- Affiliation
- Institute of Library, Information and Media Science
- Official title
- Associate Professor
- Sex
- Male
- Birth date
- 1987-09
- =:,=$5'FUQ6/,6O768.8%$O$&O-3
- Office
- Digital Nature Group
- Other affiliation
Pixie Dust Technologies, Inc. CEO - Research fields
Kansei informatics Human interface and interaction - Research keywords
デジタルネイチャー, ヒューマンコンピュータインタラクション, バーチャルリアリティ, 人間知能と人工知能の協調, 人工知能によるアクセシビリティ, 計算機ホログラム, 超音波ユーザーインターフェース , レーザーユーザーインターフェース, 微分オントロジー - Research projects
特別研究事業(デジタルネイチャー推進戦略研究基盤) 2017-12 -- 2022-11 / 波動とデジタルファブリケーションを組み合わせた知能化技術 2019-04 -- (current) Yoichi Ochiai Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST)/戦略的創造研究推進事業 66,300,000Yen Construction method of creative collaboration of human and mechanical intelligence 2018-06 -- 2021-03 OCHIAI Yoichi Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Research (Exploratory) 6,240,000Yen 波動とデジタルファブリケーションを組み合わせた知能化技術 2017 -- 2019 落合陽一 Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST)/JST戦略的創造研究推進事業(CREST) 30,160,000Yen Cross-Field Display on Cross-modalities 2017-04 -- 2021-03 OCHIAI Yoichi Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists(A) 13,270,000Yen Digital Fabrication method with CGH and Thz imaging. 2016-04 -- 2018-03 OCHIAI Yoichi Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for challenging Exploratory Research 3,510,000Yen - Career history
2020-06 -- (current) Research and Development Center for Digital Natureセンター長 2017-12 -- (current) 筑波大学図書館情報メディア系准教授 2017-04 -- (current) 大阪芸術大学客員教授 2017-04 -- (current) デジタルハリウッド大学客員教授 2015-05 -- 2017-11 筑波大学図書館情報メディア系助教 2015-05 -- (current) 一般社団法人未踏理事 2015-05 -- (current) 一般社団法人バーチャルリアリティコンソーシアム理事 2015-02 -- (current) ピクシーダストテクノロジーズ株式会社代表取締役 - Academic background
2013-04 -- 2015-04 東京大学大学院 学際情報学府博士後期課程 学際情報学 2011-04 -- 2013-03 東京大学大学院 学際情報学府博士前期課程 学際情報学 2007-04 -- 2011-03 筑波大学 情報学群 情報メディア創成学類 - Degree
2015-04 Applied Computer Science The University of Tokyo - Academic societies
2014-06 -- (current) Information Processing Society of Japan 2010-04 -- (current) THE VIRTUAL REALITY SOCIETY OF JAPAN 2010-07 -- (current) ACM - Honors & Awards
2023-04 令和5年度 科学技術分野の文部科学大臣表彰 若手科学者賞 2021-09 Apollo Magazine 40 UNDER 40 ART AND TECH 2021-06 PMI Future 50 2020-09 文化庁メディア芸術祭審査委員会推薦作品エンターテイメント部門 2019-06 カンヌライオンズ 2019 ミュージック部門(「エンターテイメントライオンズ・フォー・ミュージック」)ブロンズ受賞 2015-11 経済産業省Innovative Technologies 2016-6 Prix Ars Electronica Starts Prize Honarary Mention 2016-4 Larval Virtual Award 2016 2015-11 グッドデザイン賞 2016-05 Prix Ars Electronica Honarary Mention 2016-04 World Omosiroi Award 2015-12 WIRED CREATIVE HACK AWARD GRAND PRIX 2015-12 Asia Digital Art Award 2015-11 World Technology Award 2015 - Articles
- Generative artificial intelligence-guided user studies: an application for air taxi services
Shengdi Xiao; Jingjing li; 伏見 龍樹; Yoichi Ochiai
BEHAVIOUR & INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, 2025-02 - An exploration in digital techniques to read Ainu textile patterns
Meza Xanat Vargas; Zhang Zhexin; Ochiai Yoichi
JOURNAL OF CULTURAL HERITAGE MANAGEMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT/Epub, 2025-01-10 - Spatial Sound Modulation through Manual Reconfiguration of Phased Plate
Soma Mochizuki; Yoichi Ochiai; 伏見 龍樹
arXiv, 2025-01 - Generative Artificial Intelligence-Guided User Studies: An Application for Air Taxi Services
Xiao Shengdi; Li Jingjing; FUSHIMI Tatsuki; Ochiai Yo...
arXiv, 2024-06 - Mid-Air Single-Sided Acoustic Levitation in High-Pressure Regions
Koroyasu Yusuke; Ochiai Yoichi; Hoshi Takayuki; FUSHIM...
arXiv, 2024-12 - Conditional neural holography: a distance-adaptive CGH generator
Asano Yuto; Yamamoto Kenta; FUSHIMI Tatsuki; Ochiai Y...
Arxiv, 2024-11 - Low Vision Boxing: Participatory Design of Adaptive Kickboxing Experiences with Low Vision Person
ASSETS '24: Proceedings of the 26th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility, 2024-10 - Establishing a Community-Driven Digital Library for the Visually Impaired
ASSETS '24: Proceedings of the 26th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility/117/pp.1-4, 2024-10 - A systematic review of digital transformation technologies in museum exhibition
Li Jingjing; Zheng Xiaoyang; Watanabe Ikumu; Ochiai Y...
COMPUTERS IN HUMAN BEHAVIOR/161, 2024-12 - Distance-adaptive unsupervised CNN model for computer-generated holography
Asano Yuto; Yamamoto Kenta; Fushimi Tatsuki; Ochiai Y...
SIGGRAPH '24: ACM SIGGRAPH 2024 Posters, 2024-07-25 - EMSJUMP: Electrical Muscle Stimulation as a Wearable Training Tool for Take-off Phase of Ski Jumping
中村翔音; 伏見龍樹; OCHIAI Yoichi
SIGGRAPH '24: ACM SIGGRAPH 2024 Posters/pp.1-2, 2024-07-25 - Microfluidic platform using focused ultrasound passing through hydrophobic meshes with jump availability
Koroyasu Yusuke; Nguyen Thanh-Vinh; Sasaguri Shun; Mar...
PNAS NEXUS/2(7), 2023-06 - Floating on the Boundary: Perceptions of Reality in a Half-Digital Half-Physical Bunny
Yokoyama Takumi; Izumil Kazuya; Fushimi Tatsuki; Ochia...
Ayaka Tsutsui; 伏見 龍樹; Takahito Murakami; Ryosei Kojim...
CHI 2024: The ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2024-05 - 妊婦体験ジャケット着用時の姿勢・歩容・腰部負担感の分析‐ヒール高による比較
塩見 咲良; 寺澤 瑛利子; 鳥居 万椰; 村上 貴人; 落合 陽一; 金澤 悠喜; 岡山 久代
Journal of Nursing Science and Engineering, 2024-04 - SINIC理論とデジタルネイチャー
落合 陽一
電子情報通信学会誌/107(3)/pp.226-232, 2024-03 - A Case Study Report on the Live Delivery of a Sign Language Conversation between Several d/Deaf People: xDiversity Spin-off Symposium Project xTalk
設楽明寿; 鈴木 一平; 田中 沙紀子; 菅野 裕介; 落合 陽一
情報処理学会研究報告アクセシビリティ(AAC)/2024-AAC-24(21)/pp.1-6, 2024-03-18 - A Preliminary Study on Eye Contact Framework Toward Improving Gaze Awareness in Video Conferences
Izumi Kazuya; Suzuki Shieru; Niwa Ryogo; Shinoda Atsu...
HCII 2023: Human-Computer Interaction, 2023-07 - A Comparison of Digital Libraries for the Visually Impaired in the United States and Japan
Matsumura Tomoya; Ochiai Yoichi
HCII 2023: HCI International 2023 Posters/pp.341-344, 2023-07 - Text to Haptics: Method and Case Studies of Designing Tactile Graphics for Inclusive Tactile Picture Books by Digital Fabrication and Generative AI
Tanaka Kengo; Tsutsui Ayaka; Fushimi Tatsuki; Ochiai ...
SIGGRAPH '23: ACM SIGGRAPH 2023 Labs/pp.1-2, 2023-07-23 - Live Demonstration: Event-based Visual Microphone
Niwa Ryogo; Fushimi Tatsuki; Yamamoto Kenta; Ochiai Y...
2023 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW), 2023-06-18 - Crossed Half-Silvered Mirror Array: Fabrication and Evaluation of a See-Through Capable DIY Crossed Mirror Array
Katori Kensuke; Yamamoto Kenta; Suzuki Ippei; Fushimi ...
SIGGRAPH '23: ACM SIGGRAPH 2023 Posters/pp.1-2, 2023-07 - Give Life Back to Alternative Process: Exploring Handmade Photographic Printing Experiments towards Digital Nature Ecosystem
Ozawa Chinatsu; Yamamoto Kenta; Izumi Kazuya; Ochiai ...
SIGGRAPH '23: ACM SIGGRAPH 2023 Labs/pp.1-2, 2023-07-23 - ExudedVestibule: Enhancing Mid-air Haptics through Galvanic Vestibular Stimulation
Suzuki Shieru; Aoyama Kazuma; Kojima Ryosei; Izumi Ka...
SIGGRAPH '23: ACM SIGGRAPH 2023 Posters, 2023-07-23 - HaptStarter: Designing haptic stimulus start system for deaf and hard of hearing sprinters
Shitara Akihisa; Sarcar Sayan; Namatame Miki; Ochiai ...
- Generative artificial intelligence-guided user studies: an application for air taxi services
- Books
- Acoustic Levitation and Acoustic Holograms
Fushimi Tatsuki; Ochiai Yoichi
Acoustic Technologies in Biology and Medicine/John Wiley & Sons/pp.217-242, 2023-10 - 序章 最高のチーム/第5章 Maker Movementの期待と失敗
落合 陽一; 菅野裕介; 本多達也; 遠藤謙; 島影圭佑; 設楽明寿
xDiversityという可能性の挑戦, 2023-01 - 落合陽一34歳、「老い」向き合う
落合 陽一
2021-12 - ズームバック×オチアイ 過去を巨視して未来を考える
落合 陽一
2022-01 - 半歩先を読む思考法
落合 陽一
2021-07 - 働き方5.0: これからの世界をつくる仲間たちへ
落合 陽一
2020-06 - 2030年の世界地図帳 あたらしい経済とSDGs、未来への展望
落合 陽一
2019-11 - 空間立体表示とユーザインタフェース(第5章第1節)
落合 陽一; 高木 康博
空間立体表示とユーザインタフェース, 2019-5 - 超AI時代の生存戦略ーーシンギュラリティ<2040年代>に備える34のリスト
落合 陽一
大和書房, 2017-3 - 脱近代宣言
落合 陽一
脱近代宣言/水声社, 2018-9 - 日本進化論
落合 陽一
SBクリエイティブ, 2019-01 - ニッポン2021-2050 データから構想を生み出す教養と思考法
落合 陽一
KADOKAWA, 2018-10 - 0才から100才まで学び続けなくてはならない時代を生きる 学ぶ人と育てる人のための教科書
落合 陽一
小学館, 2018-11 - デジタルネイチャー 生態系を為す汎神化した計算機による侘と寂
落合 陽一
PLANETS, 2018-06 - 10年後の仕事図鑑
落合 陽一
10年後の仕事図鑑/SBクリエイティブ, 2018-04 - 日本再興戦略
落合 陽一
幻冬舎, 2018-01 - これからの世界をつくる仲間たちへ
落合 陽一
小学館, 2016-04 - 魔法の世紀
落合 陽一
- Acoustic Levitation and Acoustic Holograms
- Conference, etc.
- Low Vision Boxing: Participatory Design of Adaptive Kickboxing Experiences with Low Vision Person
ASSETS '24: The 26th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility/2024-10-28--2024-10-30 - Establishing a Community-Driven Digital Library for the Visually Impaired
ASSETS '24/2024-10-28--2024-10-30 - EMSJUMP: Electrical Muscle Stimulation as a Wearable Training Tool for Take-off Phase of Ski Jumping
Nakamura Shon; Fushimi Tatsuki; Ochiai Yoichi
SIGGRAPH 2024/2024-07-27--2024-08-01 - Distance-adaptive unsupervised CNN model for computer-generated holography
Asano Yuto; Yamamoto Kenta; Fushimi Tatsuki; Ochiai Y...
SIGGRAPH 2024/2024-07-27--2024-08-01 - Dynamic Acousto-Caustics in Dual-optimized Holographic Fields
Nagakura Koki; Fushimi Tatsuki; Tsutsui Ayaka; Ochiai ...
SIGGRAPH 2024/2024-07-27--2024-08-01 - Floating on the Boundary: Perceptions of Reality in a Half-Digital Half-Physical Bunny
Yokoyama Takumi; Izumil Kazuya; Fushimi Tatsuki; Ochia...
SIGGRAPH 2024/2024-07-28--2024-08-01 - A Case Study Report on the Live Delivery of a Sign Language Conversation between Several d/Deaf People: xDiversity Spin-off Symposium Project xTalk
落合 陽一
情報処理学会アクセシビリティ研究会第24回研究会/2024-03-18 - A Preliminary Study on Eye Contact Framework Toward Improving Gaze Awareness in Video Conferences
Izumi Kazuya; Suzuki Shieru; Niwa Ryogo; Shinoda Atsu...
International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction 2023/2023-07-23--2023-07-28 - A Comparison of Digital Libraries for the Visually Impaired in the United States and Japan
Matsumura Tomoya; Ochiai Yoichi
HCII2023 (25th International Conference on. Human-Computer Interaction )/2023-07-23--2023-07-28 - Give Life Back to Alternative Process: Exploring Handmade Photographic Printing Experiments towards Digital Nature Ecosystem
Ozawa Chinatsu; Yamamoto Kenta; Izumi Kazuya; Ochiai ...
SIGGRAPH2023/2023-08-06--2023-08-10 - フルカラーサイアノタイプのための計算機処理を統合させた新しい印刷フレームワークの構築
小澤知夏; 山本健太; 泉和哉; 落合 陽一
2023年画像関連学会連合会第9回合同秋季大会/2023-11-13--2023-11-14 - モノクロのオルタナティブプロセスのための計算機処理を統合させた 新しい印刷フレームワークの構築
小澤知夏; 山本健太; 泉和哉; 落合 陽一
2023年画像関連学会連合会第9回合同秋季大会/2023-11-13--2023-11-14 - Lottery and Sprint: Generate a Board Game with Design Sprint Method on AutoGPT
Torii Maya Grace; Murakami Takahito; Ochiai Yoichi
The Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play (CHI PLAY)/2023-10-10--2023-10-13 - Acoustic radiation force profile of the focused ultrasound for the object within a plane
頃安祐輔; 星貴之; 落合陽一; 伏見 龍樹
日本音響学会第151回(2024年春季)研究発表会/2024-03-06--2024-03-08 - Alternative Photographic Processes Reimagined: The Role of Digital Technology in Revitalizing Classic Printing Techniques
Ozawa Chinatsu; Yamamoto Kenta; Izumi Kazuya; Ochiai ...
SIGGRAPH Asia 2023/2023-12-12--2023-12-15 - Microfluidic platform using focused ultrasound passing through hydrophobic meshes towards automatic biological experiment
Koroyasu Yusuke; Gupta Ruchi; Yamamoto Tatsuya; Yoichi...
Acoustics 2023 Sydney/2023-12-04--2023-12-08 - Event-based Visual Microphone: Non-contact Vibration Sensing using Event Camera
丹羽遼吾; 伏見 龍樹; 山本健太; 落合陽一
2023 Autumn Meeting The Acoustical Society of Japan/2023-09-27 - Development of Acoustic Hologram Optimizer that Generate Arbitrary Phase Singularities
伏見 龍樹; 落合陽一
2023 Autumn Meeting The Acoustical Society of Japan/2023-09-26--2023-09-28 - Text to Haptics: Method and Case Studies of Designing Tactile Graphics for Inclusive Tactile Picture Books by Digital Fabrication and Generative AI
Tanaka Kengo; Tsutsui Ayaka; Fushimi Tatsuki; Ochiai Yoichi
SIGGRAPH 2023/2023-08-06--2023-08-10 - Ultrasonic Embossment of Acrylic Sheets with Transparency Control
Tsutsui Ayaka; Fushimi Tatsuki; Tanaka Kengo; Murakami T...
SIGGRAPH 2023/2023-08-06--2023-08-10 - Crossed Half-Silvered Mirror Array: Fabrication and Evaluation of a See-Through Capable DIY Crossed Mirror Array
Katori Kensuke; Yamamoto Kenta; Suzuki Ippei; Fushimi Ta...
SIGGRAPH 2023/2023-08-06--2023-08-10 - ExudedVestibule: Enhancing Mid-air Haptics through Galvanic Vestibular Stimulation
Suzuki Shieru; Aoyama Kazuma; Kojima Ryosei; Izumi Kazuy...
SIGGRAPH 2023/2023-08-06--2023-08-10 - Live Demonstration: Event-based Visual Microphone
Niwa Ryogo; Fushimi Tatsuki; Yamamoto Kenta; Ochiai Y...
CVPR 2023/2023-06-18--2023-06-22 - Designing Gestures for Digital Musical Instruments: Gesture Elicitation Study with Deaf and Hard of Hearing People
Iijima Ryo; Shitara Akihisa; Ochiai Yoichi
The 24th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility (ASSETS ’22)/2022-10-23--2022-10-26 - Computer Generated Hologram Optimization for Lens Aberration
Nakamura Kazushi; Yamamoto Kenta; Ochiai Yoichi
ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2022/2022-12-06--2022-12-09 - more...
- Low Vision Boxing: Participatory Design of Adaptive Kickboxing Experiences with Low Vision Person
- Intellectural property rights
- 空気渦輪発生機
小嶋凌勢; 伏見 龍樹; 落合陽一 - 液滴操作装置、及び液滴操作方法
伏見 龍樹; 落合陽一; 頃安祐輔 - 飛翔体制御システム,飛翔体制御方法,およびプログラム
落合陽一; 貞末真明; 皆川達也; 伏見 龍樹 - Optimization of Acoustic Holograms Using Automatic Differentiation
落合陽一; 山本健太; 伏見 龍樹
- 空気渦輪発生機
- Works
- Recomposition of Human Presence: Waves, Material, and Intelligence
Ochiai Yoichi
- Recomposition of Human Presence: Waves, Material, and Intelligence
- Teaching
2024-10 -- 2024-12 Introduction to Content Application University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2024-12 Information Design University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-06 Study on Digital Nature University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2024-12 Content Design and Production University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Synthetic Seminar on MSc Research b University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Synthetic Seminar on MSc Research b University of Tsukuba. 2024-07 -- 2024-08 Information Media Seminar C University of Tsukuba. 2024-07 -- 2024-08 Introduction to Research Methods University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Synthetic Seminar on MSc Research a University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Synthetic Seminar on MSc Research a University of Tsukuba. more... - Other educational activities
2015-05 -- (current) ARE(先導的研究者体験プログラム)指導教員 筑波大学 - Talks
- PowerPoint等による魅せる・伝わるビジュアルデザイン
田中 佐代子; 落合 陽一
筑波大学STEAMリーダーシッププログラム「課題創造学」講座 第4期/2023-10-10--2023-10-10
- PowerPoint等による魅せる・伝わるビジュアルデザイン
- University Management
2017-04 -- 2019-03 筑波大学 学長補佐
(Last updated: 2024-10-31)