Researcher's full information

  • Is ketorolac really safe for living donor nephrectomy?
    Takahashi Kazuhiro; Putchakayala KG; Malinzal LE; Denny ...
  • Platelet count and risk of biliary stricture after liver transplant
    Takahashi Kazuhiro; Bruno DA; Tabbal M; Kazimi MM; Yoshid...
  • 虫垂切除後腹壁瘢痕ヘルニア部に発生した唇状糞瘻の1例
    塚本 俊太郎; 寺島 秀夫; 高橋 一広; 中野 順隆; 今村 史人; 丸森 健司; 神賀 正博
    日本消化器外科学会雑誌/47(12)/pp.821-825, 2014-12
  • Acinar Cell Carcinoma of the Pancreas Successfully Controlled by IRIS
    Takahashi Kazuhiro; Oshiro Yukio; Tsukamoto Shigeki; Ohko...
    INTERNATIONAL SURGERY/100/pp.1287-1294, 2015-09
  • Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma in the Liver Explant After Liver Transplantation: Histological Differentiation and Prognosis.
    Takahashi Kazuhiro; Obeid J; Burnmeister CS; Bruno DA; Ka...
    ANNALS OF TRANSPLANTATION/21/pp.208-215, 2016-04
  • Arterioenteric fistula 12 years after kidney transplant.
    Takahashi Kazuhiro; Patel AN; Putchakayala KG; Denny JE; ...
    kidney International/90(3)/pp.710-710, 2016-09
  • Prognostic impact of postoperative low platelet count after liver transplantation.
    Takahashi Kazuhiro; Nagai S; Putchakayala KG; Safwan M; L...
  • Allograft loss from acute Page kidney secondary to trauma after kidney transplantation
    Takahashi Kazuhiro; Prashar R; Putchakayala KG; Kane WJ; ...
    World Journal of Transplantation/7(1)/pp.88-93, 2017-02
  • Mycophenolate Mofetil and Pulmonary Fibrosis After Kidney Transplantation: A Case Report.
    Takahashi Kazuhiro; Go P; CH Stone; Safwan M; Putchakayal...
    American Journal of Case Reports/18/pp.399-404, 2017-04
  • Extrahepatic metastasis of hepatocellular carcinoma to the paravertebral muscle: A case report.
    Kazuhiro Takahashi; Putchakayala KG; Safwan M; Kim DY
    World Journal of Hepatology/9(22)/pp.973-978, 2017-08
  • Perioperative Ketorolac Use: A Potential Risk Factor for Renal Dysfunction After Live-Donor Nephrectomy.
    Takahashi Kazuhiro; Patel AN; Nagai S; Safwan M; Putchaka...
    ANNALS OF TRANSPLANTATION/19(22)/pp.563-569, 2017-09
  • Thrombocytopenia after liver transplantation: Should we care?
    Takahashi Kazuhiro; Nagai Shunji; Safwan Mohamed; Lian...
    World journal of gastroenterology/24(13)/pp.1386-1397, 2018-04
  • Platelet therapy: A novel strategy for liver regeneration, anti-fibrosis, and anti-apoptosis.
    Takahashi Kazuhiro; Murata Soichiro; Ohkohchi Nobuhiro
    World Journal of Surgical Procedures/3/pp.29-36, 2013-11
  • Platelets and liver regeneration
    Takahashi Kazuhiro; Murata Soichiro; Ohkohchi Nobuhiro
    Austin Journal of Surgery/1/pp.6-9, 2014-01
  • Recent studies on effect of platelets on promoting liver regeneration, anti-fibrosis, and anti-apoptosis.
    Kazuhiro Takahashi; Murata Soichiro; Ohkohchi Nobuhiro
    Organ Biology/23(3)/pp.19-28, 2013-03
  • 高精度肝画像解析ソフトにより右門脈裂を確認できた転移性肝癌の1切除例
    高橋 一広; 佐々木亮孝; 柳沢和彦; 稲川智; 近藤匡; 福永潔; 寺島秀夫; 小田竜也; 大河内信弘
    日本消化器外科学会雑誌/2009(42)/pp.182-186, 2009-02
  • アイエーコールRを用いた肝動脈化学療法と肝動脈化学塞栓療法が著効した多発肝細胞癌の1例
    高橋 一広; 福永 潔; 小林 昭彦; 村田 聡一郎; 小田 竜也; 大河内 信弘
    肝臓/51/pp.119-126, 2010-03
  • 肝門部胆管癌術後に発症した皮膚症状を伴わないToxic Shock Syndromeの1例
    高橋 一広; 大城 幸雄
    日本外科連合学会誌/39/pp.743-750, 2014-04
  • 腹直筋皮弁で再建した直腸癌による Fournier 壊疽の1例
    高橋 一広; 塚本 茂樹; 高橋 さつき; 斎藤 昌宏; 大河内 信弘; 平山 克
    日本臨床外科医学会雑誌/74/pp.1086-1091, 2013-04
  • 米国を支えるMid-level providers-フェローからの視点
    高橋 一広
    日本外科学会誌/118/pp.266-268, 2017-05
  • Well-differentiated endocrine carcinoma originating from the bile duct in association with a congenital choledochal cyst
    Takahashi Kazuhiro; Sasaki Ryoko; Oshiro Yukio; Fukunaga ...
    International surgery/97(4)/pp.315-320, 2012-12
  • Prolonged Cold Ischemia Time as a Risk for Low Regeneration at the Early Phase After Living Donor Liver Transplantation
    Takahashi K.; Nagai S.; Safwan M.; Putchakayala K.; Rizza...
    AMERICAN JOURNAL OF TRANSPLANTATION/17(3:SI)/pp.587-587, 2017-04
  • Lactate Level Immediate Post-Liver Transplantation Is a Predictor of Early Allograft Dysfunction
    Takahashi K.; Nagai S.; Safwan M.; Putchakayala K.; Colli...
    AMERICAN JOURNAL OF TRANSPLANTATION/17(3:SI)/pp.581-581, 2017-04
  • Prediction of Biliary Anastomotic Stricture after Deceased Donor Liver Transplantation: The Impact of Platelet Counts
    Takahashi Kazuhiro; Nagai Shunji; Puchakayala Krishna G; ...
    Transplant international : official journal of the European Society for Organ Transplantation/Epub(10)/pp.1032-1040, 2017-06
  • Postoperative Decrease in Platelet Counts Is Associated with Delayed Liver Function Recovery and Complications after Partial Hepatectomy
    Kazuhiro Takahashi; Tomohiro Kurokawa; Yukio Oshiro; Kiyo...
    The Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine/239(1)/pp.47-55, 2016-05
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