Researcher's full information

  • Forest and Health perception survey on local residents in Village of Yamanakako
    竹内 啓恵; 藤原 章雄; 齋藤 暖生; 高山 範理; 森田 恵美
    The Japanese Forest Society Congress/130/p.811, 2019
  • Effects of self-reported calorie restriction on correlations between SIRT1 polymorphisms and body mass index and long-term weight change.
    T Higashibata; K Wakai; M Naito; E Morita; A Hishida; N ...
    Gene/594(1)/pp.16-22, 2016-12
  • ALDH2 polymorphism is associated with fasting blood glucose through alcohol consumption in Japanese men.
    M Naito; K Wakai; E Morita; S Kawai; N Hamajima; S Suzuk...
    Nagoya J Med Sci/78(2)/pp.183-193, 2016-05
  • Genome-wide association study of clinically defined gout identifies multiple risk loci and its association with clinical subtypes.
    H Matsuo; K Yamamoto; H Nakaoka; A Nakayama; M Sakiyama; ...
    Ann Rheum Dis/75(4)/pp.652-659, 2016-04
  • Polymorphisms in CYP19A1, HSD17B1 and HSD17B2 genes and serum sex hormone level among postmenopausal Japanese women
    Hosono Satoyo; Ito Hidemi; Oze Isao; Higaki Yasuki; M...
    Maturitas/82(4)/pp.394-401, 2015-12-01
  • Polymorphisms in CYP19A1, HSD17B1 and HSD17B2 genes and serum sex hormone level among postmenopausal Japanese women
    Morita E; Hosono S Ito H Oze I Higaki Y Morita E Taka...
    Maturitas/82(4)/pp.394-401, 2015-12
  • No association between Helicobacter pylori infection and diabetes mellitus among a general Japanese population: a cross‑sectional study.
    T Tamura; E Morita; S Kawai; T Sasakabe; Y Sugimoto; N F...
    SpringerPlus/4/p.602, 2015-10
  • Effects of IL6 C-634G polymorphism on tooth loss and their interaction with smoking habits.
    S Suma; M Naito; K Wakai; T Sasakabe; Y Hattori; R Okada...
    Oral Dis/21(6)/pp.807-813, 2015-09
  • GGT1 intronic A>G polymorphism affects serum concentration of γ-glutamyltransferase among Japanese healthy adult.
    S Kawai; M Naito; E Morita; R Okada; A Hishida; K Wakai; ...
    Ningen Dock International/2(2)/pp.7-11, 2015-03
  • ATP-binding cassette transporter A1 (ABCA1) R219K (G1051A, rs2230806) polymorphism and serum high-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels in a large Japanese population: cross-sectional data from the Daiko Study.
    J Mokuno; A Hishida; E Morita; T Sasakabe; Y Hattori; S ...
    Endocr J/62(6)/pp.543-549, 2015-01
  • Associations between Body Mass Index and Serum Uric Acid Levels in a Japanese Population were Significantly Modified by LRP2 rs2544390.
    S Suma; M Naito; R Okada; S Kawai; G Yin; E Morita; K Wa...
    Nagoya J. Med. Sci/76/pp.333-339, 2014-08
  • Common Variants of cGKII/PRKG2 Are Not Associated with Gout Susceptibility.
    M Sakiyama; H Matsuo; T Chiba; A Nakayama; T Nakamura; S ...
    The Journal of Rheumatology/41(7)/pp.1395-1397, 2014-07
  • Common variants of a urate-associated gene LRP2 are not associated with gout susceptibility.
    A Nakayama; H Matsuo; T Shimizu; Y Takada; T Nakamura; S ...
    Rheumatology international/34(4)/pp.473-476, 2014-04
  • 日本多施設共同コホート研究に参加した家族介護者における運動習慣とストレスの関連
    森祥子; 徳永嶺; 玉腰浩司; 森田えみ; 内藤真理子; 若井建志; 近藤高明; 岡村雪子; 星野純子; 清水律子; 榊原久孝; 堀容子
    日本看護医療学会雑誌/16/pp.49-59, 2014-01
  • Common variant of leucine-rich repeat-containing 16A (LRRC16A) gene is associated with gout suspectively.
    M Sakiyama; H Matsuo; S Shimizu; T Chiba; A Nakayama; Y ...
    Hum Cell/27(1)/pp.1-4, 2014-01
  • Gene-Gene Combination Effect and Interactions among ABCA1, APOA1, SR-B1, and CETP Polymorphism for Serum High-Density Lipoprotein-Cholesterol in the Japanese Population.
    A Nakamura; H Niimura; K Kuwabara; T Takezaki; E Morita; ...
    PLoS One/8(12)/p.e82046, 2013-12
  • Genome-wide association study of the genetic factors related to confectionery intake: potential roles of the ADIPOQ gene.
    K Wakai; K Matsuo; F Matsuda; R Yamada; M Takahashi; T K...
    Obesity/21(11)/pp.2413-2419, 2013-11
  • 森林浴による睡眠の改善
    森田 恵美; 今井眞
    aromatopia/22(5)/pp.47-50, 2013-09
  • Significant association of urokinase plasminogen activator Pro141Leu with serum lipid profiles in a Japanese population
    Tamura Takashi; Morita Emi; Kawai Sayo; Okada Rieko; ...
    Gene/524(2)/pp.363-367, 2013-07-25
  • Polymorphisms in genes encoding antioxidant enzymes (SOD2, CAT, GPx, TXNRD, SEPP1, SEP15 and SELS) and risk of chronic kidney disease in Japanese - cross-sectional data from the J-MICC study.
    A Hishida; R Okada; M 1naito; E Morita; K Wakai; N Hamaj...
    Clin Biochem Nutr/53(1)/pp.15-20, 2013-07
  • Sugnificant association of urokinase plasminogen activator Pro141Leu with serum lipid profiles in a Japanese population
    T Tamura; E Morita; S Kawai; R Okada; M Naito; K Wakai; Y...
    Gene/524(2)/pp.363-367, 2013-07
  • DPP4 genetics variants influence baseline prostate-specific antigen levels: The J-MICC Study.
    T Higashibata; M Naito; A Mori; N Ozawa; M Furuta; R Tsu...
    Nagoya J Med Sci/75(1-2)/pp.73-80, 2013-02
  • No Association between MTHFR C677T and Serum Uric Acid Levels among Japanese with ABCG2 126QQ and SLC22A12 258WW.
    Y Hinohara; M Naito; R Okada; G Yin; H Higashibata; T Ta...
    Nagoya J Med Sci/75(1-2)/pp.93-100, 2013-02
  • A large scale survey of frequency of forest walking and related factors in a Japanese population inhabited in a mega city: comparison of an urban area and a rural area.
    E Morita; K Aoyama; T Tamura; R Okada; S Kawai; Y Ito; M ...
    Journal of Forest Reseach/18/pp.454-461, 2013-01
  • Significant interaction between RETN -420 G/G genotype and lower BMI on decreased risk of Type2 DM in Japanese ‐ the J-MICC Study.
    A Hishida; K Wakai; R Okada; E Morita; N Hamajima; S Hos...
    Endocrine J/60(2)/pp.237-243, 2013-01
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