YE Shaoyu

Researcher's full information

  • A qualitative examination of college students' Twitter Usage purposes during the COVID-19 pandemic: Comparison by posting frequency
    福沢 愛; 叶 少瑜
    IEICE Technical Report/122(413)/pp.82-87, 2023-03
  • Relationship between university students' social media usage, social capital and loneliness: Comparing the usage of LINE, Twitter, and Instagram
    川上 将太; 叶 少瑜
    IEICE Technical Report/122(413)/pp.88-92, 2023-03
  • College students' Twitter usage and subjective well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic: Through the mediating effect of expressing opinions to others
    大平季林; 叶 少瑜
    IEICE Technical Report/122(413)/pp.76-81, 2023-03
  • College students' Twitter usage and psychological well-being from the perspective of generalised trust: Comparing changes before and during the COVID-19 pandemic
    Ye Shaoyu; Ho K. W. Kevin
    Library Hi Tech/41(1)/pp.152-173, 2023-04
  • The relationship between international students' motivation, media usage and feelings of stress in Japan during the COVID-19 pandemic: Comparing international students from mainland China and others
    官 尋; 叶 少瑜
    IEICE Technical Report/122(349)/pp.30-35, 2023-01
  • Causal relationship between university students' social media usage and subjective well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic: Examination through longitudinal survey
    叶 少瑜
    IEICE Technical Report/122(349)/pp.24-29, 2023-01
  • University students’ social media usage and subjective well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic: Comparing similarities and differences from 2021 to 2022
    Ho K. W. Kevin; Ye Shaoyu
    IEICE Technical Report/122(413)/pp.18-23, 2023-01
  • Perceptions of the COVID-19 pandemic and anxiety-relieving behaviors after the lifting of the first state of emergency in Japan: Comparing international students from mainland China and others
    Ye Shaoyu
    Journal of Socio-Informatics/15(1)/pp.1-14, 2022-09
  • University students' dissemination behaviors on Twitter and subjective well-being
    臼杵恵実; 叶 少瑜
    IEICE Technical Report/121/pp.49-54, 2022-03
  • The relationships between Twitter users' emotional expressions, topics and subjective well-being among university students
    叶 少瑜; 若林 啓; 周 子楷
    IEICE Technical Report/121/pp.37-42, 2022-03
  • The relationship between university students' use of social media and subjective well-being: Comparing the changes Before/With the COVID-19 pandemic
    叶 少瑜
    IEICE Technical Report/121(224)/pp.45-50, 2021-10
  • コロナ禍における大学生の学生生活とSNS使用
    照山絢子; 叶 少瑜
    IEICE Technical Report/121(224)/pp.39-44, 2021-10
  • College students' anxiety toward COVID-19 and relevant information gathering: Focusing on differences due to genders, grades and living situations
    加藤 由樹; 叶 少瑜
    IEICE Technical Report/121(224)/pp.33-38, 2021-10
  • International students' perception of the COVID-19 pandemic and their anxiety-relieving behaviors: Comparing international students from mainland China and others
    叶 少瑜
    IEICE Technical Report/121(224)/pp.16-21, 2021-10
  • The effects of generalized trust and group identification on social support networks and feelings of stress in Japan: Comparing face-to-face and instant messaging
    Ye Shaoyu
    Journal of Socio-Informatics/14(1)/pp.1-15, 2021-09
  • University students' use of Twitter and Games: From the perspective of their online behaviors
    坪井 樹; 叶 少瑜
    IEICE Technical Report/120(432)/pp.12-17, 2021-03
  • University students' leisure activities and interpersonal communication after the Declaration of Emergency
    村山 利輝; 叶 少瑜
    IEICE Technical Report/120(432)/pp.85-90, 2021-03
  • The effects of social media usage on loneliness and well-being: Analysing friendship connections of Facebook, Twitter and Instagram
    Ye Shaoyu; Ho K. W. Kevin; Zerbe Andre
    Information Discovery and Delivery/49(2)/pp.136-150, 2021-02
  • The relationships between perception of COVID-19, relevant behaviors and subjective well-being among university students: Comparing the use of Twitter, LINE and Instagram
    西堀 涼香; 叶 少瑜
    IEICE Technical Report/120(336)/pp.67-72, 2021-01
  • The relationship between Twitter usage and satisfaction of friendship among university students: Focus on use of multiple accounts
    添田 拓海; 叶 少瑜
    IEICE Technical Report/120(336)/pp.33-38, 2021-01
  • The relationship between perception of COVID-19 and relevant behaviors for anxiety relief: Comparing Japanese college students and international students
    叶 少瑜
    2020 National Conference for the Society of Socio-Informatics/pp.1-6, 2020-09
  • Do people feel unhappier if they post more negative Tweets? Using analysis of natural language processing
    叶 少瑜; 若林 啓; KHAN Muhammad Haseeb; 井上陽路
    Proceedings of the JSET Spring Conference 2020/pp.227-228, 2020-02
  • Can reading help maintain your good friendship? From the relationship with Internet use and Internet dependency
    三浦 真帆; 叶 少瑜
    IEICE Technical Report/119(394)/pp.77-82, 2020-01
  • University students' Twitter usage and subjective well-being
    井上 陽路; 叶 少瑜
    IEICE Technical Report/119(394)/pp.83-88, 2020-01
  • TraFST “Knowledge Integration” Series Editorial Board. Social simulation: To visualize the World
    叶 少瑜
    Socio-Informatics/8(2)/pp.205-206, 2019-12
  • more...