- Articles
- Mode of swine hepatitis E virus infection and replication in primary human hepatocytes
Oshiro Yukio; Yasue Hiroshi; Takahashi Kazuhiro; Hattori ...
JOURNAL OF GENERAL VIROLOGY/95(12)/pp.2677-2682, 2014-12 - Signal transduction of platelet-induced liver regeneration and decrease of liver fibrosis.
Murata Soichiro; Maruyama Takehito; Nowatari Takeshi; Tak...
International Journal of Molecular Sicences/15(4)/pp.5412-5425, 2014-04 - Laparoscopical Extirpation of a Retroperitoneal Ganglioneuroma—Report of a Case—
中野順隆; 寺島 秀夫; 塚本俊太郎; 高橋一広; 今村史人; 神賀正博
The journal of the Japanese Practical Surgeon Society/74(10)/pp.2924-2928, 2013-10 - A Resected Case of Giant Esophageal Leiomyosarcoma Arising from the Muscularis Mucosae with Synchronous Primary Lung Cancer
中野順隆; 寺島 秀夫; 高橋一広; 今村史人; 堀口 尚; 神賀正博
The journal of the Japanese Practical Surgeon Society/74(11)/pp.3003-3010, 2013-11 - Human platelets inhibit liver fibrosis in severe combined immunodeficiency mice
Takahashi Kazuhiro; Murata Soichiro; Fukunaga Kiyoshi; Oh...
World J Gastroenterol/19(32)/pp.5250-5260, 2013-08 - Adjuvant surgery for advanced extrahepatic cholangiocarsinoma
大河内 信弘; Oshiro Yukio; Takahashi Kazuhiro; Sasaki Ryoko; K...
World J Gastroenterol/19(40)/pp.6934-6938, 2013-10 - Hypercobalaminemia induced by an energy drink after total gastrectomy : A Case repoet
Takahashi Kazuhiro; Tsukamoto Syuntaro; Kakizaki Y; Saito...
Journal of Rural Medicine/8(1)/pp.181-185, 2013-06 - Human platelets promote liver regeneration with kupffer cells in SCID mice
Takahashi Kazuhiro; Ohkohchi Nobuhiro; Kozuma Yukinori; S...
J Surg Res/180(1)/pp.62-72, 2013-03 - Complete response to multidisciplinary therapy in a patient with primary gastric choriocarcinoma
Takahashi Kazuhiro; Tsukamoto Shigeki; Saito Ken; Ohkohch...
WORLD JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY/19(31)/pp.5187-5194, 2013-08 - Novel therapy for liver regeneration by increasing the number of platelets
Takahashi Kazuhiro; Murata Soichiro; Ohkohchi Nobuhiro
SURGERY TODAY/43(10)/pp.1081-1087, 2013-10 - Platelet Transfusion Improves Liver Function in Patients with Chronic Liver Disease and Cirrhosis
Maruyama Takehito; Murata Soichiro; Takahashi Kazuhiro; T...
TOHOKU JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL MEDICINE/229(3)/pp.213-220, 2013-03 - A Stand-Alone Synbiotic Treatment for the Prevention of D-Lactic Acidosis in Short Bowel Syndrome
Takahashi Kazuhiro; Terashima Hideo; Kohno Keisuke; Ohkoh...
INTERNATIONAL SURGERY/98(2)/pp.110-113, 2013-04 - PS-145-7 血小板はKupffer細胞との相互作用により肝再生を促進する(PS-145 肝 基礎-4,ポスターセッション,第112回日本外科学会定期学術集会)
高橋 一広; 村田 聡一郎; 上妻 行則; 鈴木 英紀; 丸山 岳人; 野渡 剛之; 田村 孝史; 野崎 礼史; ...
Journal of Japan Surgical Society/113(臨時増刊号_2)/p.782, 2012-03 - Platelets prevent acute hepatitis induced by anti-fas antibody
Hisakura Katsuji; Murata Soichiro; Takahashi Kazuhiro; Ma...
JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY AND HEPATOLOGY/26(2)/pp.348-355, 2011-02 - Preoperative 3D volumetric analysis for liver congestion applied in a patient with hilar cholangiocarcinoma
Takahashi Kazuhiro; Sasaki Ryoko; Kondo Tadashi; Oda Tat...
LANGENBECKS ARCHIVES OF SURGERY/395(6)/pp.761-765, 2010-08 - Activation of human liver sinusoidal endothelial cell by human platelets induces hepatocyte proliferation
Kawasaki Takuya; Murata Soichiro; Takahashi Kazuhiro; Noz...
JOURNAL OF HEPATOLOGY/53(4)/pp.648-654, 2010-10
- Mode of swine hepatitis E virus infection and replication in primary human hepatocytes