Researcher's full information

Conference, etc.
  • PACAP遺伝子発現によるストレス関連行動の調節の遺伝学的解析
    Tanave A; Takahashi Aki; Sumiyama K; Koide T
  • MSM/Msマウスの不安様行動関連遺伝子の同定とその機能解析
    Tanave A; Takahashi Aki; Koide T
  • Higher expression of PACAP gene is associated with altered behavioral and prolonged physiological responses to stress in wild-derived MSM mice.
    Tanave A; Takahashi Aki; Sumiyama K; Koide T
    29th International Mammalian Genome Conference/2015-11-08--2015-11-11
  • Optogenetic silencing of serotonin neurons on escalated aggression in male mice
    Takahashi Aki; Tanaka KF; Yamanaka A; Koide T
    第120回 日本解剖学会総会・全国学術集会・第92回 日本生理学会大会合同大会/2015-03-21--2015-03-23
  • Role of blood-brain barrier permeability and tight junction protein claudin 5 in vulnerability to social stress and major depressive disorder.
    Menard C; Pfau ML; Wang VX; Kana V; Hodes GE; Aleyasin H...
    Neuroscience 2016/2016-11-12--2016-11-16
  • A cell-type specific role for nucleus accumbens neuroligin-2 in depression and stress susceptibility
    Heshmati M; Aleyasin H; Menard C; Flanigan ME; Pfau ML; G...
    Neuroscience 2016/2016-11-12--2016-11-16
  • Lateral habenula orexin receptor-2 signaling controls aggression reward
    Flanigan ME; Aleyasin H; Takahashi Aki; Calipari ES; Mena...
    Neuroscience 2016/2016-11-12--2016-11-16
  • Cell specific role of ∆FosB in aggressive behavior in male mice.
    Aleyasin H; Golden SA; Takahashi Aki; Flanigan ME; Pfau ...
    Neuroscience 2016/2016-11-12--2016-11-16
  • Neuromodulatory effect of cytokine in the dorsal raphe nucleus and individual difference of aggression
    Takahashi Aki; Aleyasin H; Flanigan ME; Brancato A; Menar...
    The International Behavioral Neuroscience Society (IBNS) 2017/2017-06-28--2017-06-30
  • Alcohol and aggression in preclinical models: Critical modulation of cortical serotonin via GABAA and NMDA receptors
    Takahashi Aki; Miczek KA; Hwa LS; Quadros I; Shimamoto A...
    16th Congress of the International Society for Biomedical Research on Alcoholism/2012-09-09--2012-09-12
  • Optogenetic activation of the mPFC and escalated aggression
    Takahashi Aki
  • Neurobiology of escalated aggression
    Takahashi Aki
    AAAS 2016 Annual Meeting/2016-02-12--2016-02-14
  • Neurobehavioral mechanisms of escalated aggression: the role of the dorsal raphe nucleus and prefrontal cortex in male mice
    Takahashi Aki
    International Society for Research on Aggression 22nd World Meeting (2016 ISRA)/2016-07-19--2016-07-23
  • Projections from the dorsal raphe nucleus that is involved in escalation of aggression
    Takahashi Aki
    The 40th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society/2017-07-20--2017-07-23
  • Mapping of genetic factors for intermale aggressive behavior on mouse chromosome 15
    Takahashi Aki; Hiroki Sugimoto; Shogo Kato; Toshihiko Shiroi...
    Society for Neuroscience 2015/2015-10-17--2015-10-21