- Articles
- The Psychological Inflexibility in Pain Scale (PIPS): Validity and Reliability of the Japanese Version for Chronic Low Back Pain and Knee Pain
Nagasawa Yasuhiro; Shibata Ai; Fukamachi Hanako; Ishii...
Journal of pain research/14/pp.325-332, 2021-04 - Working from Home After the COVID-19 Pandemic: Do Company Employees Sit More and Move Less?
Javad Koohsari Mohammad; Nakaya Tomoki; Shibata Ai; Is...
SUSTAINABILITY/13(2), 2021-01 - Sedentary Behavior, Physical Activity, And Baroreflex Sensitivity In Middle-aged And Older Adults
Mori Shoya; Kosaki Keisei; Matsui Masahiro; Takahashi Ka...
MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE/52(17::S)/pp.738-738, 2020-07 - Sedentary Behavior, Physical Activity And Bone Mineral Density In Ckd Patients: An Isotemporal Substitution Approach
Yoshioka Masaki; Kosaki Keisei; Matsui Masahiro; Takah...
MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE/52(17::S)/pp.455-455, 2020-07 - Walking-friendly built environments and objectively measured physical function in older adults
Koohsari Mohammad Javad; McCormack Gavin R.; Nakaya To...
JOURNAL OF SPORT AND HEALTH SCIENCE/9(6)/pp.651-656, 2020-12 - Workplace neighbourhood built environment and workers' physically-active and sedentary behaviour: a systematic review of observational studies
Lin Chien-Yu; Koohsari Mohammad Javad; Liao Yung; Ishi...
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BEHAVIORAL NUTRITION AND PHYSICAL ACTIVITY/17(1), 2020-12 - Dog ownership and adults' objectively-assessed sedentary behaviour and physical activity
Koohsari Mohammad Javad; Shibata Ai; Ishii Kaori; Kuro...
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS/10(1), 2020-10 - 地域在住高齢者における座りすぎの実態と健康影響
柴田 愛
Japan Society of Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences Conference Proceedings/70/pp.65_2-65_2, 2019 - 運動器疼痛を有する高齢者への認知行療法の応用
長澤 康弘; 柴田 愛; 岡 浩一朗
Journal of Japanese Society of Oriental Physiotherapy/44(2)/pp.17-25, 2019 - Associations between the traditional and novel neighbourhood built environment metrics and weight status among Canadian men and women
Nichani Vikram; Koohsari Mohammad Javad; Oka Koichiro; ...
CANADIAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH-REVUE CANADIENNE DE SANTE PUBLIQUE/Epub, 2020-07 - Sedentary behaviour, physical activity, and renal function in older adults: isotemporal substitution modelling
Kosaki Keisei; Tanahashi Koichiro; Matsui Masahiro; Akaza...
BMC Nephrology/21(1), 2020-06 - 時間運動学に基づくうつ予防のために最適な座位行動・身体活動パターンの解明
黒澤彩; 柴田 愛; 石井香織; 岡浩一朗
若手研究者のための健康科学研究助成成果報告書/34/pp.21-25, 2019-04 - 【アクティブシニアの造就~超高齢社会への貢献~】高齢者の座りすぎ、その実態、健康影響および是正対策.
岡浩一朗; 柴田 愛; 石井香織; 安永明智; 宮脇梨奈; 荒木邦子; Javad Koohsari
介護予防・健康づくり/6(1)/pp.5-9, 2019-06 - Associations of built environment attributes with bicycle use for transport.
Koohsari Mohammad Javad; Cole Rachel; Oka Koichiro; Shiba...
Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, 2019-04 - Local-Area Walkability and Socioeconomic Disparities of Cardiovascular Disease Mortality in Japan
Koohsari Mohammad Javad; Nakaya Tomoki; Hanibuchi Tomo...
Journal of the American Heart Association/9(12), 2020-06 - Environmental attributes and sedentary behaviours among Canadian adults
Koohsari Mohammad Javad; Oka Koichiro; Nakaya Tomoki; Shi...
Environmental Research Communications/2(5)/p.051002, 2020-05 - Accelerometer-Measured Diurnal Patterns of Sedentary Behavior among Japanese Workers: A Descriptive Epidemiological Study
Kurosawa Sayaka; Shibata Ai; Ishii Kaori; Javad Koohsa...
International journal of environmental research and public health/17(11), 2020-05 - Associations of eHealth Literacy with Obtaining Knowledge about Colorectal Cancer among Internet Users Accessing a Reputable Cancer Website: Internet-Based Survey Study
Mitsutake Seigo; Shibata Ai; Ishii Kaori; Miyawaki Ri...
International journal of environmental research and public health/17(9), 2020-05 - Clustering of Domain-Specific Sedentary Behaviors and Their Association With Physical Function Among Community-Dwelling Older Adults
Mitsutake Seigo; Shibata Ai; Ishii Kaori; Amagasa Shi...
Journal of physical activity & health/pp.1-6, 2020-05 - Joint Associations of Leisure Screen Time and Physical Activity with Academic Performance in a Sample of Japanese Children
Ishii Kaori; Aoyagi Kenryu; Shibata Ai; Koohsari Moha...
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH/17(3), 2020-02 - A qualitative investigation of the factors perceived to influence student motivation for school-based extracurricular sports participation in Japan
Aoyagi Kenryu; Ishii Kaori; Shibata Ai; Arai Hirokazu...
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADOLESCENCE AND YOUTH/25(1)/pp.624-637, 2020-12 - Social-ecological correlates of accelerometer-measured occupational sitting among Japanese desk-based workers
Kurita Satoshi; Shibata Ai; Ishii Kaori; Koohsari Moh...
BMC public health/19(1)/p.1489, 2019-11 - Dog-walking in dense compact areas: The role of neighbourhood built environment
Koohsari Mohammad Javad; Nakaya Tomoki; McCormack Gavi...
Health & place/61, 2019-11 - Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior Assessment: A Laboratory-Based Evaluation of Agreement between Commonly Used ActiGraph and Omron Accelerometers
Yano Shohei; Koohsari Mohammad Javad; Shibata Ai; Ishi...
International journal of environmental research and public health/16(17), 2019-09 - Assessing Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior under Free-Living Conditions: Comparison of Active Style Pro HJA-350IT and ActiGraph (TM) GT3X+
Yano Shohei; Koohsari Mohammad Javad; Shibata Ai; Ishi...
International journal of environmental research and public health/16(17), 2019-09 - more...
- The Psychological Inflexibility in Pain Scale (PIPS): Validity and Reliability of the Japanese Version for Chronic Low Back Pain and Knee Pain