- Conference, etc.
- Good Practices to Ensure International Students’ Success in a New Cultural Environment
Vanbaelen Ruth; Harrison Jonathan
The 13th International Conference of EAJS/2011-08-24--2011-08-27 - Handwritten versus Keyed Responses to TOEFL-like Writing Items
Vanbaelen Ruth; Jonathan Harrison; Ian Ellsworth
JALT CALL 2011 Conference/2011-06-04--2011-06-05 - Improving Student Motivation to Complete Online Tests for an English Communication Program
Vanbaelen Ruth; Harrison Jonathan
JALT CALL 2011 Conference/2011-06-04--2011-06-05 - Achievement Testing using Moodle for Written TOEFL iBT-like Examination Items (Electronic showcase)
Vanbaelen Ruth; Harrison Jonathan
The Third Moodle Teachers and Developers Conference/2011-02-23--2011-02-24 - The First Year of an Outcomes-based Curriculum using Moodle for Achievement Testing and Surveys
Vanbaelen Ruth; Harrison Jonathan
The Third Moodle Teachers and Developers Conference/2011-02-23--2011-02-24 - Email writing skills: The Need for Motivated Study and Continued Instruction
Vanbaelen Ruth; Harrison Jonathan
JALTCALL 2010 “What is Your Motivation”/2010-05-28--2010-05-30 - Outcomes-Based Curriculum Development and Evaluation
Vanbaelen Ruth; Harrison Jonathan
The First Joint GRIPS-TUJ Conference on English-based University Education in Japan/2010-02-27--2010-02-27 - The Importance of Email Writing Instruction
Vanbaelen Ruth; Harrison Jonathan
The First Joint GRIPS-TUJ Conference on English-based University Education in Japan/2010-02-27--2010-02-27 - Good Practices to Increase Educational Attractiveness and Promote Study Abroad
Vanbaelen Ruth; Harrison Jonathan
Conference – Education and Training for an International World: Language, Culture and Intercultural Communication/2009-10-18--2009-10-18 - International Students at Japanese Universities: the Multi-Language Barrier to Academic Success
Vanbaelen Ruth; Harrison Jonathan
Conference – Education and Training for an International World: Language, Culture and Intercultural Communication/2009-10-18--2009-10-18 - Language Change in a Quest for Communication: the Situation of Belgium
Vanbaelen Ruth
『男女共同参画・WLB意識改革講演会「~活躍する日本大学の女性研究者ロールモデルたち~」』/2008-06-10--2008-06-10 - Doing Research in Japan
Vanbaelen Ruth
日本学術振興会外国人特別研究員オリエンテーションミーティング/2006-12-06--2006-12-06 - A New Variation of Dutch: "Interlanguage" in the North of Belgium
Vanbaelen Ruth
第2回筑波大学応用言語学研究会/2005-09-19--2005-09-19 - Lifelong Learning in Belgium with a Focus on Language Education for Those in Poverty
Vanbaelen Ruth; Jonathan Harrison
日白修好150周年記念シンポジウム/2016-12-09--2016-12-11 - Results of the 2015 Yearlong Department of General Education CALL Group TOEFL Course
Vanbaelen Ruth; Harrison・中川 浩・谷岡 朗・鈴木 孝・中村文紀・乙黒麻記子・内堀奈保子・...
第60回日本大学理工学部学術講演会/2016-12-3--2016-12-3 - The First Semester of the Department of General Education CALL Group TOEFL Course
Vanbaelen Ruth; Harrison・乙黒麻記子・内堀奈保子・郭 海燕・石部尚登・時伊津子 中川 浩...
第59回日本大学理工学部学術講演会/2015-12-05--2015-12-05 - On the Shift of English Proficiency of First Year Students during the Past Half Year
Vanbaelen Ruth; 黒麻記子・谷岡 朗・鈴木 孝・Joseph Falout・中村文紀・多恵基継・J...
第59回日本大学理工学部学術講演会/2015-12-05--2015-12-05 - Teacher and Student Attitudes towards Academic Misconduct
Vanbaelen Ruth; Harrison Jonathan
第58回日本大学理工学部学術講演会/2014-12-06--2014-12-06 - “True Increases” on the TOEIC for Intensive English IIIA Participants
Vanbaelen Ruth; ジョセフ、内堀奈保子 Jonathan Harrison、谷岡朗、 鈴木孝、 フ...
第58回日本大学理工学部学術講演会/2014-12-06--2014-12-06 - “Interactive” E-learning with E-mail Communication in an Intensive TOEIC Course
Vanbaelen Ruth; 内堀奈保子、谷岡朗、鈴木孝、多惠基継、Joseph Falout、中村文紀、Jo...
第58回日本大学理工学部学術講演会/2014-12-06--2014-12-06 - Special Lectures on Academic Writing and Presenting: Participant Satisfaction
Vanbaelen Ruth; Harrison Jonathan
第57回日本大学理工学部学術講演会/2013-12-7--2013-12-7 - The 2012 English IIIA/B Intensive Course: Results of the First Challenge Class
Vanbaelen Ruth; 谷岡朗、鈴木孝、Joseph Falout、中村文紀、Jonathan Harr...
第57回日本大学理工学部学術講演会/2013-12-7--2013-12-7 - Leveled Courses for Academic Writing
Vanbaelen Ruth; Harrison Jonathan
第56回日本大学理工学部学術講演会/2012-11-28--2012-11-28 - English IIIA Challenge Course: Students’ TOEIC Goals and Actual Outcomes
Vanbaelen Ruth; Jonathan Harrison 谷岡朗、鈴木孝、Joseph Falout、...
第56回日本大学理工学部学術講演会/2012-11-28--2012-11-28 - Academic Writing Workshop vs. Semester-course Participant Improvement
Vanbaelen Ruth; Harrison Jonathan
第55回日本大学理工学部学術講演会/2011-11-26--2011-11-26 - more...
- Good Practices to Ensure International Students’ Success in a New Cultural Environment