Researcher's full information

Research projects
A project to touch the shapes of tradition by combining 3D printing with traditional materials and techniques2021-10 -- 2024-03MIYASAKA ShinjiNational Museum of Ethnology/共同研究
アナログを起点とする立体造形の3Dモデル化とVRによる鑑賞実践2021-04 -- 2022-03MIYASAKA ShinjiUniv. of Tsukuba/Research Project of Institute of Art and Design in University of Tsukuba 2021162,000Yen
大学・附属学校連携アートプロジェクトを通したSDGs対応型芸術教育プログラムの構築2021-04 -- 2022-03HOTOKEYAMA Terumi, MIYASAKA ShinjiUniversity of Tsukuba/Univ. of Tsukuba Education Strategy Promotion Project, 20212,000,000Yen
大学・附属学校連携アートプロジェクトを通したSDGs対応型芸術教育プログラムの構築2020-04 -- 2021-03HOTOKEYAMA Terumi, MIYASAKA ShinjiUniv. of Tsukuba/Univ. of Tsukuba Education Strategy Promotion Project, 20201,720,000Yen
大学・附属学校連携によるSDGs対応型教育プログラムの構築—国際学生メダル展実施を通して—2019-04 -- 2020-03NAITO Sadatoshi, MIYASAKA ShinjiUniv. of Tsukuba/Univ. of Tsukuba Education Strategy Promotion Project 20191,782,000Yen
Practical Research on the Approach to Sculptural Expression Based on Tactile Imagery, and Towards Proposing Guidelines for Touch-based Appreciation2019-04 -- 2023-03MIYASAKA ShinjiJapan Society for the Promotion of Science(JSPS)/Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C)4,160,000Yen
触覚的イメージによる彫刻表現の研究2018-04 -- 2019-03MIYASAKA ShinjiUniversity of Tsukuba/Research Project of Institute of Art and Design in University of Tsukuba 2018236,000Yen