- Refereed academic journal/Refereed international conference paper
- Functionally specialized CMA-ES: a modification of CMA-ES based on the specialization of the functions of covariance matrix adaptation and step size adaptation
Akimoto Yohei; Sakuma Jun; Ono Isao; Kobayashi Shigenobu
Proceedings of Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2008)/pp.479-486, 2008-07 - 2 段階 GA “Solid EMO” によるレンズ系設計
田中 雅晴; 秋本 洋平; 佐久間 淳; 小野 功; 小林 重信
人工知能学会論文誌/23(3)/pp.193-204, 2008-03
- Functionally specialized CMA-ES: a modification of CMA-ES based on the specialization of the functions of covariance matrix adaptation and step size adaptation