Researcher's full information

  • Isotopic Pu, Am and Cm, signatures in environmental samples contaminated by the Fukushima Di-ichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident
    M. Yamamoto A. Sakaguchi S. Ochiai T. Takada K. Hamat...
    J. Environ. Radioactivity/132/pp.31-46, 2014
  • Identification of sources of lead in the atmosphere by chemical speciation using X-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) spectroscopy
    K. Sakata A. Sakaguchi M. Tanimizu Y. Takaku Y. Yokoy...
    Journal of Environmental Science/26/pp.343-352, 2014
  • Isotopic compositions of 236U and Pu isotopes in “Black Substances” collected from roadsides in Fukushima Prefecture: fallout from the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant accident
    A. Sakaguchi K. Tanaka H. Iwatani H. Chiga Q. Fan Y....
    Environ. Sci. & Tech./48/pp.3691-3697, 2014
  • Isotopic compositions of transuranic nuclides released by the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant accident: with emphasis on Cm isotope
    M. Yamamoto A. Sakaguchi S. Ochiai and T. Imanaka
    J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem., 2014
  • An EXAFS study on the effects of natural organic matter and the expandability of clay minerals on cesium adsorption and mobility
    Q.H. Fan M. Tanaka K. Tanaka A. Sakaguchi Y. Takahashi
    Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta/135/pp.49-65, 2014
  • Chemical processes for the extreme enrichment of tellurium into marine ferromanganese oxides
    T. Kashiwabara Y. Oishi A. Sakaguchi T. Sugiyama A. U...
    Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta/131/pp.150-163, 2014
  • Characterization of Particulate Matters in the Pripyat River in Chernobyl related to Its Adsorption of Radiocesium with Inhibition Effect by Natural Organic Matter
    H. Suga Q. Fan Y. Takeichi K. Tanaka H. Kondo V. V. ...
    Chemistry Letters, 2014
  • Size-dependent distribution of radiocesium in riverbed sediments and its relevance to the migration of radiocesium in river systems after the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident
    K. Tanaka H. Iwatani A. Sakaguchi Y. Takahashi Q. Fan
    J. Environ. Radioactivity, 2014
  • X線分光法による放射性セシウムおよび放射性ヨウ素の陸域表層での移行過程の解明,
    高橋嘉夫; ファンチャオフイ; 東郷洋子; 坂口 綾; 田中万也
    放射光/27/pp.20-28, 2014-1
  • 環境中の人工ウラン同位体U-236を利用した研究-海洋循環トレーサーとしての確立を目指して
    坂口 綾; 門倉彰伸; シュタイアーピーター; 山本政儀; 坂田昂平; 富田純平; 高橋嘉夫
    BUNSEKI KAGAKU/62(11)/pp.1001-1012, 2013-11
  • Workshop report on atomic bomb dosimetry-residual radiation exposure: recent research and suggestions for future studies
    Kerr GD; Egbert SD; Al-Nabulsi; Beck HL; Cullings HM; Endo S; H...
    Health Physics/105/pp.140-149, 2013-08
  • 環境中の人工ウラン同位体U-236を利用した研究-海洋循環トレーサーとしての確立を目指して-
    分析化学/62/pp.1001-1012, 2013
  • 福島第一原子力発電所事故由来の放射性セシウムの環境中での移行挙動とミクロスケールでの不均質性
    田中万也; 坂口 綾; 岩谷北斗; 高橋嘉夫
    放射化学/(27)/pp.12-19, 2013-4
  • Selenium Coprecipitated with Barite in Marine Sediments as a Possible Redox Indicator
    K. Tokunaga Y. Yokoyama S. Kawagucci A. Sakaguchi Y. ...
    Chemistry Letters/42/pp.1068-1069, 2013
  • 化学種解析に基づく放射性セシウムおよび放射性ヨウ素の移行挙動の理解
    表面科学/34/pp.119-124, 2013
  • 福島第一原子力発電所事故由来の放射性セシウムの環境中での移行挙動とミクロスケールでの不均質性
    放射化学/27/pp.12-19, 2013
  • Heterogeneous distribution of radiocesium in aerosols, soil and particulate matters emitted by the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident: retention of micro-scale heterogeneity during the migration of radiocesium from the air into ground and river systems
    K. Tanaka A. Sakaguchi Y. Kanai H. Tsuruta A. Shinoha...
    Journal of Radioanalytical Nuclear and chemistry/295/pp.1927-1937, 2013
  • Soil particle size measurements for the calculation of the spread of dusts blown up by the explosion of the Hiroshima atomic bomb - For radiation dose estimation from neutron activated dusts of soils used in traditional Japanese houses and those of the ground surface -
    A. Sakaguchi M. Hoshi M. Aoyama H. Kato Y. Onda
    Revisit The Hiroshima A-bomb with a Database-Last scientific view on local fallout and Black Rain, 2013
  • 化学種解析に基づく放射性セシウムおよび放射性ヨウ素の移行挙動の理解
    高橋嘉夫; 東郷洋子; 田中万也; 坂口 綾
    表面化学/34(3)/pp.119-124, 2013-3
  • Local distribution of radioactivity in tree leaves contaminated by fallout of the radionuclides emitted from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant.
    Kazuya Tanaka; Hokuto Iwatani; Aya Sakaguchi; Yoshio Takahas...
    Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry/295(3)/pp.2007-2014, 2013-03
  • Uranium-236 as a new oceanic tracer: a first depth profile in the Japan Sea and comparison with caesium-137
    A. Sakaguchi A. Kadokura P. Steier Y. Takahashi K. Sh...
    Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2012
  • 213 nm Nd-YAG レーザーアブレーションICP 質量分析装置を用いたジルコンのU-Pb 局所年代分析:SHRIMP データとの整合性の検討
    地質学雑誌/118/pp.762-767, 2012
  • Disastrous flood events found in lacustrine sediments from Lake Biwa
    T. Itono K. Kashiwaya and A. Sakaguchi
    地形/33/pp.455-470, 2012
  • Vertical Profiles of Iodine-131 and Cesium-137 in Soils in Fukushima Prefecture related to the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station Accident
    K. Tanaka Y. Takahashi A. Sakaguchi M. Umeo S. Hayaka...
    Geochemical Journal/43/pp.73-76, 2012
  • Investigation of cesium adsorption on soil and sediment samples from Fukushima Prefecture by sequential extraction and EXAFS technique
    H. Qin Y. Yokoyama Q. Fan H. Iwatani K. Tanaka A. Sa...
    Geochemical Journal/46/pp.297-302, 2012
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