ONO Seiji
- Articles
- 滑動性追跡眼球運動の特性と機能
小野 誠司
体育の科学/65(12)/pp.868-872, 2015-12 - The neuronal basis of on-line visual control in smooth pursuit eye movements.
Ono Seiji
Vision Research/11/pp.254-264, 2015 - Vertical and oblique saccade disconjugacy in strabismus.
Walton MM; Ono Seiji; Mustari MJ
Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science/55/pp.275-290, 2014 - 運動が上手くなる脳のメカニズム-運動と視覚情報処理について-
小野 誠司
バイオメカニズム学会誌/37(4)/pp.211-214, 2013 - Stimulation of pontine reticular formation in monkeys with strabismus.
Walton MM; Ono Seiji; Mustari MJ
Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science/54/pp.7125-7136, 2013 - The effects of smooth pursuit adaptation on the gain of visuomotor transmission in monkeys
Ono Seiji
Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience/119/pp.1-11, 2013 - Role of MSTd Extraretinal Signals in Smooth Pursuit Adaptation.
Ono Seiji; Mustari MJ
Cerebral Cortex/22(5)/pp.1139-1147, 2012 - Conjugate adaptation of smooth pursuit during monocular viewing in strabismic monkeys with exotropia.
Ono Seiji; Das VE; Mustari MJ
Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science/53(4)/pp.2038-2045, 2012 - 運動学習を導くエラー信号の入力源と機能的役割
小野 誠司
日本神経回路学会誌/18(1)/pp.31-40, 2011 - Neural mechanisms for smooth pursuit in strabismus. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences.
Mustari MJ; Ono Seiji
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences/1233/pp.187-193, 2011 - An information-theoretic approach for evaluating probabilistic tuning functions of single neurons.
Brostek L; Eggert T; Ono Seiji; Mustari MJ; Büttner U; Glasauer S
Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience/30/pp.5-15, 2011 - The response of MSTd neurons to perturbations in target motion during ongoing smooth pursuit eye movements.
Ono Seiji; Brostek L; Nuding U; Glasauer S; Büttner U; Mustari MJ
Journal of Neurophysiology/103/pp.519-530, 2010 - Visual error signals from the pretectal nucleus of the optic tract guide motor learning for smooth pursuit.
Ono Seiji; Mustari MJ
Journal of Neurophysiology/103/pp.2889-2899, 2010 - Signal processing and distribution in cortical-brainstem pathways for smooth pursuit eye movements.
Mustari MJ; Ono Seiji; Das VE
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences/1164/pp.147-154, 2009 - Smoot pursuit-related information processing in frontal eye field neurons that project to the NRTP.
Ono Seiji
Cerebral Cortex/19(5)/pp.1186-1197, 2009 - A theory of the dual pathways for smooth pursuit based on dynamic gain control.
Nuding U; Ono Seiji; Mustari MJ; Büttner U; Glasauer S
Journal of Neurophysiology/99/pp.2798-2808, 2008 - Enhanced motion sensitivity follows saccadic suppression in the superior temporal sulcus of the macaque cortex.
Ibbotson MR; Price NS; Crowder NA; Ono Seiji; Mustari MJ
Cerebral Cortex/17/pp.1129-1138, 2007 - Horizontal smooth pursuit adaptation in macaques after muscimol inactivation of the dorsolateral pontine nucleus (DLPN).
Ono Seiji; Mustari MJ
Journal of Neurophysiology/98/pp.2918-2932, 2007 - Extraretinal signals in MSTd neurons related to volitional smooth pursuit.
Ono Seiji; Mustari MJ
Journal of Neurophysiology/94/pp.2819-2825, 2006 - Modeling of Smooth Pursuit-Related Neuronal Responses in the DLPN and NRTP of the Rhesus Macaque.
Ono Seiji; Das VE; Economides JR; Mustari MJ
Journal of Neurophysiology/93/pp.108-116, 2005 - Rapid processing of retinal slip during saccades in macaque area MT.
Price NS; Ibbotoson MR; Ono Seiji; Mustari MJ
Journal of Neurophysiology/94/pp.235-246, 2005 - Comparing acceleration and speed tuning in macaque MT: physiology and modeling.
Price NS; Ono Seiji; Mustari MJ; Ibbotoson MR
Journal of Neurophysiology/94/pp.3451-3464, 2005 - Gaze-Related Response Properties of DLPN and NRTP Neurons in the Rhesus Macaque.
Ono Seiji; Das VE; Mustari MJ
Journal of Neurophysiology/91/pp.2484-2500, 2004 - Saccade Disconjugacy and Adaptation in Strabismic Monkeys.
Das VE; Fu LN; Ono Seiji; Tusa RJ; Mustari MJ
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences/1004/pp.381-384, 2003 - The role of the dorsolateral pontine Nucleus in visual-vestibular behavior.
Mustari MJ; Ono Seiji
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences/1004/pp.196-205, 2003 - more...
- 滑動性追跡眼球運動の特性と機能