- Articles
- Prediction of early graft function after living donor kidney transplantation by quantifying the "nephron mass" using CT-volumetric software
Takahashi Kazuhiro; Furuya Kinji; Gosho Masahiko; Usui J...
FRONTIERS IN MEDICINE/9, 2022-04-01 - Potential Applicability of Local Resection With Prophylactic Left Gastric Artery Basin Dissection for Early-Stage Gastric Cancer in the Upper Third of the Stomach
Akashi Yoshimasa; Ogawa Koichi; Hisakura Katsuji; Enomoto...
JOURNAL OF GASTRIC CANCER/22(3)/pp.184-196, 2022-07-01 - Pancreatic juice outflow in pancreatojejunostomy monitoring with the inter-anastomosis drainage tube; a retrospective observational study
Shimomura Osamu; Oda Tatsuya; Miyazaki Yoshihiro; Furuya ...
BMC SURGERY/22(1)/pp.274-282, 2022-07-14 - Prevalence of work-related musculoskeletal disorders among general surgeons in Japan
Owada Yohei; Furuya Kinji; Kim Jaejeong; Moue Shoko; Miya...
Surgery today/52(10)/pp.1423-1429, 2022-06-23 - Splenic artery transposition for reconstruction of a large hepatic artery aneurysm: A case report and literature review
Kumano Koichiro; Hashimoto Shinji; Shimomura Osamu; Miyaz...
International journal of surgery case reports/95, 2022-05-16 - Sorafenib-induced Prostate Volume Reduction, a New Adverse Effect Detected by Imaging: A Pilot Study
Takahashi Hiroaki; Masuoka Sota; Nasu Katsuhiro; Mori Ke...
Journal of the Belgian Society of Radiology/102(1)/p.69, 2018-10 - Long-term survival after esophagectomy with distal pancreatectomy for locally advanced esophageal cancer with pancreatic invasion: a case report
Kaneko Yoshiki; Hisakura Katsuji; Ogawa Koichi; Akashi Y...
Surgical Case Reports/7(1)/pp.254-254, 2021-12 - Increased intrarenal post-glomerular blood flow is a key condition for the development of calcineurin inhibitor-induced renal tubular acidosis in kidney transplant recipients
Kaneko Shuzo; Usui Joichi; Takahashi Kazuhiro; Oda Tatsu...
Clinical transplantation/36(6)/p.e14648., 2022-03 - Prediction of Posthepatectomy Liver Failure with a Combination of Albumin-Bilirubin Score and Liver Resection Percentage
Takahashi Kazuhiro; Gosho Masahiko; Kim Jaejeong; Shimomu...
Journal of the American College of Surgeons/234(2)/pp.155-165, 2022-02-01 - Dualistic role of platelets in living donor liver transplantation: Are they harmful?
Liang Chen; Takahashi Kazuhiro; Furuya Kinji; Ohkohchi N...
WORLD JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY/28(9)/pp.897-908, 2022-03-07 - 膵管・胆管再建時におけるステント留置の適応と手技
小田 竜也; 橋本真治; 高橋一広; 下村治; 宮﨑貴寛; 金 在檉
手術/76(3)/pp.305-312, 2022-3 - 糖鎖―レクチン結合を用いた新規がん治療法の開発
小田 竜也; 下村治; 高橋一広; 土井愛美; 宮﨑貴寛; 古屋欽司; 大和田洋平; 小川光一; 大原 佑介; 明石義正; 久倉勝...
日本外科学会雑誌/123(1)/pp.39-46, 2022-1 - 右房内腫瘍栓を伴う進行肝細胞癌に対する人工心肺使用下肝切除
髙橋 一広; 倉田 昌直; 佐藤 藤夫; 茂木 芳賢; 小田 竜也; 大河内信弘
手術/73(4)/pp.567-578, 2019-03 - Long‑term survival after esophagectomy with distal pancreatectomy for locally advanced esophageal cancer with pancreatic invasion: a case report
Kaneko Yoshiki; Hisakura Katsuji; Ogawa Koichi; Akashi Y...
Surgical Case Reports/7(1)/p.254, 2021-12 - Platelets Stimulate Liver Regeneration After Partial Liver Transplantation
Takahashi K.; Liang C.; Furuya K.; Oda T.
AMERICAN JOURNAL OF TRANSPLANTATION/21(4:SI)/pp.531-531, 2021-06 - Hemorrhagic Cholecystitis During Anticoagulant Therapy in a Patient With Systemic Lupus Erythematosus and Antiphospholipid Syndrome Undergoing Elective Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy
Oshiro Yukio; Tsukamoto Shuntaro; Owada Yohei; Takahas...
INTERNATIONAL SURGERY/105(1-3)/pp.241-245, 2021 - Primary pleomorphic liposarcoma of the liver: a case report and literature review
Terunuma Yuri; Takahashi Kazuhiro; Doi Manami; Shimomura ...
Surgical case reports/7(1)/p.244, 2021-11 - The Lactate-to-Platelet Ratio: A Novel Predictor for Short-Term Early Allograft Failure After Liver Transplantation
Takahashi Kazuhiro; Nagai Shunji; Gosho Masahiko; Kitajim...
Transplantation proceedings/53(10)/pp.2993-2999, 2021-12 - Drug-Drug Interaction between Tacrolimus and Vonoprazan in Kidney Transplant Recipients
Suzuki Yoshiharu; Yoshihashi Takuya; Takahashi Kazuhiro; ...
JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE/10(17), 2021-09 - 高難度新規医療技術評価制度の先駆的創設;筑波大学附属病院における運用実績
小田 竜也; 平松祐司; 佐藤幸夫; 原尚人; 増本幸二; 下村治; 高橋一広; 土井愛美; 古屋欽司; 大和田洋平; 小川光一; 大...
日本外科学会雑誌/122(5)/p.543, 2021-4 - Delayed primary fascia closure of Björck grade 4 open abdomen with enteroatmospheric fistulas after repeated surgery for adhesive small bowel obstruction: a case report
Akashi Yoshimasa; Ogawa Koichi; Sasaki Kaoru; Kim Jaejeo...
BMC surgery/21(1)/p.333, 2021-08 - A scoring system to predict surgical difficulty in minimally invasive surgery for gastric submucosal tumors
Akashi Yoshimasa; Ogawa Koichi; Narasaka Toshiaki; Enomot...
American journal of surgery, 2021-07-21 - A scoring system to predict surgical difficulty in minimally invasive surgery for gastric submucosal tumors
Akashi Yoshimasa; Ogawa Koichi; Narasaka Toshiaki; Enomot...
AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SURGERY/223(4)/pp.715-721, 2021-07 - Intentional internal drainage tube method for nonlocalized persistent pancreatic leakage: a case report
Furuya Kinji; Oda Tatsuya; Shimomura Osamu; Ozawa Yusuke...
BMC SURGERY/21(1), 2021-04 - Kidney transplant patient with immunoglobulin A nephropathy subsequently diagnosed as concurrent autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease during 17-year follow-up
Usui Joichi; Kai Hirayasu; Kaneko Shuzo; Takahashi-Kobaya...
CEN Case Report/9(2)/pp.106-108, 2020-05 - more...
- Prediction of early graft function after living donor kidney transplantation by quantifying the "nephron mass" using CT-volumetric software