KASAI Hidetaka

Researcher's full information

Conference, etc.
  • X-ray charge density study of molybdenum
    Sasaki Tomoaki; Kasai Hidetaka; Nishibori Eiji
  • X-ray Electron Density Investigation of van der Waals Gap Interaction in TiS2
    Kasai Hidetaka; Tolborg Kasper; Sist Mattia; Zhang Jiawe...
    American Physical Society March Meeting 2018/2018-03-05--2018-03-09
  • 超臨界水熱合成によるナノ粒子生成のその場観察
    笠井 秀隆; 藤田知樹; 西堀英治
  • X-ray Electron Density Investigation of Weak Interlayer Interaction in TiS2
    笠井 秀隆; Tolborg Kasper; Sist Mattia; Zhang Jiawei; Hat...
    CrSJ 2017/2017-11-23--2017-11-24
  • 超臨界流体におけるナノ粒子生成のその場観察
    藤田 知樹; 笠井 秀隆; 西堀 英治
    CrSJ 2017/2017-11-23--2017-11-24
  • 超高分解能放射光粉末法によるアルミニウムの結合電荷密度
    佐々木 友彰; 笠井 秀隆; 西堀 英治
    CrSJ 2017/2017-11-23--2017-11-24
  • Charge density of ZnSb
    Kasai Hidetaka
    Center for Materials Crystallography, Annual Meeting/2017-10-02--2017-10-03
  • Charge density study of van der Waals-layered MoS2 and TiS2
    Kasai Hidetaka; Tolborg Kasper; Zhang Jiawei; Kevy Simon...
    24th Congress and General Assembly of the International Union of Crystallography (IUCr2017)/2017-08-21--2017-08-28
  • High resolution charge density of metal hexaborides.
    Nishibori Eiji; Kasai Hidetaka
    24th Congress and General Assembly of the International Union of Crystallography/2017-08-21--2017-08-28
  • Ultra-high reciprocal resolution X-ray diffraction of Al and Cu
    Sasaki Tomoaki; Kasai Hidetaka; Nishibori Eiji
    24th Congress and General Assembly of the International Union of Crystallography (IUCr2017)/2017-08-21--2017-08-28
  • Accurate charge densities from powder X-Ray diffraction
    Jørgensen Mads Ry Vogel; Tolborg Kasper; Kasai Hidetak...
    24th Congress and General Assembly of the International Union of Crystallography (IUCr2017)/2017-08-21--2017-08-28
  • Core electron deformation in silicon from powder X-ray diffraction
    Tolborg Kasper; Jørgensen Mads R. V.; Kasai Hidetaka; ...
    24th Congress and General Assembly of the International Union of Crystallography (IUCr2017)/2017-08-21--2017-08-28
  • Charge Density Study of Thermoelectric ZnSb
    Kasai Hidetaka; Zhang Jiawei; Blichfeld Anders Bank; Sist...
    Danscatt Annual Meeting 2017/2017-06-01--2017-06-02
  • Advanced charge density studies of TiS2 and LaB6 using high-resolution X-ray diffraction data
    Kasai Hidetaka
    2017 TIMS-CENIDE-NTHU Joint Symposium on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology/2017-03-10--2017-03-11
  • Charge density study of layered metal dichalcogenides
    Kasai Hidetaka
    Workshop on Advanced Structural Study/2016-11-19--2016-11-19
  • Electron Density of a Layered Transition Metal Dichalcogenide
    Kasai Hidetaka; Tolborg Kasper; Sist Mattia; Hathwar Ven...
    30th Meeting of the European Crystallographic Association (ECM-30)/2016-08-28--2016-09-01
  • Can H- and Cu-loaded CHA examined using high resolution powder X-ray diffraction reveal the nature behind coexistence of active Cu2+ and Brønsted acid sites?
    Andersen Casper Welzel; Bremholm Martin; Vennestrøm Pe...
    18th International Zeolite Conference (18th IZC)/2016-06-19--2016-06-24
  • オーフス大CMCでの構造科学研究
    笠井 秀隆
  • アークプラズマ蒸着法を用いた金属ナノ粒子担持配位高分子の作製
    貞清 正彰; 山内 美穂; 笠井 秀隆; 加藤 健一; 高田 昌樹
  • ギャップレスMYTHEN検出器を用いたPdの水素圧下回折・全散乱実験
    笠井 秀隆; 加藤 健一; 山内 美穂; 高田 昌樹
  • In Situ回折・全散乱のためのギャップレス MYTHEN 検出器
    加藤 健一; 笠井 秀隆; 田中 義人; 山内 美穂; 高田 昌樹
  • Ruddlesden-Popper型層状酸化物のOH-伝導発現機構
    笠井 秀隆; 加藤 健一; 高田 昌樹; 堀 彰宏; 北川 進; 田中 宏志; 有川 英一; 竹口 ...
  • In Situ 静電場解析による超イオン伝導体 NaxCoO2 の拡散トレース
    加藤 健一; 笠井 秀隆; 高田 昌樹; 堀 彰宏; 北川 進; 田中 宏志; 有川 英一; 竹口 ...
  • 金属ナノ粒子担持ZIF-8の作製と触媒特性
    貞清 正彰; 金野 優; 吉丸 翔太郎; 佐藤 勝俊; 永岡 勝俊; 笠井 秀隆; 加藤 健一; 山...
  • In situ synchrotron powder diffraction for an ionic conductor transition
    Kasai Hidetaka; Kato Kenichi; Hori Akihiro; Takata Ma...
    23rd Congress and General Assembly of the International Union of Crystallography (IUCr2014)/2014-08-05--2014-08-12
  • more...