Researcher's full information

  • 長期的な状態依存性を考慮した移動軌跡からの目的地予測
    Endo Yuki; 西田京介; 戸田浩之; 澤田 宏
    マルチメディア、分散、協調とモバイル(DICOMO2016)シンポジウム/pp.1524-1536, 2016-7
  • 時間帯を考慮したパーソナライズ目的地予測
    瀧本 祥章; 西田 京介; 遠藤 結城; 戸田 浩之; 澤田 宏; 石川 佳治
    電子情報通信学会論文誌 D/pp.472-484, 2016-4
  • What’s Hot in The Theme: Query Dependent Emerging Topic Extraction from Social Streams
    Endo Yuki; Hiroyuki Toda; Yoshimasa Koike
    Proc. of World Wide Web 2015 Companion/pp.31-32, 2015-5
  • Deep Feature Extraction from Trajectories for Transportation Mode Estimation
    Endo Yuki; Toda Hiroyuki; Nishida Kyosuke; Kawanobe Akihisa
    Proceedings of the 20th Pacific Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD 2016)/pp.54-66, 2016-4
  • Predicting Destinations from Partial Trajectories Using Recurrent Neural Network
    Endo Yuki; Kyosuke Nishida; Hiroyuki Toda; Hiroshi Sawada
    Proceedings of the 21st Pacific Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD 2017)/pp.160-172, 2017-05
  • Classifying spatial trajectories using representation learning
    Endo Yuki; Toda Hiroyuki; Nishida Kyosuke; Ikedo Jotaro
    International Journal of Data Science and Analytics/2(3)/pp.107-117, 2016-12
  • DeepProp: Extracting Deep Features from a Single Image for Edit Propagation
    Yuki Endo; Satoshi Iizuka; Kanamori Yoshihiro; Jun Mitani
    Computer Graphics Forum (Proc. of Eurographics 2016)/35(2)/pp.189-201, 2016-05
  • DeepProp: Extracting Deep Features from a Single Image for Edit Propagation
    Yuki Endo; Satoshi Iizuka; Kanamori Yoshihiro; Jun Mitani
    Computer Graphics Forum (Proc. of Eurographics 2016)/35(2)/pp.189-201, 2016-05
  • Single Image Weathering via Exemplar Propagation,
    Satoshi Iizuka; Yuki Endo; Kanamori Yoshihiro; Jun Mitani
    Computer Graphics Forum (Proc. of Eurographics 2016), 2016-05
  • Single Image Weathering via Exemplar Propagation,
    Satoshi Iizuka; Yuki Endo; Kanamori Yoshihiro; Jun Mitani
    Computer Graphics Forum (Proc. of Eurographics 2016)/35(2)/pp.501-509, 2016-05
  • Efficient Depth Propagation for Constructing a Layered Depth Image from a Single Image
    Satoshi Iizuka; Yuki Endo; Yoshihiro Kanamori; 三谷 純; Yuki...
    Computer Graphics Forum (Proc. of Pacific Graphics 2014), 2014
  • 物体表面の凹凸変化を考慮した画像の経年変化の再現
    飯塚 里志; 遠藤 結城; 金森 由博; 三谷 純
    Visual Computing / グラフィクスと CAD 合同シンポジウム 2015, 2015-06
  • A Design System for Water Flow Stain Images Using Particle Simulation
    遠藤 結城; 金森 由博; 三谷 純; 福井 幸男
    IPSJ Journal/56(3)/pp.1049-1058, 2015-03
  • Object Repositioning Based on the Perspective in a Single Image
    Iizuka S.; Endo Y.; Hirose M.; Kanamori Y.; Mitani J.; Fu...
    COMPUTER GRAPHICS FORUM/33(8)/pp.157-166, 2014-12
  • スクリブルを用いた1枚の画像からの対話的なレイヤ状3次元モデルの生成
    飯塚里志; 遠藤結城; 金森 由博; 三谷純; 福井幸男
    Visual Computing/グラフィクスと CAD 合同シンポジウム 2013, 2013-06
  • Weathering effects with geometric details for images
    Yuki Endo; Yoshihiro Kanamori; Jun Mitani; Yukio Fukui
    Proc. of Computer Graphics International 2011, 2011-06
  • Matting and Compositing for Fresnel Reflection on Wavy Surfaces
    Endo Yuki; Kanamori Yoshihiro; Fukui Yukio; Mitani Jun
    COMPUTER GRAPHICS FORUM/31(4)/pp.1435-1443, 2012-06
  • An interactive design system for pop-up cards with a physical simulation
    Iizuka Satoshi; Endo Yuki; Mitani Jun; Kanamori Yoshihir...
    VISUAL COMPUTER/27(6-8)/pp.605-612, 2011-06
  • An Interactive System for Weathering Effects on Outdoor Images Using Appearance Maps
    遠藤 結城; 金森 由博; 三谷 純; 福井 幸男
    IPSJ SIG Notes/139(2)/pp.1-6, 2010-07
  • An Interactive System for Weathering Effects on Outdoor Images Using Appearance Maps
    遠藤 結城; 金森 由博; 三谷 純; 福井 幸男
    情報処理学会研究報告. グラフィクスとCAD研究会報告/139(0)/p.1, 2010-07