SATO Yukie

Researcher's full information

Conference, etc.
  • 社会性ハダニにおける雄同士の攻撃性の地理的変異と系統地理
    佐藤 幸恵; 津田吉晃; 坂本洋典; Martijn Egas; 後藤哲雄; 齋藤裕; Yan-Xuan Zhang; J...
  • Genetic divergence predicts reproductive isolation in a social spider mite
    Sato Yukie; Sakamoto Hironori; Gotoh Tetsuo; Saito Yutak...
    XV International Congress of Acarology/2018-09-02--2018-09-08
  • カオジロショウジョウバエ姉妹種群における分類形質・生息域・季節消長の比較検討
    小沼萌; 佐藤幸恵; 澤村京一
  • 社会性ハダニにおける種分化機構:生殖隔離の強化はおこっているのか?
    佐藤 幸恵; 坂本洋典、後藤哲雄、齋藤裕、Jung-Tai Chao、Martijn Egas、望月淳
  • ススキスゴモリハダニにおける生殖隔離の発達機構
    佐藤 幸恵; 坂本洋典; 後藤哲雄; 齋藤裕; Jung-Tai Chao; Martijn Egas; 望月淳
  • Population structure of the phytoseiid mite, Neoseiulus womersleyi, in an experimental organic tea field.
    Hinomoto Norihide; Sato Yukie; Yara Kaori; Shimoda Takeshi
    The 6th meeting of IOBC Working Group “Integrated Control of Plant-Feeding Mites”/2017-09-04--2017-09-07
  • 菅平高原より分離されたMetschnikowia属花蜜酵母
    出川 洋介; 平尾 章; 佐藤 幸恵; 山田 宗樹; 恩田 義彦; 遠藤 力也; 大熊 盛也
  • 菅平高原より分離されたMetschnikowia属花蜜酵母
    出川洋介; 平尾章; 佐藤幸恵; 山田宗樹; 恩田義彦; 遠藤力也; 大熊盛也
  • Coexistence of late-hawk strategy and hawk strategy for male competition in the two-spotted spider mite.
    Sato Yukie; Rühr Peter T.; Schmitz H.; Egas Martijn; Blan...
    The 2017 Congress of the European Society for Evolutionary Biology/2017-08-20--2017-08-25
  • Asymmetry in male lethal fights between parapatric forms of a social spider mite in mountainous regions.
    Sato Yukie; Sabelis Maurice W.; Mochizuki Atsushi
  • 菅平高原産Metschnikowia属酵母
    出川洋介; 平尾章; 佐藤幸恵
    2016 年度山岳学位プログラム第 1 回学術集会/2016-12-06--2016-12-07
  • 同属ハダニ2種の競争関係における繁殖干渉の役割について
    Sato Yukie; Juan M. Alba; Maurice W. Sabelis
  • Age-dependent male mating tactics in a spider mite from a life history perspective.
    Sato Yukie; Rühr Peter T.; Helmut Schmitz; Egas Martijn; ...
    8th symposium of the European Association of Acarologists/2016-07-11--2016-07-15
  • ハダニのオス間闘争における代替戦術の進化
    佐藤 幸恵; Peter Rühr; Helmut Schmitz; Martijn Egas; Alexande...
  • Male-male aggression peaks at intermediate relatedness in a social spider mite.
    Sato Yukie; Martijn Egas; Maurice W. Sabelis
  • Incomplete premating and postmating reproductive barriers between two parapatric populations of a social spider mite.
    Sato Yukie; Johannes A. J. Breeuwer; Martijn Egas; Maurice W...
  • Kin selection and kin competition: geographic variation in male-male lethal fight in the social spider mite.
    Sato Yukie; Martijn Egas; Maurice W. Sabelis
    XVth European Society for Evolutionary Biology Meeting/2015-08-10--2015-08-14
  • A life-history perspective on sneaking behaviour in males of the two-spotted spider mite.
    Sato Yukie; Sabelis Maurice W.; Egas Martijn
  • Does access to the area beneath the perianth bracts of coconuts influence the ability of Neoseiulus paspalivorus to control coconut mites in the field?
    da Silva Fernando R.; Sato Yukie; Lesna Izabela; Vásquez Car...
    XIV International Congress of Acarology/2014-7-14--2014-7-18
  • Alternative male mating tactics in the two-spotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae Koch) : A life history perspective.
    Sato Yukie; Sabelis Maurice W.; Egas Martijn
    XIV International Congress of Acarology/2014-7-14--2014-7-18
  • Comedy central in spider mites.
    Sato Yukie
    XIV International Congress of Acarology/2014-7-14--2014-7-18
  • Evaluation of population structure of Neoseiulus womersleyi by using molecular markers for conservation biological control.
    Hinomoto Norihide; Todokoro Yasuhiro; Kunimoto Yoshinori; 佐藤...
    XIV International Congress of Acarology/2014-07-14--2014-07-18