Researcher's full information

Conference, etc.
  • Inhibition of Thrombosponding-1 protects against ascending aortic aneurysm in fibulin-4 mutant mice
    Yanagisawa Hiromi; Shin Seung Jae; Bui Quoc Thang; Yamash...
    The 1st JCS Council on Basic CardioVascular Research/2018-01-06--2018-01-07
  • ラベルフリー・ラマンイメージング法による大動脈疾患モデルマウスの弾性線維と膠原線維の解析
    杉山夏緒里; Julia Marzi; Eva Brauchle; 山城義人; Katja Schenke-Layl...
  • Label-free Raman imaging for non-invasive diagnostic tools of thoracic aortic aneurysm
    Sugiyama Kaori; Marzi Julia; Brauchle Eva; Ando Masahiro...
    Gordon Research Conference on Elastin, Elastic fibers, and Microfibrils/2019-07-21--2019-07-26
  • Contribution of matrix mechanotransduction in vascular remodeling
    Yanagisawa Hiromi
    Gordon Research Conference/2019-07-21--2019-07-26
  • Dual role of thrombospondin-1 in aortic remodeling and disease
    Yanagisawa Hiromi
    FASEB Science Research Conference/2019-07-14--2019-07-19
  • Wild-type and SAMP8 mice show age-dependent changes in distinct stem cell compartments of the interfollicular epidermis
    Changarathil G; Ramirez K; Isoda H; Yanagisawa H; Sada A
    Gordon Research Conference, Epithelial Differentiation and Keratinization/2019-07-07--2019-07-12
  • 家族性大動脈弁上狭窄症における新規エラスチン遺伝子変異の同定と解析
    杉山 夏緒里; 堀米 仁志; 村上 卓; 林 立申; 野崎 良寛; 塩野 淳子; 松裏 裕行; 緒方 公平; 柳沢...
  • Maintenance of heterogeneous epidermal stem cell populations by the distinct niche
    Oinam L; Changarathil G; Tsunezumi J; Yanagisawa H; Sada A
    Gordon Research Conference, Epithelial Differentiation and Keratinization/2019-07-07--2019-07-12
  • Short fibulins in development and disease
    Yanagisawa Hiromi
    Japanese Society of Podocyte Biology/2019-03-16--2019-03-16
  • Maintenance of heterogeneous epidermal stem cell populations by the distinct niche
    Oinam L; Changarathil G; Tsunezumi J; Yanagisawa H; Sada A
    The 17th Stem Cell Research Symposium/2019-05-24--2019-05-25
  • Differential surface protein modifications during epidermal stem cell aging
    Oinam L; Changarathil G; Kawazoe K; Tateno H; Sada A; Yan...
    The 19th International Joint Mini-Symposium on Molecular and Cell Biology/2019-05-03--2019-05-04
  • Roles of Mechanotransduction and Thrombospondin-1 in Development of Thoracic Aortic Aneursysm
    Yanagisawa Hiromi
    Japanese Circulation Society/2019-03-29--2019-03-31
  • メカニカルストレス応答破綻による大動脈瘤形成とトロンボスポンディンの役割
    柳沢 裕美
  • Role of Short Fibulas in Maintenance of Vessel Walls
    Yanagisawa Hiromi
    American Society for Matrix Biology/2018-10-13--2018-10-17
  • 腎・血管における短鎖Fibulins の役割
    柳沢 裕美
    Annual Meeting of the Japanese Biochemical Society/2018-09-25--2018-09-26
  • 動脈弾性板ー平滑筋細胞連結による大動脈壁の維持機構
    山城義人; Bui Quoc Thang; 柳沢 裕美
  • Fibulin-7 は腎尿細管石灰化に関与するヘパリン結合性マトリセルラータンパク質である
    常住 淳; 杉浦秀和; Thang Bui Quoc; 黒尾 誠; 柳沢 裕美
  • Fibulin-4 deficiency differentially affects cytoskeleton structure and dynamics as well as TGF beta signaling
    Burger Joyce; van Vliet Nicole; van Heijningen Paula; ...
    10th European Elastin Meeting/2018-06-14--2018-06-16
  • Recent progress in short fibulin family
    柳沢 裕美
  • The role of thrombospondin-1 in ascending aortic aneurysms in fibulin-4 mutant mice
    Yamashiro Yoshito; Jae Shin Leung; Thang Bui Quoc; Yanagi...
    North American Vascular Biology Organization/2017-10
  • Comparison of signaling pathways involved in aortic aneurysms using fibulin-4 and fibulin-5 mutant mice
    Yanagisawa Hiromi; Yamashiro Yoshito
    The Japanese Circulation Society/2017-03
  • メカニカルストレスによる心血管理モデリングと細胞外マトリックス
    柳沢 裕美
    日本循環器病学会 心筋生検研究会ジョイントセッション/2017-03
  • Short fibulins: roles in vascular biology and disease
    Yanagisawa Hiromi
    Japan Atherosclerosis Society, Annual Scientific Meeting/2016-07
  • Abnormal mechanosensing and aortic aneurysms in fibulin-4 deficient mice
    Yanagisawa Hiromi
    FASEB Science Research Conference/2016-07
  • Molecular mechanism of ascending aortic aneurysms: insights from fibulin-4 mutant mice
    Yanagisawa Hiromi
    European Elastin Meeting/2016-06
  • more...