SATO Yukie
- Articles
- 卵接種前の人工飼料の表面加工および卵接種後に飼料に置く吸収紙の種類がイモゾウムシの生存に及ぼす影響
大野 豪; 浦崎 貴美子; 原口 大; 佐藤 幸恵; 小濱 継雄
九州病害虫研究会報/55/pp.118-125, 2009 - イモゾウムシ卵のエタノールまたはホルマリンへの浸漬および2種消毒液の組み合わせ処理による本種人工飼料のバクテリア汚染抑制
大野 豪; 佐々木 智基; 佐藤 幸恵; 浦崎 貴美子; 原口 大; 小濱 継雄
昆蟲(ニューシリーズ)/11/pp.169-178, 2008-12 - Evolutionary view of waste-management behavior using volatile chemical cues in social spider mites
Sato Yukie; Saito Yutaka
JOURNAL OF ETHOLOGY/26/pp.267-272, 2008-05 - The parapatric distribution and contact zone of two forms showing different male-to-male aggressiveness in a social spider mite, Stigmaeopsis miscanthi (Acari : Tetranychidae)
Sato Yukie; Saito Yutaka; Chittenden Anthony R.
EXPERIMENTAL AND APPLIED ACAROLOGY/44/pp.265-276, 2008-4 - Can the extremely female-biased sex ratio of the social spider mites be explained by Hamilton's local mate competition model?
Sato Yukie; Saito Yutaka
ECOLOGICAL ENTOMOLOGY/32/pp.597-602, 2007-12 - Nest sanitation in social spider mites: Interspecific differences in defecation behavior
Sato Yukie; Saito Yutaka
ETHOLOGY/112/pp.664-669, 2006-7 - Post-copulatory mounting behavior of the West Indian sweetpotato weevil, Euscepes postfasciatus (Fairmaire) (Coleoptera : Curculionidae)
Sato Yukie; Kohama Tsuguo
ETHOLOGY/113/pp.183-189, 2007-2 - Sustainable management of migratory rice planthoppers by conservation biological control combined with endophyte-infected plants.
Sato Yukie
Area-Wide Management of Insect Pests, Food & Fertilizer Technology Center, Taipei, Taiwan, 2006-10 - Function of the web box as an anti-predator barrier in the spider mite, Schizotetranychus recki
Horita Mitsuru; Chittenden Anthony R.; Sato Yukie; Saito Yutaka
JOURNAL OF ETHOLOGY/22/pp.105-108, 2004-1 - Rules for nest sanitation in a social spider mite, Schizotetranychus miscanthi Saito (Acari : Tetranychidae)
Sato Yukie; Saito Yutaka; Sakagami Takane
ETHOLOGY/109/pp.713-724, 2003-9 - Ambulatory migration in mites (Acari : Tetranychidae, Phytoseiidae) to new leaves of moso bamboo shoots
Zhang Yanxuan; Saito Yutaka; Lin Jianzhen; Chittenden Anthon...
EXPERIMENTAL AND APPLIED ACAROLOGY/31/pp. 59-70, 2003 - Post-mating, pre-zygotic and post-zygotic reproductive isolation between populations showing different aggression levels in a subsocial spider mite, Schizotetranychus miscanthi Saito (Acari: Tetranychidae).
Sato Yukie; Saito Yutaka
Proceedings of Two Symposia on Ecology and Evolution in VIII INTECOL/pp.65-69, 2002-08 - Reproductive isolation between populations showing different aggression in a subsocial spider mite, Schizotetranychus miscanthi Saito (Acari : Tetranychidae)
Sato Yukie; Saito Yutaka; Mori Kotaro
APPLIED ENTOMOLOGY AND ZOOLOGY/35/pp.605-610, 2000-11 - Patterns of reproductive isolation between two groups of Schizotetranychus miscanthi Saito (Acari : Tetranychidae) showing different male aggression traits
Sato Yukie; Saito Yutaka; Mori Kotaro
APPLIED ENTOMOLOGY AND ZOOLOGY/35/pp.611-618, 2000-11 - Correspondence of male-to-male aggression to spatial distribution of individuals in field populations of a subsocial spider mite
Saito Yutaka; Mori Kotaro; Chittenden Anthony R.; Sato Yukie
JOURNAL OF ETHOLOGY/18/pp.79-83, 2000
- 卵接種前の人工飼料の表面加工および卵接種後に飼料に置く吸収紙の種類がイモゾウムシの生存に及ぼす影響