- Refereed academic journal/Refereed international conference paper
- Direct-current electric invisibility through topology optimization
Fujii Garuda; Akimoto Yohei; Takahashi Masayuki
Journal of Applied Physics/123(23)/p.233102, 2018-06 - Proposal of a Linear Constraint Handling Method for Black-Box Optimization with Invariance Properties
阪本 直気; 秋本 洋平
TJPNSEC/9(1)/pp.21-30, 2018-06 - CMA-ES-based structural topology optimization using a level set boundary expression—Application to optical and carpet cloaks
Fujii Garuda; Takahashi Masayuki; Akimoto Yohei
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering/332/pp.624-643, 2018-04 - Parameter-less Policy Optimization: Proposal and Evaluation of IBP-CMA
大橋 響太郎; 藤吉 夏生; 秋本 洋平
Transaction of the Japanese Society for Evolutionary Computation/9(1)/pp.10-20, 2018-04 - 共分散行列適応進化戦略に基づいた音響クロークのトポロジー最適化
高橋 正幸; 秋本 洋平; 藤井 雅留太
日本機械学会論文集/84(859), 2018-03 - Dynamic Optimization of Neural Network Structures Using Probabilistic Modeling
Shirakawa Shinichi; Iwata Yasushi; Akimoto Yohei
Proceedings of the Thirty-first AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence and the twenty-ninth Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence Conference, 2018-02 - Exploring optimal topology of thermal cloaks by CMA-ES
Fujii Garuda; Akimoto Yohei; Takahashi Masayuki
Applied Physics Letters/112(6), 2018-02 - CMA-ESのための集団サイズ適応機構の提案と評価
西田 昂平; 秋本 洋平
進化計算学会論文誌/8(2)/pp.61-74, 2017-12 - Optimal Cluster Head Selection and Rotation of Cognitive Wireless Sensor Networks for Simultaneous Data Gathering and Long Life System
Takyu Osamu; Fujii Shohei; Akimoto Yohei; Akimoto Youhei...
International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks/13(12), 2017-12 - CMA-ESにおける矩形制約対処法の改良と線形制約への拡張
阪本 直気; 秋本 洋平
進化計算学会論文誌/8(2)/pp.23-35, 2017-11 - Benchmarking the Novel CMA-ES Restart Strategy Using the Search History on the BBOB Noiseless Testbed
Yamaguchi Takahiro; Akimoto Yohei
Proceedings of Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2017) Companion/pp.1780-1787, 2017-07 - Introducing the Cumulation to the Population Based Incremental Learning and the Compact GA to Relax Genetic Drift
Tanaka Keigo; Akimoto Yohei
Proceedings of Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2017) Companion/pp.199-200, 2017-07 - Modified Box Constraint Handling for the Covariance Matrix Adaptation Evolution Strategy
Sakamoto Naoki; Akimoto Yohei
Proceedings of Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2017) Companion/pp.183-184, 2017-07 - Effect of the Mean Vector Learning Rate in CMA-ES
Hidekazu Miyazawa; Akimoto Yohei
Proceedings of Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2017)/pp.721-728, 2017-07 - A Gait-Based Human Identification Method Under Various Covariate Factors
YEOH TzeWei; Akimoto Youhei; Aguirre Hernan; Tanaka Kiyoshi
IIEEJ transactions on image electronics and visual computing/3(2)/pp.193-205, 2015-12 - Analysis of runtime of optimization algorithms for noisy functions over discrete codomains
Akimoto Youhei; Astete-Morales Sandra; Teytaud Olivier
Theoretical Computer Science/605/pp.42-50, 2015-11 - Computational Cost Reduction of Non-dominated Sorting Using M-front
Drozdik Martin; Akimoto Youhei; Aguirre Hernan; Tanaka K...
IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation/19(5)/pp.659-678, 2015-10 - Efficient reconfiguration of distribution networks using extended pruning-grafting operators
RamezanJamaat Saeed; Akimoto Youhei; Aguirre Hernan; Tana...
IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering/10(2)/pp.119-133, 2015-10 - Asian Face Classification Based on Personal Attractive Preference Using Class-Specific Eigenfaces Reconstruction Method
Chua MinZhi; Akimoto Youhei; Aguirre Hernan; Tanaka Kiyoshi
IIEEJ Transactions on Image Electronics and Visual Computing/2(1)/pp.91-103, 2014-06 - Theoretical Foundation for CMA-ES from Information Geometry Perspective
Akimoto Youhei; Nagata Yuichi; Ono Isao; Kobayashi Shige...
Algorithmica/64(4)/pp.698-716, 2012-12 - A new weather-routing system that accounts for ship stability based on a real-coded genetic algorithm
Maki Atsuo; Akimoto Youhei; Nagata Yuichi; Kobayashi Shi...
Journal of Marine Science and Technology/16/pp.311-322, 2011-09 - 実数値 GA における生存選択モデルとしての MGG と JGG の挙動解析
秋本 洋平; 永田 裕一; 佐久間 淳; 小野 功; 小林 重信
人工知能学会論文誌/25(2)/pp.281-289, 2010-02 - 適応的実数値交叉 AREX の提案と評価
秋本 洋平; 永田 裕一; 佐久間 淳; 小野 功; 小林 重信
人工知能学会論文誌/24(6)/pp.446-458, 2009-08 - Adaptation of expansion rate for real-coded crossovers
Akimoto Yohei; Sakuma Jun; Ono Isao; Kobayashi Shigenobu
Proceedings of Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2009)/pp.739-746, 2009-07 - 機能分担 CMA-ES の提案と評価
秋本 洋平; 佐久間 淳; 小野 功; 小林 重信
人工知能学会論文誌/24(1)/pp.58-68, 2009-01 - more...
- Direct-current electric invisibility through topology optimization