OZONE Sachiko
- Articles
- パンデミック下の高齢者の社会参加状況の違いによる生活・健康状態の比較~アンケートを用いた横断研究~
鈴木 李理; 後藤 亮平; 小曽根 早知子; 川田 尚吾; 横谷 省治
第14回日本保健医療福祉連携教育学会学術集会抄録集/pp.50-50, 2021-11-6 - Evaluation of changes in prescription among Japanese elderly patients before and after transition to home care.
Masumoto Shoichi; 佐藤幹也; 山川智継; 濱田修平; 稲葉崇; 片岡義裕; 小曽根早知子; 横谷省治; 濵野 淳
第3回日本在宅医療連合学会大会抄録集, 2021-11 - Evaluation of changes in prescription among Japanese elderly patients before and after transition to home care
Masumoto Shoichi; Sato Mikiya; Yamakawa Tomotsugu; Hamada...
JOURNAL OF GENERAL AND FAMILY MEDICINE/23((2))/pp.94-100, 2021-11 - What role conceptions do multi-healthcare professionals have of physicians and what role expectation do they have of physicians in a community?
Haruta Junji; Goto Ryohei; Ozone Sachiko; Maeno Tetsuhiro
BMC FAMILY PRACTICE/22(1), 2021-11 - Prediction Models for Impending Death Using Physical Signs and Vital Signs in Noncancer Patients: A Prospective Longitudinal Observational Study
Hosoi Takahiro; Ozone Sachiko; Hamano Jun; Maruo Kazu...
PALLIATIVE MEDICINE REPORTS/2(1)/pp.287-295, 2021-10 - 本誌第17 巻1 号:「当初一過性全健忘が疑われた 左海馬から海馬台にかけての脳梗塞の1 例」への質疑
五十野 博基; 宮崎 賢治; 小曽根 早知子
日本病院総合診療医学会雑誌/17(5)/pp.584-585, 2021-09 - Validation of the professional self-identity questionnaire for medical students during clinical practice in Japan
Haruta Junji; Maeno Takami; Takayashiki Ayumi; Goto R...
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MEDICAL EDUCATION/12/pp.160-165, 2021-08 - 総合診療医による医院の家業継承プロセスに関する質的研究
髙木 博; 小曽根 早知子; 高屋敷 明由美
日本プライマリ・ケア連合学会誌/44(2)/pp.59-67, 2021-06 - Educational program on Evidence-Based Medicine for medical students available online
Kataoka Yoshihiro; Maeno Takami; Takayashiki Ayumi; Yokoy...
第12回日本プライマリ・ケア連合学会学術集会抄録集, 2021-05-21 - Primary care physicians’ narratives on COVID-19 responses in Japan: Professional roles evoked under a pandemic
Haruta Junji; Horiguchi Sachiko; Miyachi Junichiro; Teruy...
Journal of General and Family Medicine/Epub/pp.316-326, 2021-05 - Primary care physicians' narratives on COVID-19 responses in Japan: Professional roles evoked under a pandemic
Haruta Junji; Horiguchi Sachiko; Miyachi Junichiro; Teruy...
JOURNAL OF GENERAL AND FAMILY MEDICINE/Epub, 2021-05 - 「ソーシャルディスタンス」の時代のエスノグラフィー -デジタルプラットフォームを活用した調査を事例として-
照山 絢子; 木村 周平; 飯田 淳子; 堀口 佐知子; 春田 淳司; 濱 雄亮; 金子 惇; 宮地 純一郎; 小曽根 早知...
白山人類学/(24)/pp.101-114, 2021-03 - 診療所・小病院と地域中核病院の職員における「多職種連携」・「仕事の負担度」・「職場の満足度」・「近隣施設との関係性」に関する認識の比較
小森 聡子; 小曽根 早知子; 後藤 亮平; 春田 淳志
日本プライマリ・ケア連合学会誌/44(1)/pp.11-16, 2021-03 - COVID-19に向き合う医療者の経験のドキュメンテーション
木村 周平; 宮地 純一郎; 春田 淳志; 飯田 淳子; 小曽根 早知子; 金子 惇; 後藤 亮平; 照山 絢子...
Japanese Journal of Cultural Anthropology/85(3)/pp.566-569, 2020-12 - Students' understanding of social determinants of health in a community-based curriculum: a general inductive approach for qualitative data analysis
Ozone Sachiko; Haruta Junji; Takayashiki Ayumi; Maeno ...
BMC medical education/20(1), 2020-11 - Better Patient Experience is Associated with Better Vaccine Uptake in Older Adults: Multicentered Cross-sectional Study
Kaneko Makoto; Aoki Takuya; Goto Ryohei; Ozone Sachik...
Journal of general internal medicine, 2020-09 - Variations in vital signs at the end of life in non-cancer patients: a retrospective study
Hosoi Takahiro; Ozone Sachiko; Hamano Jun
Annals of palliative medicine/9(5)/pp.2678-2683, 2020-08 - Doctors' professional identity and socialisation from medical students to staff doctors in Japan: narrative analysis in qualitative research from a family physician perspective
Haruta Junji; Ozone Sachiko; Hamano Jun
BMJ open/10(7), 2020-07 - 6-1 Communication Training with Simulated Patients Using a Video Conference System
小曽根 早知子; 佐藤 菊枝; 前野 貴美; 高屋敷 明由美; 鈴木 將玄; 前野 哲博
Igaku Kyoiku / Medical Education (Japan)/51(3)/pp.248-249, 2020-06 - 8-2 An Online Program on Social Determinants of Health Attempted as an Alternative to Community Medicine Practicum under the Self-Restraint due to the COVID-19 Pandemic
高屋敷 明由美; 小曽根 早知子; 前野 貴美; 鈴木 將玄; 前野 哲博
Igaku Kyoiku / Medical Education (Japan)/51(3)/pp.284-285, 2020 - Survival time after marked reduction in oral intake in terminally ill noncancer patients: A retrospective study
Hosoi Takahiro; Ozone Sachiko; Hamano Jun
Journal of General and Family Medicine/21(2)/pp.9-14, 2020-03 - Factors for self-assessment score of interprofessional team collaboration in community hospitals in Japan
Haruta Junji; Ozone Sachiko; Goto Ryohei
Family Medicine and Community Health/7(4), 2019-11 - 特集:既存のカリキュラムで健康格差の「社会的決定要因(SDH)を教える・学ぶ 2.筑波大学附属病院総合診療科・地域医療実習への「健康の社会的決定要因(SDH)」教育プログラム導入の取り組み
小曽根 早知子; 高屋敷 明由美
Igaku Kyoiku / Medical Education (Japan)/50(5)/pp.421-428, 2019-10 - Realist Approach: How to Evaluate Complex Interventions and Educational Programs Based on Scientific Methodology
春田 淳志; 小曽根 早知子; 後藤 亮平
An Official Journal of the Japan Primary Care Association/42(3)/pp.167-173, 2019-09 - Legitimate peripheral participation in a research education program for primary care residents: a case study of educational research
Ozone Sachiko; Goto Ryohei; Haruta Junji
MedEdPublish/8(2), 2019-5 - more...
- パンデミック下の高齢者の社会参加状況の違いによる生活・健康状態の比較~アンケートを用いた横断研究~