AKASHI Yoshimasa
- Articles
- 陰嚢内に下降した巨大Spigelヘルニアの1例
田村 孝史; 古屋 欽司; 明石 義正; 久倉 勝治; 福永 潔; 大河内 信弘
日本ヘルニア学会誌, 2015-11 - Preoperative CA19-9 is a prognostic factor in pT3N0 gastric cancer patients undergoing curative resection
Maruyama Tsunehiko; Akashi Yoshimasa; Hakoda Hiroyuki; Sa...
LANGENBECKS ARCHIVES OF SURGERY/407(6)/pp.2273-2279, 2022-05 - Validation study of a skill assessment tool for education and outcome prediction of laparoscopic distal gastrectomy
Kurashima Yo; Kitagami Hidehiko; Teramura Koichi; Poud...
SURGICAL ENDOSCOPY AND OTHER INTERVENTIONAL TECHNIQUES/36(12)/pp.8807-8816, 2022-05-16 - Prediction of Posthepatectomy Liver Failure with a Combination of Albumin-Bilirubin Score and Liver Resection Percentage
Takahashi Kazuhiro; Gosho Masahiko; Kim Jaejeong; Shimomu...
Journal of the American College of Surgeons/234(2)/pp.155-165, 2022-02-01 - 糖鎖―レクチン結合を用いた新規がん治療法の開発
小田 竜也; 下村治; 高橋一広; 土井愛美; 宮﨑貴寛; 古屋欽司; 大和田洋平; 小川光一; 大原 佑介; 明石義正; 久倉勝...
日本外科学会雑誌/123(1)/pp.39-46, 2022-1 - Osler-Weber-Rendu 病を併存したS 状結腸癌に対して 腹腔鏡下S 状結腸切除術を施行した1 例
秋山 浩輝; 大原 佑介; 大和田洋平; 杉朋幸; 山中俊; 久倉勝治; 明石義正; 小川光一; 榎本剛史; 小田 竜也
日本消化器外科学会雑誌/54(12)/pp.876-883, 2021-12 - Primary pleomorphic liposarcoma of the liver: a case report and literature review
Terunuma Yuri; Takahashi Kazuhiro; Doi Manami; Shimomura ...
Surgical case reports/7(1)/p.244, 2021-11 - 高難度新規医療技術評価制度の先駆的創設;筑波大学附属病院における運用実績
小田 竜也; 平松祐司; 佐藤幸夫; 原尚人; 増本幸二; 下村治; 高橋一広; 土井愛美; 古屋欽司; 大和田洋平; 小川光一; 大...
日本外科学会雑誌/122(5)/p.543, 2021-4 - Well-leg compartment syndrome after laparoscopic surgery for rectal cancer: A case report
Sugi Tomoyuki; Owada Yohei; Enomoto Tsuyoshi; Ohara Yusu...
International journal of surgery case reports/86, 2021-09 - Delayed primary fascia closure of Björck grade 4 open abdomen with enteroatmospheric fistulas after repeated surgery for adhesive small bowel obstruction: a case report
Akashi Yoshimasa; Ogawa Koichi; Sasaki Kaoru; Kim Jaejeo...
BMC surgery/21(1)/p.333, 2021-08 - A scoring system to predict surgical difficulty in minimally invasive surgery for gastric submucosal tumors
Akashi Yoshimasa; Ogawa Koichi; Narasaka Toshiaki; Enomot...
AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SURGERY/223(4)/pp.715-721, 2021-07 - Intentional internal drainage tube method for nonlocalized persistent pancreatic leakage: a case report
Furuya Kinji; Oda Tatsuya; Shimomura Osamu; Ozawa Yusuke...
BMC SURGERY/21(1), 2021-04 - Rectoperineal Fistula Presented 5 Months After Repair of Severe Obstetric Perineal Laceration: A Case Report
Ohara Yusuke; Enomoto Tsuyoshi; Owada Yohei; Hisakura Ka...
Frontiers in surgery/8, 2021-6 - Retrospective analysis of neoadjuvant chemotherapy followed by surgery versus definitive chemoradiotherapy with proton beam for locally advanced esophageal squamous cell carcinoma
Ogawa Koichi; Ishikawa Hitoshi; Hisakura Katsuji; Hiroshi...
International journal of clinical oncology/26(10)/pp.1856-1863, 2021-07 - Carcinoembryonic antigen as a specific glycoprotein ligand of rBC2LCN lectin on pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma cells
Furuta Tomoaki; Oda Tatsuya; Kiyoi Kayo; Yusuke Ozawa; Ki...
Cancer science/112(9)/pp.3722-3731, 2021-06 - The Effect of Seromuscular-Dermal and All Layer-Dermal Suturing on the Rate of Early Stomal Mucocutaneous Separation: A Retrospective Study
Ohara Yusuke; Enomoto Tsuyoshi; Owada Yohei; Kitaguchi D...
Wound management & prevention/67(3)/pp.21-28, 2021-03 - Conversion hepatectomy for hepatocellular carcinoma with main portal vein tumour thrombus after lenvatinib treatment: A case report
Takahashi Kazuhiro; Kim Jaejeong; Takahashi Amane; Hashim...
World journal of hepatology/13(3)/pp.384-392, 2021-03 - Survival impact on triple-modal strategy comprising hyperthermia, external radiation, and chemotherapy for unresectable locally advanced (UR-LA) pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma
Shimomura Osamu; Oda Tatsuya; Hashimoto Shinji; Doi Mana...
Surgical oncology/37, 2021-03 - Intraductal Papillary Mucinous Neoplasm Arising in a Heterotopic Pancreas Treated by Percutaneous Endoscopic Intragastric Surgery
馬上頌子; 明石義正; 小川光一; 久倉勝治; 榎本剛史; 大原佑介; 大和田洋平; 坂下信悟; 小田 竜也
日本消化器外科学会雑誌/53(4)/pp.371-379, 2020-4 - 産科手術の真髄 分娩時第4度会陰裂傷に対する修復術 排便障害を回避する術式の工夫
大原佑介; 榎本剛史; 大和田洋平; 北口大地; 久倉勝治; 明石義正; 小川光一; 高橋一広; 下村治; 大原玲奈; 八木洋也; 小畠...
産婦人科手術/(31)/pp.27-30, 2020-08 - Lectin drug conjugate therapy for colorectal cancer
Kitaguchi Daichi; Oda Tatsuya; Enomoto Tsuyoshi; Ohara Y...
CANCER SCIENCE/111(12)/pp.4548-4557, 2020-10 - 分娩時第4度会陰裂傷に対する修復術:排便障害を回避する術式の工夫
大原 佑介; 榎本 剛史; 大和田 洋平; 北口 大地; 久倉 勝治; 明石 義正; 小川 光一; 高橋 一広; ...
産婦人科手術/31/pp.27-30, 2020-8 - Comparison of 2- and 4-week S-1 administration as adjuvant chemotherapy for advanced gastric cancer
Ogawa Koichi; Oda Tatsuya; Honda Michitaka; Akashi Yoshi...
International Journal of Clinical Oncology/25/pp.1807-1813, 2020-06 - Intraductal Papillary Mucinous Neoplasm Arising in a Heterotopic Pancreas Treated by Percutaneous Endoscopic Intragastric Surgery
馬上 頌子; 明石義正; 小川光一; 久倉勝治; 榎本剛史; 大原佑介; 大和田洋平; 坂下信悟; 小田 竜也
The Japanese Journal of Gastroenterological Surgery/53(4)/pp.371-379, 2020 - Exploring optimal examination to detect occult anastomotic leakage after rectal resection in patients with diverting stoma
Kitaguchi Daichi; Enomoto Tsuyoshi; Ohara Yusuke; Owada ...
BMC Surg/20(1), 2020-03 - more...
- 陰嚢内に下降した巨大Spigelヘルニアの1例