- Research projects
Fibulin-5 modulates integrin-mediated signaling and alters microenvironment of the vascular wall. 2008-07 -- 2010-06 Hiromi Yanagisawa American Heart Association/Grant-in-Aid Genetic dissection of Hand genes during neural crest development in vivo. 2006-06 -- 2010-06 Hiromi Yanagisawa March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation/Research Grant Novel mechanism of matrix metalloprotease regulation by fibulin-5. 2006-06 -- 2009-05 Hiromi Yanagisawa Welch Foundation/Research Grant The role of fibulin-5 in cardiovascular remodeling. 2003-07 -- 2009-06 Hiromi Yanagisawa National Institute of Health (NIH)/R01 The role of novel secreted molecules in the cardiovascular remodeling in vivo. 2001-07 -- 2003-05 Hiromi Yanagisawa American Heart Association/Beginning Grant-in-Aid