MARUO Kazushi

Researcher's full information

  • Comparison of algorithms for generating Poisson random vectors: a review
    Gosho M; Maruo K
    InterStat/1/pp.1-10, 2012-08
  • データに潜む変動と分布
    Cardiovascular Intervention and Therapeutics, Japanese edition/4/pp.140-147, 2012-01
  • Statistical properties of two ratio measures based on pre- and post observed values which are assumed as bivariate power normal distribution
    山邉太陽 丸尾和司 白旗慎吾 後藤昌司
    Japanese Journal of Applied Statistics/41(1)/pp.53-68, 2012-01
  • Underlying assumptions of the power‐normal distribution
    Maruo K.; Shirahata S.; Goto M.
    Behaviormetrika/38(1)/pp.85-95, 2011-01
  • Statistical investigation of reference intervals of clinical laboratory data
    丸尾和司 白旗慎吾 後藤昌司 駒澤勉
    The Japanese Journal of Behaviormetrics/35(1)/pp.73-89, 2008-01
  • 「応答比」とそれに基づく推測
    臨床精神薬理/10/pp.1305-1314, 2007-01