ONO Seiji

Researcher's full information

  • The role of DLPN and NRTP in visual-vestibular behavior.
    Ono Seiji; Das VE; Mustari MJ
    Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences/1004/pp.399-403, 2003
  • Role of the Dorsolateral Pontine Nucleus in Short-Term Adaptation of the Horizontal Vestibuloocular Reflex.
    Ono Seiji; Das VE; Mustari MJ
    Journal of Neurophysiology/89/pp.2879-2885, 2003
  • Conjugate Adaptation of Saccadic Gain in Non-Human Primates with Strabismus.
    Das VE; Ono Seiji; Mustari MJ
    Journal of Neurophysiology/91/pp.1078-1084, 2003
  • Morphology of physiologically identified otolith-related vestibular neurons in cats.
    Meng H; Sato H; Imagawa M; Zakir M; Ono Seiji; Kushiro K; Uchino Y
    Neuroscience letters/331/pp.37-40, 2002
  • Information processing in parafoveal cells in the nucleus of the optic tract of the nonhuman primate.
    Das VE; Economides JR; Ono Seiji; Mustari MJ
    Experimental Brain Research/140/pp.301-310, 2001
  • Commissural effects in the otolith system.
    Uchino Y; Sato H; Zakir M; Kushiro K; Imagawa M; Ogawa Y; Ono S...
    Experimental Brain Research/136/pp.421-430, 2001
  • Saccular and utricular inputs to single vestibular neurons in cats.
    Kushiro K; Zakir M; Sato H; Ono Seiji; Ogawa Y; Meng H; Uchino Y
    Experimental Brain Research/131/pp.406-415, 2000
  • Properties of utricular and saccular nerve-activated vestibulocerebellar neurons in cats.
    Ono Seiji; Kushiro K; Zakir M; Meng H; Sato H; Uchino Y
    Experimental Brain Research/134/pp.1-8, 2000
  • Saccular and utricular influences on sympathetic nerve activities in cats.
    Zakir M; Ono Seiji; Meng H; Uchino Y
    Experimental Brain Research/134/pp.402-406, 2000