- Affiliation
- Institute of Health and Sport Sciences
- Official title
- Associate Professor
- Research projects
ヒト皮膚のレニン・アンギオテンシン・アルドステロン系機構解明と熱中症予防法開発 2024 -- 2025 Fujii Naoto Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Research (Exploratory) 6,370,000Yen ヒト熱放散反応におけるTRPチャネルの役割解明 -熱中症予防法確立を目指して- 2020-04 -- 2023-03 藤井 直人 Japan Society of for the Promotion of Science/基盤研究 (B) 17,680,000Yen 運動による暑熱耐性向上に成長ホルモンが及ぼす影響 -熱中症予防に向けて- 2020-04 -- 2023-03 藤井 直人 中冨健康科学振興財団/研究助成金 1,500,000Yen 熱中症予防にむけた熱放散反応の末梢メカニズムに関する研究 2019-04 -- 2020-03 藤井 直人 Japan Society of for the Promotion of Science/Leading Initiative for Excellent Young Researchers(LEADER) 2,000,000Yen 熱中症予防にむけた熱放散反応の末梢メカニズムに関する研究 2018-04 -- 2019-03 藤井 直人 Japan Society of for the Promotion of Science/Leading Initiative for Excellent Young Researchers(LEADER) 9,000,000Yen 熱中症予防にむけた熱放散反応の末梢メカニズムに関する研究 2017-11 -- 2018-03 藤井 直人 日本学術振興会/Leading Initiative for Excellent Young Researchers(LEADER) 9,000,000Yen 熱中症予防を目指した熱放散反応のガラニン関連メカニズム解明 2019 -- 2021 藤井 直人 Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Research (Exploratory) 6,500,000Yen 熱中症予防にむけたCGRPの熱放散反応における役割解明 2018-12 -- 2020-04 藤井 直人 /上原記念生命科学財団 2,000,000Yen 熱中症予防にむけた熱放散反応の末梢メカニズム解明 2017 -- 2019 藤井 直人 Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists(A) 25,610,000Yen - Degree
2009-03 博士 (学術) 筑波大学 - Academic societies
2009-09 -- (current) 体温調節生理学・薬理学会 (PPTR) 2011-07 -- (current) 環境人間工学国際学会 (ICEE) 2017 -- (current) Japan Society of Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences 2017 -- (current) THE JAPANESE SOCIETY OF PHYSICAL FITNESS AND SPORTS MEDICINE 2011 -- (current) American Physiological Society - Honors & Awards
2023-3 Experimental Physiology's Mid-Career Researcher Prize for 2023 2020-03 スポーツ・リサーチ・イノベーター 2016-12 APS select 2021-2 2020 Best Faculty Member 2016-4 CANTROL Environmental Systems New Investigator Research Award 2009-3 筑波大学人間総合科学研究科 研究科長賞 2008-9 第59回大会 学生研究コンペティション, 優秀賞 2006-10 第29回運動生理・生化学研究室卒業論文・修士論文発表会,優秀発表賞 2005-9 第19回運動と体温の研究会 若手奨励賞 2019-11 河本体育科学研究奨励賞 2018-11 筑波大学若手教員奨励賞 - Articles
- Separate and combined blockades of α- and β-adrenergic receptors in forearm sweating induced by adrenergic agents and exercise in the heat in young adults
Amano Tatsuro; Fujii Naoto; Kenny Glen P; Mündel Toby...
American journal of physiology. Regulatory, integrative and comparative physiology/328(2)/pp.R181-R194, 2024-12-20 - Does hydration status affect ventilation during prolonged exercise?
Fujii Naoto
Experimental physiology/Epub, 2025-01-01 - Nitrate and Nitrite Concentrations in Fingertip Serum Following Beetroot Juice Ingestion Correlate with Those in Venous Plasma
Fujii Naoto; Omori Shin; Kataoka Yufuko; Nishiyasu Ta...
Journal of nutritional science and vitaminology/70(5)/pp.441-444, 2024-04-01 - The blood flow and vascular responses in dynamically exercising skeletal muscles evoked by combination of cold stimulation and voluntary apnea in humans
Matsutake Ryoko; Fujimoto Tomomi; Ichinose Masashi; Watan...
European journal of applied physiology/Epub, 2024-11-26 - The effect of high-intensity exercise in temperate and hot ambient conditions on autophagy and the cellular stress response in young and older females
McCormick James J; Goulet Nicholas; King Kelli E; Fujii ...
American journal of physiology. Regulatory, integrative and comparative physiology/328(1)/pp.R90-R101, 2024-11-27 - Fast Competitive Swimmers Demonstrate a Diminished Diving Reflex
Fujii Naoto; Ishii Yuji; Moriyama Shodai; Matsutake R...
SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF MEDICINE & SCIENCE IN SPORTS/34(10), 2024-10 - The effect of seasonal heat acclimatization on cool-seeking behaviour during passive heat stress in young adults
Wang Hui; Schlader Zachary J; Lei Tze-Huan; Mündel To...
Experimental physiology/Epub, 2024-09-09 - Ingesting carbonated water post-exercise in the heat transiently ameliorates hypotension and enhances mood state
Kajiki Masanobu; Katagiri Akira; Matsutake Ryoko; Lai ...
Experimental physiology/Epub, 2024-08-14 - Modulation of cutaneous vasodilation by reactive oxygen species during local and whole-body heating in young and older adults
McGarr Gregory W; Li-Maloney Caroline; King Kelli E; J...
American journal of physiology. Regulatory, integrative and comparative physiology/327(6)/pp.R543-R552, 2024-09-06 - Pretreatment of microneedles enhances passive transdermal administration of pilocarpine and pilocarpine-induced sweat production in humans
Amano Tatsuro; Fujii Naoto; Kenny Glen P; Mündel Toby...
International journal of pharmaceutics/662, 2024-07-19 - Seasonal changes in hydration in free-living Japanese children and adolescents
Amano Tatsuro; Sato Kotaro; Otsuka Junto; Okamoto Yum...
Applied physiology, nutrition, and metabolism = Physiologie appliquee, nutrition et metabolisme/Epub, 2024-06-14 - Impacts of age, type 2 diabetes, and hypertension on circulating neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin and kidney injury molecule-1 after prolonged work in the heat in men
Lee Ben J; Flood Tessa R; Russell Sophie L; McCormick ...
European journal of applied physiology/Epub, 2024-05-16 - Metabolome analyses of skin dialysate: Insights into skin interstitial fluid biomarkers
Oharazawa Akihiko; Maimaituxun Gulinu; Watanabe Koichi...
Journal of dermatological science/114(3)/pp.141-147, 2024-06-01 - Interactive effects of exercise intensity and recovery posture on post-exercise hypotension
Lu Xueer; Goulding Richie Philip; Mundel Toby; Schlade...
American journal of physiology. Regulatory, integrative and comparative physiology/326(6)/pp.R567-R577, 2024-04-22 - Nitrate ingestion blunts the increase in blood pressure during cool air exposure. A double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized, crossover trial
Rowland Samantha N; O'Donnell Emma; James Lewis J; Da ...
Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985)/136(6)/pp.1364-1375, 2024-04-04 - Menthol alleviates post-race elevations in muscle soreness and metabolic and respiratory stress during running
Fujii Naoto; Igarashi Yuta; Ishii Yuji; Ito Eri; Lai ...
European journal of applied physiology/Epub, 2024-04-02 - GH and IGF-1 in skin interstitial fluid and blood are associated with heat loss responses in exercising young adults
Maimaituxun Gulinu; Amano Tatsuro; Kenny Glen P; Münde...
EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY/Epub, 2024-03-06 - Effects of ingesting beverages containing glycerol and sodium with isomaltulose or sucrose on fluid retention in young adults: a single-blind, randomized crossover trial
Otsuka Junto; Okamoto Yumi; Enoki Yasuaki; Maejima Da...
APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY NUTRITION AND METABOLISM/49(5)/pp.667-679, 2024-02-20 - Impact of curcumin supplementation on exercise performance and muscle damage after a soccer match: a double-blind placebo-controlled cross-over study
Tanabe Yoko; Kondo Emi; Sagayama Hiroyuki; Shimizu Ka...
European Journal of Applied Physiology/124(7)/pp.2161-2171, 2024-07 - Comparing thermoregulatory responses between short and long moderate intensity intermittent exercise protocols with the same duty cycle
Lei Tze-Huan; Lin Chien; Amano Tatsuro; Ooue Anna; Mü...
JOURNAL OF THERMAL BIOLOGY/119, 2023-11-29 - The effects of high-intensity exercise training and detraining with and without active recovery on postexercise hypotension in young men
Lei Tze-Huan; Fujii Naoto; Zhang Xiao; Wang Faming; M...
PHYSIOLOGICAL REPORTS/11(24), 2023-12-01 - Elevations in serum brain-derived neurotrophic factor following occupational heat stress are not influenced by age or common chronic disease
Goulet Nicholas; McCormick James J; King Kelli E; Notl...
Temperature (Austin, Tex.)/10(4)/pp.454-464, 2023-04-01 - Effect of voluntary electric fan use on autonomic and perceptual responses to lower leg passive heating in humans
Wang Hui; Lei Tze-Huan; Schlader Zachary J.; Mundel T...
JOURNAL OF THERMAL BIOLOGY/118, 2023-12 - Critical power is a key threshold determining the magnitude of post-exercise hypotension in non-hypertensive young males
Lei Tze-Huan; Wang I-Lin; Chen Yi-Ming; Liu Xin-Hao; ...
EXPERIMENTAL PHYSIOLOGY/108(11)/pp.1409-1421, 2023-09-15 - Caffeine Improves Simulated 800-m Run Performance without Affecting Severe Exercise-Induced Arterial Hypoxemia
Dobashi Kohei; Fukazawa Yuki; Katagiri Akira; Enomoto ...
MEDICINE & SCIENCE IN SPORTS & EXERCISE/56(2)/pp.350-361, 2023-09-13 - more...
- Separate and combined blockades of α- and β-adrenergic receptors in forearm sweating induced by adrenergic agents and exercise in the heat in young adults
- Books
- 猛暑対策BOOK 日本のヤバい夏を最新科学の力で乗り切る!
藤井 直人
株式会社 小学館, 2024-6 - ランナーのカラダのなか
藤井 直人
株式会社 小学館, 2023-10 - Heat exhaustion
Kenny Glen P; Wilson Thad E; Flouris Andreas D; Fujii Naoto
- 猛暑対策BOOK 日本のヤバい夏を最新科学の力で乗り切る!
- Conference, etc.
- 寒冷環境下におけるウォーミングアップがスノーボードクロス競技パフォーマンスに及ぼす影響
藤田 華恋; 膳法 亜沙; 加治木 政伸; 白井 奈々絵; 大槻 毅; 藤井 直人
第32回日本運動生理学会/2024-8-22--2024-8-23 - 「呼吸を評価することで見えてきた運動能力向上の方策」
藤井 直人
第78回日本体力医学会大会/2024-9-2--2024-9-4 - 炭酸水摂取が暑熱下運動間の起立ストレスに及ぼす影響.
高萩 眞子; 加治木 政伸; 橋本 秀紀; 片桐 陽; 西保 岳; 藤井 直人
第38回 運動と体温の研究会/2024-9-1 - 運動前および運動間のアイススラリー摂取が暑熱下運動時の高体温誘発性換気亢進反応および運動パフォーマンスに及ぼす影響
栽松 宏彰; 片桐 陽; 西保 岳; 藤井 直人
第38回 運動と体温の研究会/2024-9-1 - 局所温冷却が長時間座位安静による皮膚血管拡張能の低下を抑制する
富田 雄大; 田川 要; 西保 岳; 藤井 直人
第38回 運動と体温の研究会/2024-9-1 - TRPA1が暑熱下運動時の皮膚血管拡張反応に及ぼす影響.
服部 嶺; 加治木 政伸; 藤本 知臣; 天野 達郎; 渡部 厚一; 西保 岳; 藤井 直人
第38回 運動と体温の研究会/2024-9-1 - ヒトエクリン汗腺機能の発達過程の解明.
天野 達郎; 安田 颯太; 横山 昇太郎; 大島 勝磨; 岡本 優美; 大塚 純都; 加藤 はなの; 藤井 直...
第78回日本体力医学会大会/2024-9-2--2024-9-4 - TRPA1が暑熱下運動時の皮膚血管拡張反応に及ぼす影響.
服部 嶺; 加治木 政伸; 藤本 知臣; 天野 達郎; 渡部 厚一; 西保 岳; 藤井 直人
第78回日本体力医学会大会/2024-9-2--2024-9-4 - 局所温冷却が長時間座位安静による皮膚血管拡張能の低下を抑制する.
富田 雄大; 田川 要; 西保 岳; 藤井 直人
第78回日本体力医学会大会/2024-9-2--2024-9-4 - 運動前および運動間のアイススラリー摂取が暑熱下運動時の高体温誘発性換気亢進反応および運動パフォーマンスに及ぼす影響.
栽松 宏彰; 片桐 陽; 西保 岳; 藤井 直人
第78回日本体力医学会大会/2024-9-2--2024-9-4 - 動脈血二酸化炭素分圧低下が安静時の眼球運動反応に及ぼす影響.
佐川 智香; 吉村 悠成; 片桐 陽; 松竹 涼子; 小野 誠司; 西保 岳; 藤井 直人
第78回日本体力医学会大会/2024-9-2--2024-9-4 - 炭酸水摂取が暑熱下運動間の起立ストレスに及ぼす影響.
高萩 眞子; 加治木 政伸; 橋本 秀紀; 片桐 陽; 西保 岳; 藤井 直人
第78回日本体力医学会大会/2024-9-2--2024-9-4 - 暑熱下運動中のカフェイン摂取が高体温誘発性換気亢進反応および運動後半のパフォーマンスに及ぼす影響
片桐 陽; 大塚 陸渡; 西保 岳; 藤井 直人
第78回日本体力医学会大会/2024-9-2--2024-9-4 - Skin Dialysate Proteome Components During Passive and Exertional Heat Stress in Young Males and Females: A Focus on HSP72
Sakamoto Yu; Fujii Naoto; Watanabe Koichi; Nishiyasu ...
ASIA PACIFIC SEMINAR OF ENVIRONMENTAL AND APPLIED HUMAN SCIENCES 2024/2024-5-31--2024-6-1 - The effect of biological sex on cool seeking behavior during passive heat stress in young adults
Wang Hui; Schlader Zachary J.; Lei Tze-Huan; Mündel T...
ASIA PACIFIC SEMINAR OF ENVIRONMENTAL AND APPLIED HUMAN SCIENCES 2024/2024-5-31--2024-6-1 - Caffeine intake during exercise in the heat improves endurance performance without exacerbating hyperthermia-induced hyperventilation in humans
Katagiri Akira; Otsuka Rikuto; Nishiyasu Takeshi; Fuji...
ASIA PACIFIC SEMINAR OF ENVIRONMENTAL AND APPLIED HUMAN SCIENCES 2024/2024-5-31--2024-6-1 - Skin Dialysate Proteome Components During Passive and Exertional Heat Stress in Young Males and Females: A Focus on HSP72
Yu Sakamoto; 藤井 直人; Koichi Watanabe; Takeshi Nishiyas...
The 20th International Conference on Environmental Ergonomics/2024-6-3--2024-6-7 - The Effect of Sex Difference on Cool Seeking Behavior during Passive Heat Stress in Young Adults
Wang Hui; Schlader Zachary J.; Lei Tze-Huan; Mündel T...
The 20th International Conference on Environmental Ergonomics/2024-6-3--2024-6-7 - Effect of Alternate Local Skin Heating and Cooling on Skin Vascular Function Following Prolonged Sitting
Tomita Yudai; Tagawa Kaname; Nishiyasu Takeshi; Fujii ...
The 20th International Conference on Environmental Ergonomics/2024-6-3--2024-6-7 - Pre-exercise Ice Slurry Ingestion Reduces Exercise Ventilation without Affecting Sensitivity of Hyperthermia-induced Hyperventilation during Prolonged Exercise in the Heat
Katagiri Akira; Kawai Syuntaro; Nishiyasu Takeshi; Fuj...
The 20th International Conference on Environmental Ergonomics/2024-6-3--2024-6-7 - Drinking Carbonated Water Alleviates Fatigue Sensation and Orthostatic-induced Reductions in Cerebral Blood Flow Index during Post-exercise Periods in the Heat
Takahagi Mako; Kajiki Masanobu; Hashimoto Hideki; Kata...
The 20th International Conference on Environmental Ergonomics/2024-6-3--2024-6-7 - Impact of Beetroot Juice Ingestion on Cardiorespiratory Responses and Visual Function before and after High-intensity Intermittent Exercise in Competitive Badminton Players
Sagawa Tomoka; Yoshimura Yusei; Katagiri Akira; Matsut...
The 20th International Conference on Environmental Ergonomics/2024-6-3--2024-6-7 - TRPA1 Channels Modulate Cutaneous Vasodilation during Exercise in the Heat in Young Adults When NOS is Inhibited
Hattori Rei; Kajiki Masanobu; Fujimoto Tomomi; Amano ...
The 20th International Conference on Environmental Ergonomics/2024-6 - Relationship between 50-m freestyle performance and splenic contraction in competitive swimmers.
Ishii Yuji; Matsutake Ryoko; Homoto Kenta; Nakazono Y...
ARIHHP Human High performance Forum 2024 -Exploring new frontiers through interdisciplinary research-/2024-2-17 - Effects of beetroot juice on visual function before and after highintensity intermittent exercise in badminton players.
Sagawa Tomoka; Yoshimura Yusei; Katagiri Akira; Matsut...
ARIHHP Human High performance Forum 2024 -Exploring new frontiers through interdisciplinary research-/2024-2-17 - more...
- 寒冷環境下におけるウォーミングアップがスノーボードクロス競技パフォーマンスに及ぼす影響
- Teaching
2024-10 -- 2024-12 Sport Techniques -Natural Scientific Side- University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2024-12 Seminar for Exercise Physiology I University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-07 Seminar for Exercise Physiology I University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2024-12 Exercise Physiology University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2024-12 Experiment for Exercise Physiology University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-06 Experiment for Exercise Physiology University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2024-12 Career Development with Sport I University of Tsukuba. 2024-10 -- 2025-02 Seminar for Exercise Physiology II University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Seminar for Exercise Physiology II University of Tsukuba. 2024-04 -- 2024-08 Global Intensive Debate II University of Tsukuba. more... - Other educational activities
2017-11 -- (current) 体育科学専攻 次世代健康スポーツ科学学位プログラム メンター教員 2019-06 -- 2019-08 外国人特別研究員サマー・プログラムの学生受入 筑波大学 - Talks
- 「熱中症予防法としての暑熱順化の最新知見―基礎と現場での実用-」
藤井 直人
第9回スポーツセーフティーシンポジウム/2022-12-5--2022-12-22 - A Tool to Elucidate Mechanisms Underlying the Heat Loss Responses
Fujii Naoto
Seminar on Physiological Measurements & Temperature Regulation/2019-02
- 「熱中症予防法としての暑熱順化の最新知見―基礎と現場での実用-」
- Professional activities
2019-07 -- (current) 環境人間工学国際学会 (ICEE) Board meeting member 2018-04 -- 2019-06 International Conference on Environmental Ergonomics (ICEE) Conference Organization Committee 2020-10 -- 2021-01 Physiology and Pharmacology of Temperature Regulation (PPTR) Awards Committee - University Management
2017-04 -- (current) ヒューマン・ハイ・パフォーマンス先端研究センター リサーチスタッフ統括 2016-11 -- (current) スポーツ研究イノベーション拠点形成事業(SRIP) 暑熱部門統括 2018-07 -- (current) ARIHHPサイエンスウィーク 実行委員会 副委員長 2018-04 -- 2019-03 新入生オリエンテーション委員会 委員長 2018 -- (current) 体育専門学群 入試委員会 WG 委員 2017 -- (current) 体育科学専攻 HHP学位プログラム委員会 委員 2018 -- (current) 体育科学専攻 入試委員会 委員
(Last updated: 2025-02-04)