ONO Hiroshi
- Affiliation
- Center for Computational Sciences
- Official title
- Assistant Professor
- 0000-0003-1798-8222
- Sex
- Male
- C%,%+,@OK 0I102(2}|I| I'-
- Office
- Particle Theory Group
- Research fields
Particle/Nuclear/Cosmic ray/Astro physics - Research keywords
Quark Gluon Plasma Lattice Quantum Chromodynamics - Research projects
Unification of Computational Physics and Machine Learning 2022-06 -- 2027-03 Akio Tomiya JSPS/Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) (co-investigators) 有限温度格子QCDによる臨界温度以上でのチャーモニウムの消失に関する研究 2010-04 -- 2012-03 Hiroshi OHNO JSPS/Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows 1,400,000Yen - Career history
2014-04 -- (current) University of TsukubaCenter for Computational SciencesAssistant Professor 2013-08 -- 2014-03 Brookhaven National LaboratoryPhysics DepartmentResearch Associate 2012-04 -- 2013-08 Bielefeld UniversityFaculty of PhysicsResearch Associate 2010-04 -- 2012-03 University of TsukubaGraduate School of Pure and Applied SciencesResearch Fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science - Academic background
2009-04 -- 2011-03 University of Tsukuba Graduate School of Systems and Information Engineering Department of Computer Science, Master Program (Dual Degree Program) 2008-04 -- 2011-03 University of Tsukuba Graduate School of Pure and Applied Sciences Department of Physics, Doctoral Program 2006-04 -- 2008-03 University of Tsukuba Graduate School of Pure and Applied Sciences Department of Physics, Master Program 2002-04 -- 2006-03 University of Tsukuba First Cluster of Colleges College of Natural Sciences - Degree
2011-03-25 PhD in Physics University of Tsukuba 2011-03-25 Master of Engineering University of Tsukuba 2008-03-25 Master of Physics University of Tsukuba 2006-03-24 Bachelor of Science University of Tsukuba - Licenses and qualifications
2010-06-25 Applied Information Technology Engineer 2009-11-16 Fundamental Information Technology Engineer - Academic societies
2007-11 -- (current) THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN - Articles
- Machine Learning Estimation on the trace of inverse Dirac operator using the Gradient Boosting Decision Tree Regression
CHOI Jaedon; ONO Hiroshi; SUMIMOTO Takayuki; TOMIYA Akio
Proceedings of Science/LATTICE 2024/p.033, 2024-12 - Gauge symmetric transformer for lattice gauge theory
TOMIYA Akio; NAGAI Yuki; ONO Hiroshi
Proceedings of Science/LATTICE 2024/p.030, 2025-01 - Sparse modeling study to extract spectral functions from lattice QCD data
TAKAHASHI Junichi; ONO Hiroshi; TOMIYA Akio
Proceedings of Science/LATTICE 2024/p.032, 2024-12 - Sparse modeling approach to extract spectral functions with covariance of Euclidean-time correlators of lattice QCD
Takahashi Junichi; Ohno Hiroshi; Tomiya Akio
Proceedings of Science/LATTICE 2023/p.028, 2023-12 - Charm and beauty in the deconfined plasma from quenched lattice QCD
Ding H.-T.; Kaczmarek O.; Lorenz A.-L.; Ono Hiroshi; Sand...
PHYSICAL REVIEW D/104(11), 2021-12 - Thermal modifications of quarkonia and heavy quark diffusion from a comparison of continuum-extrapolated lattice results to perturbative QCD
Lorenz A.-L.; Ding H.-T.; Kaczmarek O.; Ono Hiroshi; Sand...
Proceedings of Science/LATTICE 2019/p.207, 2020-08 - The chiral phase transition temperature in (2+1)-flavor QCD
Ding Heng-Tong; Hegde Prasad; Kaczmarek Olaf; Karsch Fri...
Hadron Spectroscopy and Structure Proceedings of the XVIII International Conference/pp.672-677, 2020-08 - Critical endpoint in the continuum limit and critical endline at NT=6 of the finite temperature phase transition of QCD with clover fermions
Kuramashi Yoshinobu; Nakamura Yoshifumi; Takeda Shinji; O...
Proceedings of Science/LATTICE 2019/p.053, 2020-08 - Skewness, kurtosis, and the fifth and sixth order cumulants of net baryon-number distributions from lattice QCD confront high-statistics STAR data
Bazavov A.; Bollweg D.; Ding H-T; Enns P.; Goswami J.; He...
PHYSICAL REVIEW D/101(7), 2020-04 - Nature of the phase transition for finite temperature N_f=3 QCD with nonperturbatively O(𝑎) improved Wilson fermions at N_t=12
Kuramashi Yoshinobu; Nakamura Yoshifumi; Ohno Hiroshi; Ta...
PHYSICAL REVIEW D/101(5), 2020-03 - Meson screening masses in ( 2 + 1 )-flavor QCD
Bazavov A.; Dentinger S.; Ding H.-T.; Hegde P.; Kaczmarek...
PHYSICAL REVIEW D/100(9), 2019-11 - Chiral Phase Transition Temperature in (2+1)-Flavor QCD
Ding H. -T.; Hegde P.; Kaczmarek O.; Karsch F.; Lahiri A...
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS/123(6), 2019-08 - Chiral crossover in QCD at zero and non-zero chemical potentials
Bazavov A.; Ding H.-T.; Hegde P.; Kaczmarek O.; Karsch F...
PHYSICS LETTERS B/795/pp.15-21, 2019-08 - Critical endpoint of 4-flavor QCD at finite temperature
大野 浩史; 藏増 嘉伸; 中村 宜文; 武田 真滋
Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan/73/pp.47-47, 2018 - Continuum extrapolation of the critical endpoint in 4 flavor QCD with Wilson Clover fermions
Ohno Hiroshi; Kuramashi Yoshinobu; Nakamura Yoshifumi; Ta...
PoS LATTICE2018/174/pp.1-7, 2019-05 - Insight into thermal modifications of quarkonia from a comparison of continuum-extrapolated lattice results to perturbative QCD
Kruse Anna-Lena; Ding H.-T.; Kaczmarek O.; Ohno Hiroshi; ...
MDPI Proceedings/45, 2019-05 - Charmonium and bottomonium spectral functions in the vector channel
Ding H. -T.; Kaczmarek O.; Kruse A. -L.; Larsen R.; Mazur...
NUCLEAR PHYSICS A/982/pp.715-718, 2019-02 - Stochastic reconstructions of spectral functions: Application to lattice QCD
Ding H. -T.; Kaczmarek O.; Mukherjee Swagato; Ohno H.; Sh...
PHYSICAL REVIEW D/97(9), 2018-05 - Thermal modifications of charmonia and bottomonia from spatial correlation functions
Ding Heng-Tong; Kaczmarek Olaf; Kruse Anna-Lena; Mukherje...
EPJ Web of Conferences/175, 2018-03 - Continuum extrapolation of quarkonium correlators at non-zero temperature
Ding Heng-Tong; Kaczmarek Olaf; K Anna Lena; Ono Hiroshi...
EPJ Web of Conferences/175, 2018-03 - Thermal quarkonium physics in the pseudoscalar channel
Burnier Y.; Ding H-T; Kaczmarek O.; Kruse A-L; Laine M.; ...
JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS/(11), 2017-11 - Skewness and kurtosis of net baryon-number distributions at small values of the baryon chemical potential
Bazavov A.; Ding H. -T.; Hegde P.; Kaczmarek O.; Karsch ...
PHYSICAL REVIEW D/96(7), 2017-10 - A stochastic approach to the reconstruction of spectral functions in lattice QCD
Shu Hai-Tao; Ding Heng-Tong; Kaczmarek Olaf; Mukherjee S...
PoS (LATTICE 2015)/180/pp.1-7, 2016-06 - Charmonia and bottomonia at finite temperature on large quenched lattice
Ohno H.
PoS (LATTICE 2015)/175/pp.1-7, 2016-06 - QCD equation of state to O(mu(6)(B)) from lattice QCD
Bazavov A.; Ding H. -T.; Hegde P.; Kaczmarek O.; Karsch ...
PHYSICAL REVIEW D/95(5), 2017-03 - more...
- Machine Learning Estimation on the trace of inverse Dirac operator using the Gradient Boosting Decision Tree Regression
- Conference, etc.
- Machine Learning Estimation on the trace of inverse Dirac operator using the Gradient Boosting Decision Tree Regression
CHOI Benjamin Jaedon; OHNO Hiroshi; SUMIMOTO Takayuki; ...
第4回「富岳」成果創出加速プログラム研究交流会/2025-02-21--2025-02-21 - Machine Learning Estimation on the Trace of Inverse Dirac Operator using the Gradient Boosting Decision Tree Regression
CHOI Benjamin Jaedon; ONO Hiroshi; SUMIMOTO Takayuki; TOM...
Julia in Physics 2024/2024-12-14--2024-12-14 - Gauge covariant Transformer
TOMIYA Akio; NAGAI Yuki; ONO Hiroshi
「富岳成果創出加速プログラム」基礎科学合同シンポジウム 2024/2025-01-08--2025-01-10 - Machine Learning Estimation on the Trace of Inverse Dirac Operator using the Gradient Boosting Decision Tree Regression
CHOI Benjamin Jaedon; ONO Hiroshi; SUMIMOTO Takayuki; ...
「富岳成果創出加速プログラム」基礎科学合同シンポジウム 2024/2025-01-08--2025-01-10 - Machine learning applications to Lattice QCD
ONO Hiroshi
Tsukuba / LBNL Collaboration Meeting/2024-11-07--2024-11-08 - Machine Learning Estimation on the Trace of Inverse Dirac Operator using the Gradient Boosting Decision Tree Regression
崔 在敦; 大野 浩史; 住本 尚之; 富谷 昭夫
学術変革領域(A)「学習物理学の創成」R6年度領域会議/2024-09-25--2024-09-27 - Machine Learning Estimation on the Trace of Inverse Dirac Operator using the Gradient Boosting Decision Tree Regression
崔 在敦; 大野 浩史; 住本 尚之; 富谷 昭夫
学術変革領域(A)「学習物理学の創成」R6年度領域会議/2024-09-25--2024-09-27 - Machine learning estimation on the trace of inverse Dirac operator
ONO Hiroshi; CHOI Jaedon; SUMIMOTO Takayuki; TOMIYA Akio
German Japanese Workshop 2024/2024-09-25--2024-09-27 - スパースモデリングによる有限温度中間子スペクトル関数の計算
高橋純一; 大野 浩史; 富谷昭夫
日本物理学会第79回年次大会/2024-09-16--2024-09-19 - Japan Lattice Data Grid: 計算素粒子物理分野におけるデータ共有
大野 浩史
Gfarmシンポジウム2024/2024-09-06--2024-09-06 - Sparse modeling study to extract spectral functions from lattice QCD data
TAKAHASHI Junichi; ONO Hiroshi; TOMIYA Akio
The 41st International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (Lattice 2024)/2024-07-28--2024-08-03 - Gauge symmetric transformer for lattice gauge theory
TOMIYA Akio; NAGAI Yuki; ONO Hiroshi
The 41st International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (Lattice 2024)/2024-07-28--2024-08-03 - Machine Learning Estimation on the trace of inverse Dirac operator using the Gradient Boosting Decision Tree Regression
CHOI Jaedon; ONO Hiroshi; SUMIMOTO Takayuki; TOMIYA Akio
The 41st International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (Lattice 2024)/2024-07-28--2024-08-03 - 有限温度における中間子相関関数の共分散を考慮したスパースモデリングによるスペクトル関数の計算
高橋純一; 大野 浩史; 富谷昭夫
日本物理学会2024年春季大会/2024-03-18--2024-03-21 - スパースモデリングによる格子QCD 相関関数からのスペクトル関数の推定
大野 浩史; 髙橋純一; 富谷昭夫
学術変革領域(A)「学習物理学の創成」R5年度領域会議/2023-09-27--2023-09-27 - スパースモデリングによる格子QCD 相関関数からのスペクトル関数の推定
大野 浩史; 髙橋純一; 富谷昭夫
学術変革領域(A)「学習物理学の創成」R5年度領域会議/2023-09-27--2023-09-27 - Sparse modeling approach to extract spectral functions from Euclidean time correlators of lattice QCD
大野 浩史; 髙橋純一; 富谷昭夫
第二回 学術変革「学習物理学」 A02 班研究交流会/2023-08-10--2023-08-10 - Sparse modeling approach to extract spectral functions with covariance of Euclidean-time correlators of lattice QCD
Takahashi Junichi; Ohno Hiroshi; Tomiya Akio
The 40th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (Lattice 2023)/2023-07-31--2023-08-04 - 格子 QCD 計算でひも解く 高エネルギー重イオン衝突の物理
大野 浩史
日本物理学会 2023 年春季大会/2023-03-22--2023-03-25 - Lattice QCD studies on strong interaction matter under extreme conditions of temperature and/or density
Ohno Hiroshi
CCS LBNL Collaborative Workshop 2023/2023-04-12--2023-04-13 - Japan Lattice Data Grid
大野 浩史
第 25 回 共同利用機関における セキュリティーワークショップ/2022-12-13 - Quarkonium spectral functions from lattice QCD
Ohno Hiroshi
2022 CCS-EPCC Workshop/2022-3-30--2022-3-31 - Study of QCD critical end-point using Wilson-type fermions
Takeda Shinji; Kuramashi Yoshinobu; Nakamura Yoshifumi; O...
QCD phase diagram and lattice QCD/2021-10-25--2021-10-29 - Quarkonia and heavy quark diffusion in the hot gluonic medium
Shu Hai-Tao; Ding Heng-Tong; Kaczmarek Olaf; Kruse Anna-...
A Virtual Tribute to Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum 2021,/2021-08-02--2021-08-06 - Quarkonia and heavy quark diffusion in the hot gluonic medium
Shu Hai-Tao; Ding Heng-Tong; Kaczmarek Olaf; Kruse Anna-...
The 19th International Conference on Strangeness in Quark Matter/2021-05-17--2021-05-22 - more...
- Machine Learning Estimation on the trace of inverse Dirac operator using the Gradient Boosting Decision Tree Regression
- Teaching
2024-04 -- 2024-08 Research on Elementary Particle Theory IIIA University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Seminar on Theoretical Particle Physics B University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Collaborative Research in Physics IV University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Collaborative Research in Physics IV University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Research on Elementary Particle Theory IVA University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Seminar on Theoretical Particle Physics D University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Collaborative Research in Physics III University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Collaborative Research in Physics III University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Collaborative Research in Physics V University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Collaborative Research in Physics V University of Tsukuba. more... - Other educational activities
2024-12 -- 2024-12 Julia in Physics 2024 2024-11 -- 2024-11 研究会「2024年ノーベル物理学賞、ノーベル化学賞、AIで自然科学はどう変わったのか、どう変わるのか」 2024-09 -- 2024-09 格子上の場の理論夏の学校2024 2024-08 -- 2024-08 原子核三者若手 夏の学校2024 キャリアフォーラム 原子核三者若手 夏の学校2024 2024-08 -- 2024-08 筑波大学物理学類体験学習模擬授業 筑波大学物理学類 2024-07 -- 2024-07 筑波大学大学説明会物理学類パネル展示 筑波大学物理学類 2024-03 -- 2024-03 計算物理春の学校2024 2023-07 -- 2023-07 筑波大学物理学類体験学習模擬授業 筑波大学物理学類 2023-07 -- 2023-07 筑波大学大学説明会物理学類パネル展示 筑波大学物理学類 2023-07 -- 2023-07 東洋女子高等学校模擬体験授業 東洋女子高等学校 more... - Talks
- スーパーコンピュータで解き明かす素粒子の世界
大野 浩史
- スーパーコンピュータで解き明かす素粒子の世界
- Professional activities
2024-12 -- (current) International Lattice Data Grid Middleware Working Group/Member 2023-04 -- 2024-03 THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN 素粒子論領域/運営委員 2022-06 -- (current) Japan Lattice Data Grid JLDG管理者グループ/代表 2020-02 -- 2022-06 Japan Lattice Data Grid JLDG管理者グループ/メンバー 2018-05 -- 2019-06 XQCD2019 Local Organizing Committee XQCD2019 Local Organizing Committee/Chair - University Management
2022-04 -- 2024-03 計算科学研究センター共同研究運用委員会 委員 2021-04 -- 2023-03 自然系学類計算機委員会 委員
(Last updated: 2025-02-28)