Institute of Systems and Information Engineering
Official title
Assistant Professor
C0|+!/|@OK /I102(2}|I| I'-
Other affiliation
University of Tsukuba Faculty of Engineering, Information and Systems. Department of Intelligent Interaction technologiesAssistant professor
Research fields
Rehabilitation science/ Welfare engineering
Intelligent mechanics/Mechanical systems
Neurophysiology / General neuroscience
Research keywords
Stroke, stem cells, bioengineering, cybernics
Research projects
Spasticity and vibration: understanding muscle tightness modulation as a therapeutic approach for neurologic patients2023-04 -- 2026-03PUENTES SandraJSPS/Fundamental Research (C)4,810,000Yen
Human augmentation for sign language users, transforming technology for an inclusive environment2021-08 -- 2022-03Puentes Sandra令和3年度研究基盤支援プログラム(Aタイプ)/650,000Yen
Modified mesenchymal stem cells for brain remodeling and motor recovery in a rodent stroke model2018-04 -- 2024-03PUENTES SandraJapan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists4,290,000Yen
ナノ粒子化活性酸素消去剤による脳虚血再灌流障害の神経血管ユニット保護療法の開発2017-04 -- 2019-03Marushima AikiKakenhi/Kiban Kenkyu (C)
Career history
2011-04 -- 2014-10National Institute of Neuroscience; National Center of Neurology and PsychiatryDepartment of NeurophysiologyPostdoctoral researcher
2015-03 -- 2015-07University of TsukubaCenter for Cybernics ResearchResearcher
Academic background
2000-01 -- 2006-12La Sabana University Faculty of Medicine Medicine
2007-04 -- 2011-03Gunma University Department of Neurosurgery Ph.D. in Medicine (Neurosciences)
2011-03Ph.D in Medicine (Neurosciences)Gunma University
2006-12Doctor in MedicineLa Sabana University
Licenses and qualifications
2023-08IEEE R10 EAAC Ethics Champion
2012-09-17National BioResource Project (Japanese Monkey handling license)
Academic societies
2022-01 -- (current)Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
2016-10 -- (current)International Society of Posture and Gait Research
2011-09 -- 2012-08Society for the Neural Control of Movement
2010-07 -- 2011-06The Molecular Biology Society of Japan
2009-06 -- 2010-05International Society for Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism
Honors & Awards
2022-10IEEE GCCE 2022 Excellent Paper Awards, Bronze prize.Conference paper
2010Highest award for excellent programSocial contribution facilitation seminar
  • Challenges and Approaches of Data Transformation. Big Data in Pandemic Times, an Example from Colombia
    Manrique Ruiz Luis Carlos; Puentes Sandra
    Engineering Analytics: Advances in Research and Applications/CRC Press. Taylor & Francis Group, 2021-09
Conference, etc.
  • Cognitive Conflict Classification Depending on Background Auditive Environment Using Support Vector Machine Based on Near-Infrared Hemoencephalography
    Yokoyama Kota; ZEMPO Keiichi; Puentes Sandra
    HCI International 2024 – Late Breaking Posters/2024-06-29--2024-07-04
  • Determining Thresholds for Manipulator Activation by the Trapezius Muscle: a Case Study from Non-Antagonistic Muscle Pairs
    Zhaolong WANG; Keiichi ZEMPO; PUENTES Sandra
    46th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC)/2024-07-15--2024-07-19
  • Cognitive Conflict Classification Depending on Background Auditive Environment Using Support Vector Machine Based on Near-Infrared Hemoencephalography
    Kota YOKOYAMA; (U.Tsukuba) ZEMPO Keiichi; PUENTES Sandra
    26th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction (HCI International) 2024/2024-06-29--2024-07-04
  • Disembodiment of Itch Sensation by Implementing Sensory Stimuli and the Rubber Hand Illusion
    IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications (MeMeA)/2024-06-26--2024-06-28
  • Analysis of gait coordination changes after training using HAL in patients with gait impairment due to central nervous system disorders
    Hideki Kadone; 清水 如代; Seioh Ezaki; Puentes Sandra; Hi...
    The 19th Congress of international Sciety of Biomechanics/2023-07-30--2023-08-03
  • Internationalization opportunities with the University of Tsukuba
    Puentes Sandra
    Research Internationalization Encounter 2023 UNAL/2023-08-18--2023-08-18
  • Infant-Modified Adipose-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells Modulates Microglial Response in a Rodent Stroke Model
    Puentes Sandra; Khanh Vuong Cat; Osamu Ohneda; Aiki M...
    IEEE 45th Annual International Conference of the Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC) 2023/2023-07-24--2023-07-28
  • Disembodiment of Itch Sensation by Implementing the Rubber Hand Illusion
    Togashi Reo; Puentes Sandra
    IEEE 45th Annual International Conference of the Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC) 2023/2023-07-24--2023-07-28
  • Validity of Accelerometer-Based Sensor System for Muscle Tightness Estimation through Vibration on the Upper Limb
    Torres Luis; Lee Jinho; Hachisu Taku; Puentes Sandra
    IEEE 45th Annual International Conference of the Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC) 2023/2023-07-24--2023-07-28
  • First-person view hand posture estimation and fingerspelling recognition using HoloLens
    Fujimoto Tomohito; Kawamura Takayuki; Zempo Keiichi; Puen...
    11th IEEE Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (IEEE GCCE2022)/2022-10-18--2022-10-21
  • First-person view hand posture estimation and fingerspelling recognition using HoloLens
    Puentes Sandra
    2022 IEEE 11th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE 2022)/2022-10-18--2022-10-21
  • Finger Pose Estimation and Fingerspelling Recognition from First Person Perspective Using HoloLens
    Fujimoto Tomohito; Kawamura Takayuki; Keiichi Zempo; プエンテ...
    HCG Symposium 2021/2021-12-15--2021-12-17
  • Neuroprotective Effect on Traumatic Brain Injury using Redox Nanoparticles in Mice
    Puentes Sandra
    International Neurotrauma Society, 15th International Neurotrauma Symposium/2022-07-17--2022-07-20
  • Estimation of Planar Covariation of Elevation Angles During Gait Using Inertial Measurement Units
    Puentes Sandra
    ISPGR 2022 International Society of Posture and Gait Research/2022-07-03--2022-07-07
  • Development of a Tissue Plasminogen Activator Installed Redox-Active Nanoparticle (t-PA@iRNP) for Novel Therapeutics…
    Mei Ting; Nagasaki Yukio; Ahram Kim; Vong Long Binh; Aiki...
  • 脳梗塞急性期血栓回収療法における抗酸化ナノメディシン(RNP)による脳保護療法の開発
    丸島愛樹; 長崎 幸夫; Arnela Mujagic; 松村英明; 平田浩二; 秋本大輔; Sandra Puente...
  • Antioxidant Nanomedicine, RNPs as Neurovascular Unit Protection Therapy For Cerebral Ischemia-Repefusion Injury
    Arnela Mujagic; Marushima Aiki; Nagasaki Yukio; Hosoo Hi...
  • ナノ粒子化活性酸素消去剤(RNP)による マウス頭部外傷モデルの脳・神経障害への代謝作用の検証
    高橋利英; 丸島愛樹; 長崎 幸夫; Sandra Puentes; Arnela Mujagic; 石川栄一; 松村 明
  • Early robotic intervention promoted bilateral reshaping of gait coordination in hemiparetic stroke patients.
    S Puentes; H Kadone; H Watanabe; Y Sankai; K Suzuki; Y H...
    13th International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine World Congress/2019-6-9
  • Enhancement of gait coordination through robotic therapy in myelopathy patients with residual motor disturbances after decompression surgery.
    S Puentes; H Kadone; S Kubota; T Abe; Y Shimizu; Y Hada; ...
    13th International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine World Congress/2019-6-9
  • 脳梗塞急性期再開通療法における新たな脳保護療法のトランスレーショナルリサーチ.
    丸島愛樹; 長崎幸夫; 細尾久幸; Ting M; Mujagic A; 松村英明; Puentes S; 平山 暁; 鈴...
  • 脳梗塞急性期血栓回収療法における抗酸化ナノメディシン(RNP)による脳保護療法の開発.
    丸島愛樹; 長崎幸夫; Mujagic A; 松村英明; 平田浩二; 秋本大輔; Puentes S; 細尾久幸; 平山 暁...
  • 抗酸化ナノメディシン(RNP)による脳虚血再灌流障害に対する脳保護療法.
    丸島愛樹; 長崎幸夫; Mujagic A; 細尾久幸; 平山 暁; 松井裕史; Puentes S; 鈴木謙介; 滝川知司...
  • Development of a Novel Tissue Plasminogen Activator Installed Redox-Active Nanoparticles for Ischemia Stroke Therapy
    Mei Ting; Ahram Kim; Long Binh Vong; 丸島 愛樹; プエンテス サンドラ; 松...
  • 虚血性脳卒中の治療を目指した組織プラスミノーゲン活性 化因子封入型レドックスナノ粒子の開発,
    Mei Ting; Ahram Kim; Long Binh Vong; 丸島 愛樹; プエンテス サンドラ; 松...
  • more...
Intellectural property rights
  • t−PA含有レドックス活性型製薬学的組成物
    長崎 幸夫; Mei Ting; LongBinhVong; 金雅覽; 丸島 愛樹; プエンテス サンドラ; 松丸 ...
2024-10 -- 2025-02Seminar in Intelligent Interaction Technologies X (Technical Writing Practice c)University of Tsukuba.
2024-04 -- 2024-08Seminar in Intelligent Interaction Technologies X (Technical Writing Practice c)University of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2025-02Collaboratory Research Workshop in Intelligent Interaction Technologies IIIUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-04 -- 2024-08Collaboratory Research Workshop in Intelligent Interaction Technologies IIIUniversity of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2025-02Seminar in Intelligent Interaction Technologies XII (Contributions for Academic Community)University of Tsukuba.
2024-04 -- 2024-08Seminar in Intelligent Interaction Technologies XII (Contributions for Academic Community)University of Tsukuba.
2024-04 -- 2024-08Seminar in Intelligent Interaction Technologies VIII (Technical Writing Practice a)University of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2025-02Seminar in Intelligent Interaction Technologies VIII (Technical Writing Practice a)University of Tsukuba.
2024-10 -- 2025-02Seminar in Intelligent Interaction Technologies XIII (Activity Participation in Academic Social Action Program)University of Tsukuba.
2024-04 -- 2024-08Seminar in Intelligent Interaction Technologies XIII (Activity Participation in Academic Social Action Program)University of Tsukuba.
  • Interdisciplinarity and research in Japan; a Tsukuba perspective
    Puentes Sandra
    Study in Japan Global Network Project, South America/2023-06-04--2023-06-09
Professional activities
2017-02 -- 2017-07IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Intelligent Robot SystemsReviewer and technical committee of ACIRS 2017
2016-02 -- 2016-07IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Intelligent Robot Systems ACIRSTechnical program committee
University Management
2023-04 -- (current)Ethics Board Committee
2020-07 -- 2023-03Entrance Examination Committee
2020-04 -- (current)Curriculum Committee
2019-04 -- (current)Public Relations Committee
2016-09 -- (current)Internationalization Committee

(Last updated: 2024-08-30)