- Conference, etc.
- Symmetric inner-iteration preconditioning for rank-deficient least squares problems
Morikuni K.
SIAM Conference on Applied Linear Algebra, Atlanta, United States/2015-10-29 - Application of inner-iteration preconditioning to general least squares problems
Morikuni K. (保國 惠一)
Japan SIAM Annual Meeting 2015, Organized Session of Young Researchers Group, Kanazawa, Japan/2015-09-01 - Semi-supervised learning using a contour integral-based eigensolver for image segmentation
Ueta S.; Sakurai T.; Morikuni K.
Machine Learning Summer School 2015, Kyoto, Japan/2015-08-27 - Application of inner-iteration preconditioning to general least squares problems
Morikuni K.; Hayami K.
Recent Advances in the Solution of Least Squares Problems 1, International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics 2015 (ICIAM 2015), Beijing, China/2015-08-11 - Application of Inner-Iteration Krylov Subspace Methods to Interior-Point Methods for Linear Programs
Cui Y.; Morikuni K.; Tsuchiya T.; Hayami K.
WB04 Advances and Applications in Conic Optimization Part II, 22nd International Symposium on Mathematical Programming (ISMP 2015), Pittsburgh, US/2015-07-15 - Application of inner-iteration preconditioning to singular linear systems
Morikuni K.
International Conference on Preconditioning Techniques for Scientific and Industrial Applications, Eindhoven, Netherlands/2015-06-17--2015-06-19 - Inner-iteration preconditioning for singular linear systems
保國 惠一
The 44th Numerical Analysis Symposium, Yamanashi, Japan/2015-06-08--2015-06-10 - Krylov Subspace Methods Preconditioned by Inner Iterations for Rank-deficient Least Squares Problems
Morikuni K.; Hayami K.; Rozloznik M.
MS275 Preconditioners for Sparse Least Squares, SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering, Utah, United States/2015-03-01 - Application of Inner-iteration Preconditioning to General Least Squares Problems
Morikuni K.
Lecture on Numerical Linear Algebra, Tokyo, Japan/2015-02-03 - Application of inner iteration Krylov subspace method to linear programming problems
Cui Y.; Morikuni K.; Tsuchiya T.; Hayami K.
日本応用数理学会 「行列・固有値問題の解法とその応用」研究部会 第18回研究会, 東京/2014-12-01 - Inner-iteration preconditioning for singular linear systems
Morikuni K.; Rozloznik M.
Lecture on Numerical Linear Algebra, Tokyo, Japan/2014-11-04 - Inner-iteration preconditioning for CG and MINRES-type methods
Morikuni K.; Rozloznik M.; Hayami K.
The Fifth International Conference on Numerical Algebra and Scientific Computing (NASC 2014), Shanghai, China/2014-10-28 - AOR Inner-Iteration GMRES Method for Least Squares Problems
Liu L.; Morikuni K.; Hayami K.; Yin J.-F.
Workshop on Structured Preconditioning and Iterative Methods with Applications, Sanya, China/2014-03-01 - Fast solution methods for least squares problems and their applications
Hayami K.; Morikuni K.; Zheng N.
NINS (National Institutes of Natural Sciences) Workshop on Inverse Problems and Imaging/2014-01-01 - 最小ノルム解のための内部反復前処理
保國 惠一; 速水 謙
2013年 日本応用数理学会 若手の会 単独研究会, 東京/2013-12-01 - ランク落ち連立一次方程式に対する内部反復前処理
保國 惠一; 速水 謙
第2回岐阜数理科学研究会/2013-09-01 - Inner-iteration Krylov Subspace Methods for Least Squares Problems
Morikuni K.; Hayami K.
SIAM Student Paper Prize Winners Presentation session, 2013 SIAM Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, United States/2013-07-01 - Inner-iteration preconditioners for the minimum-norm solution of rank-deficient systems
Morikuni K.; Hayami K.
International Conference on Preconditioning Techniques for Scientific and Industrial Applications, Oxford, UK/2013-06-01 - Inner-iteration preconditioning for the minimum-norm solution of rank-deficient linear systems
Morikuni K.; Hayami K.
Minisymposium Linear Least Squares Methods: Algorithms, Analysis, and Applications, 18th Conference of the International Linear Algebra Society (ILAS), RI, United States/2013-06-01 - GMRES methods with inner iterations for least squares problems
Morikuni K.; Hayami K.
The Fourth International Conference on Numerical Algebra and Scientific Computing (NASC 2012), Dalian, China/2012-10-01 - 位相差電顕CTのための像再構成研究 ~その戦略と現状~
寺西 大 保國 惠一 細田 陽介 速水 謙 工藤 博幸 岩間尚文 村田和義 永山國昭
電子顕微鏡機能イメージングの医学・生物学への応用, 自然科学研究機構, 愛知/2012-10-01 - Inner-iteration GMRES methods for least squares problems
Morikuni K.; Hayami K.
3rd Dolomites Workshop on Constructive Approximation and Applications (DWCAA12), Trento, Italy/2012-09-01 - Inverse problems arising from image reconstruction in electron microscopes
保國 惠一; 細田 陽介; 速水 謙
Technical Meeting on Electronics, Information and Systems/2012-09-01 - GMRES methods preconditioned with inner iterations for general least squares problems
Morikuni K.; Hayami K.
Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Hokkaido, Japan/2012-08-01 - Inner iterations for generalized minimal residual (GMRES) methods with numerical performance
Nawar R.; Hayami K.; 保國 惠一
Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Hokkaido, Japan/2012-08-01 - more...
- Symmetric inner-iteration preconditioning for rank-deficient least squares problems