OMOTE Kazumasa

Researcher's full information

  • Bitcoinが示す可用性の背後に何があるか
    今村 光良; 面 和成
    コンピュータセキュリティシンポジウム (CSS), 2023-10-30
  • Bitcoinを用いたエコシステムのセキュリティ評価に向けた特徴分析
    今村 光良; 面 和成
    コンピュータセキュリティシンポジウム (CSS)/2G2-1, 2023-10
  • データコラボレーションへの差分プライバシーの適用に向けて
    山城 大海; 面 和成; 今倉 暁; 櫻井 鉄也
    コンピュータセキュリティシンポジウム (CSS)/2E4-2, 2023-10
  • ブロックチェーンを用いたセキュアなコンタクトトレーシング手法の検討
    土田 瑞基; 面 和成
    情報セキュリティ研究会 (ISEC)/pp.17-24, 2023-05
  • 学歴証明書NFTを用いた企業の人気度推定システムに向けて
    矢内 景梧; 面 和成
    情報セキュリティ研究会 (ISEC), 2023-05
  • 需要予測を行うスマートコントラクトを用いたVMI構成に向けて
    萩原 健太; 面 和成
    情報セキュリティ研究会 (ISEC), 2023-05
  • ブロックチェーン・暗号資産に関するサイバーセキュリティの動向と課題 -NFT のリスクからコントラクトハニーポットまで-」,Web3.0時代のサイバーセキュリティ -インターネット経済のパラダイム転換に向けた課題と展望-
    面 和成
    情報処理特別号/(64)/pp.10-10, 2023-09
  • Ethereum RPC ハニーポットの軽量化手法
    内田大暉; 内堀紘徳; 面 和成
    情報処理学会CSEC特集号特選論文/pp.1255-1265, 2023-09
  • The Validator's Dilemma in PoW Blockchain: An Evolutionary Game Perspective
    Liu Liang; Wang Qiao; Turnbull Stephen John; Omote Ka...
    IEEE Blockchain 2023, 2023-12-17
  • Toward Achieving Anonymous NFT Trading
    Zhanwen Chen; Omote Kazumasa
    IEEE ACCESS/10/pp.130166-130176, 2022-12
  • Image Data Recoverability against Data Collaboration and its Countermeasure
    Yamazoe Takaya; Yamashiro Hiromi; Imakura Akira; Omote K...
    In: Su, C., Sakurai, K. (eds) Science of Cyber Security - SciSec 2022 Workshops. SciSec 2022. Communications in Computer and Information Science, 2023-01
  • Analysis of the Features and Structure Behind Availability in Blockchain Using Altcoin
    Mitsuyoshi Imamura; Kazumasa Omote
    IEEE Access, Vol.10/10/pp.98683-98699, 2022-9
  • Blockchain-Based Autonomous Notarization System Using National eID Card
    Haga Shinya; Omote Kazumasa
    IEEE ACCESS/10/pp.87477-87489, 2022-8
  • Towards Decentralized Autonomous Digital Signatures Using Smart Contracts
    Omote Kazumasa
    Proceedings of the 37th International Conference on Information Networking (ICOIN 2023), 2023-1-11
  • Does Private Blockchain Make Sense?
    Omote Kazumasa
    Proceedings of the 41st IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE 2023), 2023-1-6
  • A Study of the Privacy Perspective on Principal Component Analysis via a Realistic Attack Model
    Hiromi Yamashiro; Kazumasa Omote; Akira Imakura; Tetsuya ...
    Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security (CIS 2022), 2022-12
  • A Distributed Authenticity Verification Scheme Using Deep Learning for NFT Market
    Keigo Kimura; Mitsuyoshi Imamura; Kazumasa Omote
    Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Blockchain Technology and Applications (ICBTA 2022), 2022-12-16
  • Analysis and Risk Consideration of Worldwide Cyber Incidents Related to Cryptoassets
    Omote Kazumasa; Yuto Tsuzuki; Keisho Ito; Ryohei Kishibu...
    Proceedings of the 18th International Symposium on Information Assurance and Security (IAS 2022)/pp.1093-1101, 2022-12
  • Ethereum Contract Honeypot Risk Analysis
    Motoya Ishimaki; Omote Kazumasa
    CCIS, Vol.1726, Springer-Verlag/pp.226-240, 2022-12
  • Clean-Label Backdoor Attack on Machine Learning-Based Malware Detection Models and Countermeasures
    Zheng Wanjia; Omote Kazumasa
    Proceedings of the 21st IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (IEEE TrustCom 2022)/pp.1235-1242, 2022-12
  • Multi Pair Swap-Based Weather Derivative DeFi
    Shinya Haga; Taisei Takahashi; Omote Kazumasa
    Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability and Security Companion (QRS-C 2022), 2022-12
  • Does Blockchain Qualify as Secret-free Immutable Storage?
    Omote Kazumasa
    Proceedings of the Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE 2022), 2022-10
  • Proposal of a Smart Contract-Based Security Token Management System
    Shingo Fujimoto; Omote Kazumasa
    Proceedings of the 5th IEEE International Conference on Blockchain (IEEE Blockchain 2022)/pp.419-426, 2022-08
  • A Sealed-Bid Auction with Fund Binding: Preventing Maximum Bidding Price Leakage
    Kota Chin; Keita Emura; Omote Kazumasa; Shingo Sato
    Proceedings of the 5th IEEE International Conference on Blockchain (IEEE Blockchain 2022), IEEE, 2022-08
  • Image Data Recoverability against Data Collaboration and its Countermeasure
    Takaya Yamazoe; Hiromi Yamashiro; Omote Kazumasa; Akira ...
    Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Science of Cyber Security (SciSec workshop 2022), 2022-08
  • more...