OMOTE Kazumasa
- Conference, etc.
- パブリックブロックチェーンを利用した緊急時の医療情報共有システム
面 和成
コンピュータセキュリティ研究会/2023-12-11--2023-12-12 - The Validator's Dilemma in PoW Blockchain: An Evolutionary Game Perspective
Liu Liang; Wang Qiao; Turnbull Stephen John; Omote Ka...
IEEE Blockchain 2023/2023-12-17--2023-12-21 - The Validator's Dilemma in PoW Blockchain: An Evolutionary Game Perspective
Omote Kazumasa
the 6th IEEE International Conference on Blockchain (IEEE Blockchain 2023)/2023-12-17--2023-12-21 - Seculity Risks for Blockchain and Cryptoasset
Omote Kazumasa
The 8th International Workshop on Information and Communication Security(WICS2021)/2021/11/23--2021/11/26 - NFT流通における深層学習を用いた分散型真正性検証プロトコルの提案
木村 圭吾; 今村 光良; 面 和成
Symposium on Cryptography and Informations Security(SCIS 2022)/2021/1/18--2021/1/21 - 暗号資産に関する全世界におけるサイバーインシデントの調査とリスクの考察
都築 祐人; 伊藤 奎政; 岸淵 涼平; 曹 彦; 矢田 昇平; 面 和成
Symposium on Cryptography and Informations Security(SCIS 2022)/2021/1/18--2021/1/21 - 引数情報を用いたAPIコール列に基づくマルウェアのファミリ分類手法
廣瀬 優希; 花田 真樹; 折田 彰; 関谷 信吾; 村上 洋一; 早稲田 篤志; 布広永示; 面 和成
Symposium on Cryptography and Informations Security(SCIS 2022)/2021/1/18--2021/1/21 - 引数情報を用いたAPIコール列に基づくマルウェアのファミリ分類手法
面 和成
Symposium on Cryptography and Informations Security(SCIS 2022)/2021/1/18--2021/1/21 - プライバシーを考慮したブロックチェーンを用いた柔軟なコンタクトトレーシング手法
福田 竜央; 面 和成
Symposium on Cryptography and Informations Security(SCIS 2022)/2021/1/18--2021/1/21 - 現実的な攻撃モデルを通した主成分分析のプライバシー的観点からの考察
山城 大海; 面 和成
Symposium on Cryptography and Informations Security(SCIS 2022)/2021/1/18--2021/1/21 - 機械学習ベースマルウェア検知モデルに対するClean-labelバックドア攻撃とその対策について
鄭万嘉; 面 和成
Symposium on Cryptography and International Secuirity(SCIS 2022)/2022/1/18--2022/1/21 - Ethereum RPC ハニーポットの最小要件の調査と軽量化手法の提案
内田大暉; 面 和成
CSEC/2022/3/10--2022/3/11 - Analysis of Attack Activities for Honeypots Installation in Ethereum Network
Chin Kota; Omote Kazumasa
4th IEEE International Conference on Blockcain(IEEE Blockchain 2021)/2021/12/6--2021/12/8 - Machine-leaning Approach using Solidity Bytecode for Amart-Contact Honeypot Detection in the Ethereum
Hara Kazuki; Takeshi Takahashi; Ishimaki Motoya; Omote K...
21st International Conference on Software Quility,Reliability and Security Companion(QRS-C 2021)/2021/12/6--2021/12/10 - Multifaceted Analysis of Malicious Ethereum Accounts and Corresponding Activities
Jia Wang; Sasaki Takayuki; Yoshioka Katsunari; Matsumoto ...
Proceeding of the 6th International Conference on Cryptography,Security and Privacy(CPS2022)/2022/1/14--2022/1/16 - Analysis of Attack Activities for Honeypots Installation in Ethereum Network
Omote Kazumasa
Proceedings of the 4th IEEE International Conference on Blockchain (IEEE Blockchain 2021)/2021-12-06--2021-12-08 - Verifiable Functional Encryption Using Intel SGX
Suzuki Tatsuya; Emura Keita; Ohigashi Toshihiro; Omote K...
The International Conference on Provable and Practical Security (ProvSec 2021)/2021-11-05--2021-11-08 - Toward Achieving Unanimity for Implicit Closings in a Trustless System
Imamura Mitsuyoshi; Omote Kazumasa
The 17th EAI International Conference on Heterogeneous Networking for Quality, Reliability, Security and Robustness (QSHINE 2021)/2021-11-29--2021-11-30 - Risk Analysis for Abusing Blockchain Poisoning
Kimura Keigo; Omote Kazumasa
The 3rd Conference on Blockchain Research & Applications for Innovative Networks and Services (BRAINS 2021)/2021-09-27--2021-09-30 - A Privacy-Preserving Enforced Bill Collection System using Smart Contracts
Fujitani Tomoki; Emura Keita; Omote Kazumasa
The 16th Asia Joint Conference on Information Security (AsiaJCIS 2021)/2021-08-19--2021-08-20 - A Privacy Preserving Scheme with Dimensionality Reduction for Distributed Machine Learning
Chen Zhaoheng; Omote Kazumasa
The 16th Asia Joint Conference on Information Security (AsiaJCIS 2021)/2021-08-19--2021-08-20 - Robust Detection Model for Portable Execution Malware
Zheng Wanjia; Omote Kazumasa
The IEEE International Conference on Communications (IEEE ICC 2021)/2021-06-14--2021-06-23 - Investigation and Analysis of Features in Decentralized Network Management of Minor Cryptocurrencies
Imamura Mitsuyoshi; Omote Kazumasa
The 35th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA 2021)/2021-05-12--2021-05-14 - Risk Analysis for Worthless Crypto Asset Networks
Taguchi Wataru; Omote Kazumasa
The 35th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA 2021)/2021-05-12--2021-05-14 - Empirical Study of Software Adoption Process in the Bitcoin Network
Imamura Mitsuyoshi; Omote Kazumasa
The 35th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA 2021)/2021-05-12--2021-05-14 - more...
- パブリックブロックチェーンを利用した緊急時の医療情報共有システム