- Conference, etc.
- Inverse association between H. pylori infection history and prevalence of pollinosis: a population-based study in Nagoya, Japan
Morita Emi; Tamura T Kawai S Okada R Yin G Naito M W...
第70回日本癌学会学術総会/2011-10-03--2011-10-05 - 首都圏における東日本大震災直後の睡眠への影響:職域での睡眠教育介入研究から
森田 恵美; 宮崎総一郎
第109回近畿精神神経学会/2011-10-03--2011-10-05 - 森林散策頻度と糖尿病及び予備軍との関連 - 60歳代の日本人男性における横断研究
森田 恵美; 内藤真理子,若井建志,浜島信之
第69回日本公衆衛生学会総会/2010-10-27--2010-10-29 - 非喫煙成人女性での尿中コチニン値と受動喫煙との関連
喜田優人; 近藤高明; 田中哲也; 中川優子; 木下香織; 鈴木麻予; 服部由花; 一ノ谷英憲; 倉岡光穂; 木全明子; 上山純; 森田...
第56回東海公衆衛生学会学術大会/2010-07-24 - 健康な日本人の集団における飲酒状況とH. pylori感染との関係
森田 恵美; 川合紗世,栗木砂家加,冨田耕太郎,田村高志,青山京子,伊藤宜則,岡田理恵子,菱田朝陽,内藤真理子,若...
がん予防学術大会 2010札幌/2010-07-15--2010-07-16 - 日本人男性における血清PSA と交替制勤務の関連:日本多施設共同コーホート研究(J-MICC Study) 静岡地区における検討
森田 恵美; 内藤真理子,西尾和子,石田喜子,菱田朝陽,川合紗世,岡田理恵子,若井建志,浜島信之,玉腰暁子,浅井八...
がん予防学術大会 2010札幌/2010-07-15--2010-07-16 - 日本多施設共同コーホート研究(J-MICC Study) 大幸研究ベースライン調査の概要
森田 恵美; 若井建志,栗木砂家加,冨田耕太郎,田村高志,青山京子,伊藤宜則,岡田理恵子,川合紗世,菱田朝陽,内藤...
がん予防学術大会 2010札幌/2010-07-15--2010-07-16 - 睡眠不足の個人差 - 睡眠不足感と主観的健康状態・ストレス状態との関連
森田 恵美; 内藤真理子,菱田朝陽,若井建志,森厚嘉,浅井八多美,浜島信之
日本睡眠学会第35回定期学術集会/2010-07-01--2010-07-02 - 日本多施設共同コーホート研究(J-MICC Study) 大幸研究の進捗状況と参加者の概要について
森田 恵美; 若井建志,栗木砂家加,冨田耕太郎,青山京子,伊藤宜則,光田洋子,岡田理恵子,川合紗世,菱田朝陽,内藤...
がん予防大会2009愛知/2009-06-16--2009-06-17 - J-MICC Study 静岡フィールドのベースラインデータに関する検討
森田 えみ; 内藤 真理子; 西尾 和子; 石田 喜子; 菱田 朝陽; 川合 紗世; 岡田 理恵子; ...
がん予防大会2009愛知/2009-06-16--2009-06-17 - 名古屋市民におけるピロリ菌感染状況
森田 えみ; 冨田 耕太郎; 栗木 砂家加; 青山 京子; 伊藤 宜則; 光田 洋子; 岡田 理恵子...
がん予防大会2009愛知/2009-06-16--2009-06-17 - Serum uric acid is associated with within-visit blood pressure variability among women; the results of a five year survey from the J-MICC Daiko Study
Morita Emi; Okada R Naito M Takagi S Matsunaga T Seik...
Hypertension Seoul 2016 (The 26th Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Hypertension)/2016-09-24--2016-09-29 - Validation of the general oral health assessment index (GOHAI) in Japanese adults
Morita Emi; Naito M Suzukamo Y Suma S Kawai S Okada R...
21th Annual Conference of the International Society for Quality of Life Research/2014-10-15--2014-10-18 - Dysphagia and dietary intake of Japanese adults: the Shizuoka area in a Japanese multi-institutional collaborative cohort study
Morita Emi; Naito M Wakai K Kawai S Nakagawa H Tamura...
The 20th IEA (International Epidemiological Association) World Congress of Epidemiology/2014-08-17--2014-08-21 - The association of alcohol intake with serum lipid profile and its modification by ADH1B and ALDH2 polymorphisms: J-MICC Study
Morita Emi; Sasakabe T Yin G Naito M Kawai S Okada R ...
The 20th IEA (International Epidemiological Association) World Congress of Epidemiology/2014-08-17--2014-08-21 - Significant associations of abdominal obesity with LYPLAL1 polymorphism (rs4846567) among a general Japanese population: a cross-sectional study
Morita Emi; Tamura T Kawai S Sasakabe T Fukuda N Sugi...
The 20th IEA (International Epidemiological Association) World Congress of Epidemiology/2014-08-17--2014-08-21 - Association of forest walking frequency with mental health and self-rated general health in a mega city: J-MICC Study
Morita Emi
39th World Congress of International Society of Medical Hydrology and Climatology/2014-05-11--2014-05-14 - The associations of oral health-related quality of life with educational level in Japanese men and women
Morita Emi; Naito M Wakai K Kawai S Okada R Nakagawa ...
International Society for Quality of Life Research (ISOQOL)/2013-10 - The Association of Urokinase Plasminogen Activator Pro141Leu Polymorphism with Body Mass Index
Morita Emi
The 6th General Assembly Asian Pacific Organization for Cancer Prevention/2012-04-26--2012-04-29 - Update of J-MICC Shizuoka Study to detect gene-environment interaction
Morita Emi; Higashibata T Naito M Tamura T Nakagawa H ...
The 5th Regional Conference of Asian Pacific Organization for Cancer Prevention/2011-11-02--2011-11-03 - Genome-wide association study of sleep duration or perceived-insufficient sleep in Japanese populations
Morita Emi; Matsuo K Tanaka H Matsuda F Naito M Hamaj...
Worldsleep 2011/2011-10-16--2011-10-20 - Association between the RANK polymorphism and the number of teeth among Japanese
Morita Emi; Naito M Asai Y Mori A Kuwabara M Okamoto ...
IEA World Congress of Epidemiology/2011-08-07--2011-08-11 - Application of medical research theory to elucidate the role of green environment in health promotion and the usefulness of suburban forests for human health
Morita Emi; Sekiyama A Nagano J Fukuda S Naito M Waka...
The 2nd International Conference of Urban Biodiversity & Design (URBIO)/2010-05-18--2010-05-22 - Associations of tea consumption with the prostate-specific antigen concentration in Japanese men
Morita Emi; Naito M Hishida A Wakai K Nishio K Ishida...
The 20th Asia Pacific Cancer Conference/2009-11-12--2009-11-14 - Daiko Study of the Japan Multi-Institutional Collaborative Cohort Study: a progress report
Morita Emi; Wakai K Hishida A Okada R Tamura T Kuriki...
The 20th Asia Pacific Cancer Conference/2009-11-12--2009-11-14 - more...
- Inverse association between H. pylori infection history and prevalence of pollinosis: a population-based study in Nagoya, Japan