
    Sharing Perspectives of Special Education: A conversation of research in both the US and Japan @ Columbus, Ohio State University/2019-09-30--2019-09-30
  • Inclusive Education in Japan and the Challenges
    Miyauchi Hisae
    Study Day @ University of Hamburg/2019-01-18--2019-01-18
  • Development of inclusive education systems
    Miyauchi Hisae
    Research Colloquium/2019-01-16--2019-01-16
  • 海外視察報告:ドイツ南部の盲学校における逆統合教育プログラムから考える視覚障害教育の魅力
    宮内 久絵
  • Educational inclusion in Japan
    Miyauchi Hisae
    special lecture in the lecture series on "inclusive schooling from an international perspective" at University of Munchen/2016-11-22--2016-11-22
  • 諸外国との比較からみる日本の視覚障害教育―イギリスを中心に-
    宮内 久絵
  • イギリスのSEN教育の現状と課題
    宮内 久絵
    文部科学省特別支援教育課 勉強会/2016-03-22--2016-03-22
  • ドイツの視覚障害教育から学ぶこと―盲学校を核とした視覚障害教育
    宮内 久絵
  • 英国の制度
    宮内 久絵
Professional activities
2022-04 -- (current)Institute for Human Rehabilitation(International Journal for Education/Rehabilitation and Psychosocial Research)Editorial Board
2021-04 -- (current)Japanese Council for Education of children with Low VisionManaging Director
2014-04 -- (current)Japanese Journal of Disability Sciences査読委員
University Management
2023-04 -- (current)【全学】研究戦略室室員
2020-04 -- (current)UT Higher Education Design Committeemember
2020-04 -- (current)【全学】 ダイバーシティ・アクセシビリティ・キャリアセンター教育関係共同利用運営委員会委員
2023-04 -- (current)【人間学群】広報委員会委員長
2020-04 -- (current)College of Disability Sciences Public Relations CommitteeChair
2016-04 -- (current)College of Disabilty Sciences study abroad committeemember
2023-04 -- (current)【障害科学学位P】戦略企画・調査室室員
2023-04 -- (current)【障害科学学位P】入試委員会副委員長
2016-04 -- (current)MA&PhD Program International/Regional Relation CommitteeChair
2020-04 -- 2023-03UT International Strategy Council Committeemember
Other activities
2024-12 -- 2025-03Member of the "Exchange of Views Meeting on the Future of Teaching Practices to Enhance Reiwa Era Educational Reform and Inclusive Education Systems," Special Needs Education Division, Elementary and Secondary Education Bureau, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT).
2024-04 -- (current)Project team on building effective linkwork/network for support towards people with visual impairment(Japan Federation of the Visually Impaired)
2023-04 -- 2024-03「視覚障害者の早期相談支援のためのリンクワーカー育成に係るガイドライン作成事業」検討委員会(社会福祉法人 日本視覚障害者団体連合) 委員
2022-11 -- (current)Board of Director, International Network of STEM for Blind and Low-Vision, Inc.( Columbus, Ohio, USA/ 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization)
2022-01 -- 2023-03「失明の可能性の告知を受けた人の早期相談支援体制の構築に向けた調査研究事業」検討委員会(社会福祉法人 日本視覚障害者団体連合) 委員

(Last updated: 2024-12-23)