GOSHO Masahiko

Researcher's full information

  • Drug-drug interaction study to assess the effects of multiple-dose pitavastatin on steady-state warfarin in healthy adult volunteers
    Inagaki Y; Hunt T; Arana B; Gosho M; Morgan R
    The Journal of Clinical Pharmacology/51/pp.1302-1309, 2011-09
  • Modifications of QIC and CIC for selecting a working correlation structure in the generalized estimating equation method
    Gosho M; Hamada C; Yoshimura I
    Japanese Journal of Biometrics/32/pp.1-13, 2011-09
  • Criterion for the selection of a working correlation structure in the generalized estimating equation approach for longitudinal balanced data
    Gosho M; Hamada C; Yoshimura I
    Communications in Statistics – Theory and Methods/40/pp.3839-3856, 2011-09
  • POWERプロシジャを用いた生存時間解析における症例数設定方法の統計学的一考察
    中西豊支; 五所 正彦; 菅波秀規
    SAS Formユーザー会学術総会2006 論文集/pp.161-170, 2006
  • SASを用いた二段階法と非線形混合効果モデル法の性能比較
    五所 正彦; 菅波秀規
    SAS Formユーザー会学術総会2005 論文集/pp.31-41, 2005
  • MIXEDプロシジャを用いた反復測定データの解析
    菅波秀規; 五所 正彦
    日本SASユーザー会総会および研究発表会 論文集/pp.149-158, 2002