- Articles
- Custom-made PTFE filters for ultra-clean size-fractionated aerosol sampling for trace metals
Sakata Kohei; Kurisu Minako; Tanimoto Hiroshi; Sakaguc...
MARINE CHEMISTRY/206/pp.100-108, 2018-10 - Reconstruction of anthropogenic I-129 temporal variation in the Japan Sea using a coral core sample
Sakaguchi Aya; Inaba Rui; Sasa Kimikazu; Matsunaka Tetsu...
Marine environmental research/142/pp.91-99, 2018-09 - Current situation and perspectives of paleoceanography based on ages and isotopic compositions of ferromanganese crusts
後藤 孝介; 天川 裕史; 坂口 綾
Chikyukagaku/52(4)/pp.211-227, 2018 - Measurements of Pb-210 concentrations in air in Astana city
Zhumalina A. G.; Sambaev E. K.; Sakaguchi A.; Endo S.; Ta...
BULLETIN OF THE UNIVERSITY OF KARAGANDA-PHYSICS/4(92)/pp.88-92, 2018 - Estimation of desorption ratios of radio/stable caesium from environmental samples (aerosols and soils) leached with seawater, diluted seawater and ultrapure water
Sakaguchi Aya; Chiga Haruka; Tanaka Kazuya; Tsuruta H...
GEOCHEMICAL JOURNAL/52(2:::SI)/pp.187-199, 2018-03 - Discovery of radiocesium-bearing microparticles in river water and their influence on the solid-water distribution coefficient (Kd) of radiocesium in the Kuchibuto River in Fukushima
Miura Hikaru; Kurihara Yuichi; Sakaguchi Aya; Tanaka ...
GEOCHEMICAL JOURNAL/52(2:::SI)/pp.145-154, 2018-03 - Environmental radioactive contamination in settlements around the former Soviet Union”s Semipalatinsk nuclear test site : Sarzhal Karaul and Kainar settlements, and some settlements located south of the Pavlodar Region
Yamamoto Masayoshi; Kawai Kenta; Tomita Jumpei; Mino Ken...
IPSHU 研究報告シリーズ 研究報告/55/pp.1-55, 2018-03 - Comparison of Solid-Water Partitions of Radiocesium in River Waters in Fukushima and Chernobyl Areas
Takahashi Yoshio; Fan Qiaohui; Suga Hiroki; Tanaka Ka...
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS/7(1), 2017-09 - Continuous growth of hydrogenetic ferromanganese crusts since 17 Myr ago on Takuyo-Daigo Seamount, NW Pacific, at water depths of 800–5500 m
Usui A.; Nishi K.; Sato H.; Nakasato Y.; Thornton B.; Kas...
Ore Geology Reviews/87/pp.71-87, 2017-07 - Toward new area of research: Geochemical and environmental researches focused on 236U as an emerging isotopic tracer
山本 政儀; 坂口 綾
Chikyukagaku/51(4)/pp.221-237, 2017 - Temporal changes in dissolved 137Cs concentrations in groundwater and stream water in Fukushima after the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident.
S. Iwagami; Y. Onda; M. Tsujimura; M. Nishino; R. Konuma; Y. A...
Journal of Environmental Radioactivity/166/pp.458-465, 2017 - Vertical distribution of (236)U in the North Pacific Ocean
Eigl R; Steier P; Sakata K; Sakaguchi A
Journal of environmental radioactivity/169-170/pp.70-78, 2017-04 - Fractionation of Zr-Hf in ferromanganese crusts
Inagaki Junpei; Sakaguchi Aya; Haba Hiromitsu; Komori Yu...
RIKEN Accelerator Progress Report/51, 2017 - Lead speciation studies on coarse and fine aerosol particles by bulk and micro X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy
Sakata Kohei; Sakaguchi Aya; Yokoyama Yuka; Yasuko Terad...
GEOCHEMICAL JOURNAL/51(3)/pp.215-225, 2017 - Reconstruction of the temporal distribution of U-236/U-238 in the Northwest Pacific Ocean using a coral core sample from the Kuroshio Current area
Nomura Tomoya; Sakaguchi Aya; Steier Peter; Eigl Rosm...
MARINE CHEMISTRY/190/pp.28-34, 2017 - Internal exposure to neutron-activated (56)Mn dioxide powder in Wistar rats: part 1: dosimetry
Stepanenko Valeriy; Rakhypbekov Tolebay; Otani Keiko; End...
Radiation and environmental biophysics/56(1)/pp.47-54, 2017-03 - First study on 236U in the Northeast Pacific Ocean using a new target preparation procedure for AMS measurements
Eigl Rosmarie; Steier Peter; Winkler Stephan; Sakata Kohei; S...
Journal of Environmental Radioactivity/162-163/pp.244-250, 2016 - Temporal and vertical distributions of anthropogenic U-236 in the Japan Sea using a coral core and seawater samples
Sakaguchi Aya; Nomura Tomoya; Steier Peter; Gloser Ro...
JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-OCEANS/121(1)/pp.4-13, 2016-01 - Cumulative history recorded in the depth distribution of radiocesium in sediments deposited on a sandbar
Tanaka Kazuya; Kondo Hiroaki; Sakaguchi Aya; Takahashi...
JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY/150/pp.213-219, 2015-12 - 福島第一原子力発電所事故に絡む環境アクチニド元素諸核種
山本政儀; 坂口 綾
地球化学/49/pp.173-184, 2015-9 - Environmental actinide elements associated with the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant accident
山本 政儀; 坂口 綾
Chikyukagaku/49(4)/pp.173-184, 2015 - Size distribution studies of 137Cs in river water in the Abukuma riverine system following the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant accident
Sakaguchi Aya; Tanaka Kazuya; Iwatani Hokuto; Chiga Haruka; F...
JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY/139(SI)/pp.379-389, 2015-01 - 新たな海水循環トレーサーの確立―環境中の人工ウラン同位体U-236
坂口 綾; Peter Steier; 山野博哉; 高橋嘉夫
号外海洋総特集号/pp.81-93, 2014-12 - X線分光法による放射性セシウムおよび放射性ヨウ素の陸域表層での移行過程の解明
高橋嘉夫; ファンチャオフイ; 東郷洋子; 坂口 綾; 田中万也
放射光/27/pp.20-28, 2014-11 - Relationship between particle size and radiocesium in fluvial suspended sediment related to the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident
Tanaka Kazuya; Iwatani Hokuto; Sakaguchi Aya; Takahashi Yosh...
- Custom-made PTFE filters for ultra-clean size-fractionated aerosol sampling for trace metals