- Conference, etc.
- Effects of excitation of the lateral hypothalamic neurons projecting to the dorsal raphe nucleus on aggressive behavior in male mice
Mitsui Koshiro; Takahashi Aki
Neuro2022/2022-06-30--2022-07-03 - Differential effect of midbrain-projecting lateral hypothalamic neurons on aggressive behavior in male mice
Mitsui Koshiro; Takahashi Aki
The 2nd International Symposium Multiscale Brain / Molecular and Cellular Cognition Society (MCCS)-Asia/2022-06-27--2022-06-28 - 雄マウスの攻撃行動の個体差と脳内免疫細胞の関係
高橋 阿貴
2021年度遺伝研行動遺伝学研究会/2021-12-20--2021-12-21 - Involvement the lateral habenul–dorsal raphe nucleus–ventral tegmental area projection in social instigation-heightened aggression in male mice
Takahashi Aki
Neuroscience 2021/2021-11-08--2021-11-11 - Effects of voluntary running wheel activity on spontaneous activity and aggressive behavior in male mice
Takahashi Aki
第81回日本動物心理学会大会/2021-10-30--2021-10-31 - Optogenetic activation of the lateral hypothalamic neurons that project to the dorsal raphe nucleus increases intraspecific and predatory aggression as well as feeding behavior
高橋 阿貴
第81回日本動物心理学会大会/2021-10-30--2021-10-31 - Lateral septum estrogen receptor β is involved in the regulation of aggressive behavior and social anxiety in male mice.
Takahashi Aki
第81回日本動物心理学会大会/2021-10-30--2021-10-31 - 攻撃性の個体差に免疫系が及ぼす影響
高橋 阿貴
2021年度生理学研究所研究会『多様な視点から情動を捉えなおす』/2021-09-15 - 社会的ストレスと過剰攻撃行動の因果関係と神経メカニズムの解明
高橋 阿貴
第99回日本生理学会大会/2022-03-17 - Neuromodulatory effect of cytokine on individual difference of aggression
Takahashi Aki
11th Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Institute of Neuropsychology and Behavior & 1st National Forum of Academic Leagues of Neuroscience/2021-10-01 - Distribution and neuronal projection patterns of estrogen receptor a and b expressing cells in the lateral septum in male mice.
Hasunuma Kansuke; Sano Kazuhiro; Takahashi Aki; Ogawa So...
The 44th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society/The 1st CJK International Meeting/2021-07-28--2021-07-31 - Glutamatergic projection from the lateral habenula to the dorsal raphe nucleus escalates aggressive behavior of male mice.
Takahashi Aki; Flanigan Meghan E; Tsunematsu Tomomi; Al...
The 44th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society/The 1st CJK International Meeting/2021-07-28--2021-07-31 - Retinoic acid-related orphan receptor-γt overexpression affect the murine central nervous system and behaviors.
Sasaki Tetsuya; Takahashi Aki; Takahashi Satoru; Takei Y...
The 64th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Neurochemistry/2021-09-30--2021-10-01 - 外側中隔におけるエストロゲン受容体αとβの分布パターンの比較
蓮沼寛介; 佐野一広; 高橋 阿貴; 小川園子
第32回 日本行動神経内分泌研究会/2020-09-01--2020-09-02 - 雄マウスの社会的選好性を司る内側扁桃体エストロゲンβ陽性細胞の機能(2)オプトジェネティクスによる神経活動の活性化が下流脳領域の活動および行動に及ぼす影響の検討
長澤裕太郎; 武縄聡; 佐野一広; 高橋 阿貴; 小川園子
第32回 日本行動神経内分泌研究会/2020-09-01--2020-09-02 - 雄マウスの社会的選好性を司る内側扁桃体エストロゲンβ陽性細胞の機能(1)行動中の神経活動の記録および神経活動抑制が行動に及ぼす影響の検討
武縄聡; 長澤裕太郎; 佐野一広; 高橋 阿貴; 小川園子
第32回 日本行動神経内分泌研究会/2020-09-01--2020-09-02 - Identification of a factor that induces instigation-heightened aggression: Olfaction vs visual information.
Hu Brian; 小川園子; 高橋阿貴
JSBN2020/2020-09-01--2020-09-02 - Adolescent social isolation causes heightened aggressive behaviors by social instigation in male mice.
三井鴻志郎; Hu Brian; 小川園子; 高橋 阿貴
第80回日本動物心理学会大会/2020-11-20--2020-11-22 - 過剰な攻撃行動とセロトニン神経系
高橋 阿貴
第5回セロトニン研究会/2021-02-20 - Neurobiology of escalated aggression in mice.
高橋 阿貴
East/South East Asia Social Brain Symposium/2021-03-25 - 過剰な攻撃行動に関わる融合社会脳研究
高橋 阿貴
日本心理学会第84回大会/2020-09-08 - Neural mechanism of social frustration and escalation of aggressive behavior.
Takahashi Aki
The 43rd Annual meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society/2020-07-29--2020-08-01 - Effects of RORγt overexpression on the central nervous system and behaviors.
Sasaki Tetsuya; Takahashi Aki; Takahashi Satoru; Takei Y...
The 126th Annual Meeting of The Japanese Association of Anatomists/ The 98th Annual Meeting of The Physiological Society of Japan/2021-03-28--2021-03-30 - Role of ER beta neurons in the medial amygdala for the formation of social preference in male mice.
Takenawa Satoshi; Nagasawa Yutaro; Takahashi Aki; Ogawa ...
The 43rd Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society/2020-7-29--2020-8-1 - Role of ER beta neurons in the medial amygdala for the formation of social preference.
Takenawa Satoshi; Nagasawa Yutaro; Takahashi Aki; Ogawa ...
The 79th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Animal Psychology,/2019-10-12--2019-10-13 - more...
- Effects of excitation of the lateral hypothalamic neurons projecting to the dorsal raphe nucleus on aggressive behavior in male mice