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Conference, etc.
  • 多くの患者集積が認められた大動脈弁上狭窄症の1家系 ~胎児心エコー診断を含めて~
    林 立申; 矢野 悠介; 塩野 淳子; 杉山 香緒里; 柳沢 裕美; 堀米 仁志
  • Identification of biomolecular fingerprints specific for thoracic aortic aneurysm by Raman microspectroscopy combinsed with multivariate data analysis
    Kaori Sugiyama; Julia Marzi; Eva Brauchle; Masahiro Ando...
  • マトリクスメカノトランダクションと血管リモデリング
    山城 義人; Thang Bui Quoc; Ramirez Karina; Shin Seung Jae; To...
  • Contribution of matrix mechanotransduction in vascular remodeling
    柳沢 裕美
    GRC Elastin, Elastic fibers and Microfibrils/2019-07-24
  • Dual role of thrombospondin-1 in aortic remodeling and disease
    柳沢 裕美
    FASEB Summer Research Conference/2019-07-17
  • Roles of Mechanotransduction and Thrombospondin-1 in Development of Thoracic Aortic Aneurysm    
    柳沢 裕美; 山城義人; 平松祐司
  • Differential surface protein modifications during epidermal stem cell aging
    L Oinam; G Channgarathil; K Kawazoe; H Tateno; Yanagisawa...
    Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Stem Cell Biology/2019-09-17--2019-09-21
  • Role of PAR1-Egr1 in the initiation of thoracic aortic aneurysm
    辛 承宰; ヒョン スイ ハン; タン ブイ クゥオ; 平松 祐司; 山城 義人; 柳沢 裕美
  • ラマン分光法と多変量解析を用いた胸部大動脈瘤に特異的な生体分子指紋の同定
    杉山夏緒里; Julia Marzi; Eva Brauchle; 安藤正浩; 山城義人; Katja Schenke...
  • 血管壁のメカノトランスダクションと弾性線維
    柳沢 裕美
  • ラマン分光法と多変量解析を用いた胸部大動脈瘤に特異的な生体分子指紋の同定
    杉山夏緒里; Julia Marzi; Eva Brauchle; 安藤正浩; 山城義人; Katja Schenke...
  • Matrix mechanotransduction mediated by thrombospondin-1/integrin/YAP signaling pathway in remodeling ofvessel wall
    Yamashiro Yoshito; Yanagisawa Hiromi
    North American Vascular Biology Organization/2019-10-27--2019-10-31
  • Role of PAR1-Egr1 in the initiation of thoracic aortic aneurysm
    Shin Seung Jae; Yamashiro Yoshito; Quoc Thang Bui; Hirama...
    North American Vascular Biology Organization/2019-10-27--2019-10-31
  • Cell-specific function of fibulin-4 in progression of ascending aortic aneurysm in mice
    Nguyen Vu Tram Anh; Huynh Thuy Hang; Caroline Antunes Li...
    The 3rd JCS Council Forum on Basic Cardiovascular Research/2019-09-06--2019-09-08
  • Role of PAR1-Egr1 in the initiation of thoracic aortic aneurysm
    Seung Jae Shin; Yoshito Yamashiro; Thang Bui Quoc; Yuji ...
    The 3rd JCS Council Forum on Basic Cardiovascular Research/2019-09-06--2019-09-08
  • Contribution of PDGFRα-positive cell populations during vascular remodeling
    Ramirez Karina; Anh Nguyen Vu Tram; Yamashiro Yoshito; Sa...
    The 3rd JCS Council Forum on Basic Cardiovascular Research/2019-09-06--2019-09-08
  • Matrix mechanotransduction mediated by thrombospondin-1/integrin/YAP signaling pathway in the remodeling of blood vessels
    Yamashiro Yoshito; Thang Bui Quoc; Ramirez Karina; Shin ...
    Gordon Research Conference, Fibronectin, Integrins and Related Molecules/2019-05-05--2019-05-10
  • Role of thrombospondin-1 in mechanotransduction and development of thoracic aortic aneurysm
    Yamashiro Yoshito; Quoc Thang Bui; Shin Seung Jae; Lino ...
    Phosphatase Workshop/2018-10-23--2018-10-25
  • Role of thrombospondin-1 in mechanotransduction and development of thoracic aortic aneurysm
    Yamashiro Yoshito; Yanagisawa Hiromi
    GenTAC Aortic Disease Summit/2018-10-06--2018-10-07
  • Comprehensive analysis of gene expression profiles between aneurysmal and non-aneurysmal aortic wall in Marfan patients.
    Thang Bui Quoc; 山城義人; Chiho Tokunaga; Hiroaki Sakamoto; Se...
  • Role of PAR1-Egr1 in the initiation of thoracic aortic aneurysm
    Shin Seung Jae; Yamashiro Yoshito; Yanagisawa Hiromi
    2nd JCS Council on basic cardiovascular research/2018-09-22--2018-09-23
  • The integrity of extracellular matrix affects transduction of mechanical stress in the aortic wall.
    Quoc Thang Bui; Yamashiro Yoshito; Shin Seung Jae; Sakamo...
    The 2nd JCS council on basic cardiovascular research/2018-09-22--2018-09-23
  • Molecular mechanism of aortic wall remodeling associated with ascending thoracic aortic aneurysm –Comparison to abdominal aortic aneurysm.
    Thang Quoc Bui; 山城義人; Chiho Tokunaga; Hiroaki Sakamoto; 柳沢...
    The 70th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Association for Thoracic Surgery/2017-09-26--2017-09-30
  • Label-free Raman imaging of elastic fibers in diseased and healthy mouse aortic tissues
    杉山夏緒里; Brauchle Eva; Yanagisawa Hiromi; Schenke-Layland K...
    Joint meeting of the German and Swiss Soceity for Matrix Biology/2018-03-22--2018-03-24
  • Label-free Raman imaging of elastic fibers in disease and healthy mouse aortic tissues
    杉山夏緒里; Julia Marzi; Eva Brauchle; 山城義人; Katja Schenke-Layl...
    Raman Fest 2018/2018-06-25--2018-06-25
  • more...