Researcher's full information

Conference, etc.
  • mtDNA改変モデルマウス作出の試み
    石川 香
  • Fission-triggered mitochondrial quality control is essential to suppress expression of disease phenotypes due to pathogenic mtDNA mutation.
    Ishikawa Kaori
    The Cold Spring Harbor Asia conference on Mitochondria and Metabolism in Health and Disease/2021-11-15--2021-11-19
  • mtDNA改変モデルマウス作出の試み
    石川 香
  • 突然変異型MFN2の時期特異的発現調節による神経変性の病態比較
    石川 香
  • Generation and analysis of trans-mitochondrial mice carrying mtDNA with a point mutation in tRNALeu(UUR) gene.
    谷 春菜; Ishikawa Kaori; 林純一; 中田和人
    The 16th Conference of Asian Society for Mitochondrial Research and Medicine [ASMRM] and The 19th Conference of Japan Society for Mitochondrial Research and Medicine [J-mit]/2019-10-03--2019-10-05
  • Human neurodegenerative disease-like phenotypes induced by acquired expression of mutant MFN2 in mice.
    Ishikawa Kaori
    The 16th Conference of Asian Society for Mitochondrial Research and Medicine [ASMRM] and The 19th Conference of Japan Society for Mitochondrial Research and Medicine [J-mit]/2019-10-03--2019-10-05
  • 突然変異型MFN2の神経特異的な誘導性発現による病態の評価
    Ishikawa Kaori
    2019年度文部科学省新学術領域研究 学術研究支援基盤形成 先端モデル動物支援プラットフォーム成果発表会/2020-02-04--2020-02-05
  • Progressive neurodegeneration and abnormal behavior were caused by acquired expression of mutant Mitofusin 2 in neurons.
    Ishikawa Kaori
    The Cold Spring Harbor Asia conference on Mitochondria and Metabolism in Health and Disease/2019-11-11--2019-11-15
  • マウス培養細胞は組織よりも高い割合のミトコンドリアDNA突然変異を許容できる
    石川 香
  • Progressive neurodegeneration and abnormal behavior were caused by acquired expression of mutant Mitofusin 2 in neurons.
    Ishikawa Kaori
    The 41st Annual Meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan/2018-11-28--2018-11-30
  • The D210V mutation of Mfn2 in neurons induces different pathologies in severity depends on its expression timing
    Ishikawa Kaori
    Keystone Symposia -Mitochondrial Biology (Z1)-/2018-04-22--2018-04-26
  • The importance of Mfn2 in neuronal function from juvenile to adult phase
    Ishikawa Kaori
    The 1st International Mitochondria Meeting for Young Scientists/2018-04-20--2018-04-22
  • ミトコンドリア病の多様な病態発症機構の理解に向けたアプローチ~核-ミトコンドリア間クロストーク~
    石川 香
  • Novel function of mtDNA: its involvement in metastasis
    Ishikawa Kaori
    6th Conference of the Asian Society of Mitochondrial Research and Medicine/2009-10-30--2009-11-01
  • Phenotypes controlled by the mutation of mammalian mtDNA~Impacts of the mutation of non-nuclear genome~
    石川 香
    第38回日本分子生物学会年会 第88回日本生化学会大会 合同大会(BMB2015)/2016-12-01--2016-12-04
  • 神経におけるMfn2のD210V突然変異は発現時期によって重症度の異なる病態を引き起こす
    石川 香
  • The importance of mitochondrial fission in preventing disease phenotypes induced by a pathogenic mtDNA mutation
    石川 香
    13th Conference of the Asian Society of Mitochondrial Research and Medicine/2016-10-30--2016-11-01
  • mtDNAの突然変異は活性酸素産生を介してがん細胞の転移能を制御する
    石川 香
  • ROS-Generating Mitochondrial DNA Mutations Can Regulate Tumor Cell Metastasis
    Ishikawa Kaori
    The 7th European meeting on mitochondrial pathology (EUROMIT VII)/2008
  • ROS-generating mitochondrial DNA mutations can regulate tumor cell metastasis.
    Ishikawa Kaori
    The 31st Annual Meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan and The 81st Annual Meeting of the Japanese Biochemical Society Joint Meeting (BMB2008)/2008
  • Novel fuction of mtDNA: its involvement in metastasis
    Ishikawa Kaori
    The 6th Conference of the Asian Society of Mitochondrial Research and Medicine (ASMRM)/2009