PHUNG Duc Tuan
- Conference, etc.
- Regenerative analysis of two-way communication orbit-queue with general service time
Evsey Morozov; Tuan Phung-Duc
The 13th International Conference on Queueing Theory and Network Applications (QTNA2018)/2018-07-25--2018-07-27 - Energy-Aware Data Centers with s-Staggered Setup and Abandonment
Tuan Phung-Duc; Kawanishi Ken'ichi
23rd International Conference on Analytical & Stochastic Modelling Techniques & Applications (ASMTA 2016), Cardiff, UK/2016-08-24--2016-08-26 - A Law of Large Numbers for M/M/c/Delayoff-Setup Queues with Nonstationary Arrivals
Pender Jamol; Tuan Phung-Duc
23rd International Conference on Analytical & Stochastic Modelling Techniques & Applications (ASMTA 2016), Cardiff, UK/2016-08-24--2016-08-26 - 待ち行列理論を用いた駐車スペース共有の評価
牛垣龍一; Phung Duc Tuan
日本オペレーションズ・リサーチ学会2016年度秋季研究発表会/2016-09-15--2016-09-16 - Binomial catastropheの発生を伴うマルコフ変調Mx/M/∞待ち行列に対する中心極限定理
Phung Duc Tuan; 矢島 萌子
第33回(2016年度)待ち行列シンポジウム「確率モデルとその応用」/2017-01 - BMAP/PH/∞待ち行列の安定条件
矢島 萌子; Phung Duc Tuan
日本オペレーションズ・リサーチ学会2016年度秋季研究発表会/2016-09-15--2016-09-16 - Binomial catastropheの発生を伴うマルコフ変調Mx/M/∞待ち行列に対する中心極限定理
矢島 萌子; Phung Duc Tuan
日本オペレーションズ・リサーチ学会2017年度春季研究発表会/2017-03-15--2017-03-17 - Dynamic Auto Scaling Algorithm (DASA) for 5G Mobile Networks
Ren Yi; Phung-Duc Tuan; Chen Jyh-Cheng; Yu Zheng-Wei
IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM)/2016-12-04--2016-12-08 - Design and Analysis of Deadline and Budget Constrained Autoscaling (DBCA) Algorithm for 5G Mobile Networks
Phung Duc Tuan; Ren Yi; Chen Jyh-Cheng; Yu Zheng-Wei
8th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science/2016-12-12--2016-12-15 - Light-Traffic Analysis of Queues with Limited Heterogenous Retrials
Fiems Dieter; Tuan Phung-Duc
The 11th International Conference on Queueing Theory and Network Applications (QTNA2016)/2016-12-13--2016-12-15 - Impacts of Retrials on Power-Saving Policy in Data Centers
Tuan Phung-Duc; Kawanishi Ken'ichi
The 11th International Conference on Queueing Theory and Network Applications (QTNA2016)/2016-12-13--2016-12-15 - The Stability Condition of BMAP/M/∞ Queues
Moeko Yajima; Tuan Phung-Duc; Hiroyuki Masuyama
The 11th International Conference on Queueing Theory and Network Applications (QTNA2016)/2016-12-13--2016-12-15 - Stability Condition for a Multiserver Retrial Queue with Interaction between Servers and Orbit
Tuan Phung-Duc; Velika Dragieva
14th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics/2016-09-19--2016-09-25 - M/M/c delay-off setup queues with nonstationary arrivals: A fluid model approach
Jamol Pender; Tuan Phung-Duc
The Second European Conference on Queueing Theory/2016-07-18--2016-07-20 - Batch Arrival Single Server Queue with Variable Service Speed and Setup Time
Moeko Yajima; Tuan Phung-Duc
The Second European Conference on Queueing Theory/2016-07-18--2016-07-20 - Stability analysis of a multiclass, multiorbit system with classical retrials
Evsey Morozov; Tuan Phung-Duc
The Second European Conference on Queueing Theory/2016-07-18--2016-07-20 - Exact solution for service system with fixed and flexible servers
Tuan Phung-Duc
The Second European Conference on Queueing Theory/2016-07-18--2016-07-20 - Asymptotics in Priority Retrial Queues
Joris Walraevens; Tuan Phung-Duc
The Second European Conference on Queueing Theory/2016-07-18--2016-07-20 - Server Farms with Batch Arrival and Staggered Setup
Tuan Phung-Duc
The Fifth Symposium on Information and Communication Technology (SoICT)/2014-12-04--2014-12-05 - Single-Server Systems with Power-Saving Modes
Tuan Phung-Duc
22nd International Conference on Analytical & Stochastic Modelling Techniques & Applications (ASMTA'15)/2015-05-26--2015-05-29 - Asymptotic and Numerical Analysis of Multiserver Retrial Queue with Guard Channel for Cellular Networks
Tuan Phung-Duc; Kazuki Kajiwara
The Eight International Conference on Matrix-Analytic Methods in Stochastic Models (MAM8)/2014-01-06--2014-01-10 - Controllable Setup Queue for Energy-Aware Server
Tuan Phung-Duc
31st UK Performance Engineering Workshop (UKPEW'2015)/2015-09-17--2015-09-17 - Large-Scale Data Center with Setup Time and Impatient Customer
Phung Duc Tuan
31st UK Performance Engineering Workshop (UKPEW'2015)/2015-09-17--2015-09-17 - Analysis of an M/M/1 Retrial Queue with Speed Scaling
Tuan Phung-Duc; Wouter Rogiest
The 10th International Conference on Queueing Theory and Network Applications (QTNA2015)/2015-08-17--2015-08-20 - Retrial Queue for Cloud Systems with Separated Processing and Storage Units
Phung Duc Tuan
The 10th International Conference on Queueing Theory and Network Applications (QTNA2015)/2015-08-17--2015-08-20 - more...
- Regenerative analysis of two-way communication orbit-queue with general service time