SHIBUYA Yoichiro

Researcher's full information

2018-10 -- 2018-10Vascular/lymphatic malformations, hemangiomas, lymphangiomas and tumorsM3 Dermatology and Plastic Surgery
2018-06 -- 2018-06Communication in medical practiceM4 Pre-clinical clerkship practice 5
2018-05 -- 2018-05Wound healing/keloids, burns and skin graftingGeneral Subjects: Introduction to Plastic Surgery
2018-04 -- 2018-04TutorialM3 Sensory system 2
2017-10 -- 2017-10Vascular/lymphatic malformations, hemangiomas, lymphangiomas and tumorsM6 Integrated lectures
2017-09 -- 2017-09Vascular/lymphatic malformations, hemangiomas, lymphangiomas and tumorsM3 Dermatology and Plastic Surgery
2017-06 -- 2017-06Benign and malignant tumorsGeneral Subjects: Introduction to Plastic Surgery
2017-05 -- 2017-05Vascular malformations, hemangiomas and neviGeneral Subjects: Introduction to Plastic Surgery