Researcher's full information

Conference, etc.
  • hadronic interaction and beyond standard model from lattice gauge theory
    Yamazaki Takeshi
  • Light nuclei from 2+1 flavor lattice QCD
    Yamazaki Takeshi
    Hadrons and Hadron Interactions in QCD 2015/2015-02-15--2015-03-21
  • Light nuclei from lattice QCD
    Yamazaki Takeshi
    RIKEN BNL Research Center workshop "Multi-Hadron and Nonlocal Matrix Elements in Lattice QCD"/2015-02-05--2015-02-06
  • Light nuclei from lattice QCD
    Yamazaki Takeshi
    Advances and perspectives in computational nuclear physics/2014-10-05--2014-10-07
  • Hadronic Interactions
    Yamazaki Takeshi
    The 32nd International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (Lattice 2014)/2014-07-23--2014-07-28
  • Lattice study of flavor-singlet scalar in large Nf QCD
    Yasumichi Aoki; Tatsumi Aoyama; Masafumi Kurachi; Toshihide ...
    KMI International Symposium 2013/2013-12-11--2013-12-13
  • Light composite flavor-singlet scalar in large Nf QCD
    Yasumichi Aoki; Tatsumi Aoyama; Masafumi Kurachi; Toshihide ...
    Lattice Meets Experiment 2013/2013-12-05--2013-12-06
  • Nf=2+1 格子QCDによる軽い原子核の計算
    Yamazaki Takeshi
    HPCI 戦略プログラム分野 5「物質と宇宙の起源と構造」全体シンポジウム/2014-03-03--2014-03-05
  • Non-perturbative lattice study of 16-flavor QCD
    Yasumichi Aoki; Tatsumi Aoyama; Masafumi Kurachi; Toshihide ...
    Sakata Memorial KMI Mini-Workshop on "Strong Coupling Gauge Theories Beyond the Standard Model"/2014-03-05--2014-03-07
  • Light composite flavor-singlet scalar in large Nf QCD
    Yasumichi Aoki; Tatsumi Aoyama; Masafumi Kurachi; Toshihide ...
    Sakata Memorial KMI Mini-Workshop on "Strong Coupling Gauge Theories Beyond the Standard Model"/2014-03-05--2014-03-07
  • Light composite flavor-singlet scalar in large Nf QCD
    Yasumichi Aoki; Tatsumi Aoyama; Masafumi Kurachi; Toshihide ...
    JICFuS Mini-workshop on “Gauge theories with many flavors and related topics”/2014-03-10--2014-03-10
  • Composite flavor-singlet scalar in twelve-flavor QCD
    Yasumichi Aoki; Tatsumi Aoyama; Masafumi Kurachi; Toshihide ...
    the 31st International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory/2013-07-29--2013-08-03