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Conference, etc.
  • 中学生向け孤立・孤独予防教育プログラムの地域実装に向けた自治体との連携のプロセスと課題
    石塚里沙; 櫛引夏歩; 矢口知絵; 菅原大地; 相羽美幸; 白鳥裕貴; 川上直秋; 中村哲也; 堀孝文; 太刀川 弘和
  • ソーシャル・サポートと社会的孤立者に対するスティグマが孤独感とうつに及ぼす影響
    相羽美幸; 古村健太郎; 川上直秋; 菅原大地; 白鳥裕貴; 櫛引夏歩; 翠川晴彦; 太刀川 弘和
  • ひきこもり傾向に関連する心理的特性—社会的孤立・孤独に関するオンラインアンケート調査結果より
    翠川晴彦; 相羽美幸; 古村健太郎; 櫛引夏歩; 菅原大地; 川上直秋; 白鳥裕貴; 太刀川 弘和
  • 心理療法研究の最前線ーエビデンスと個別性の双方を尊重するためにー
    菅原大地; 樫原潤; 北原 祐理; 山口慶子; 伊藤絵美; 杉原保史
  • Psycho-social factors associated with athlete’s suicidal intention.
    Amemiya R.; Sugawara Daichi; Ueno Y.; Sakairi y
    ARIHHP Human High Performance Forum 2023/2023-02-19--2023-02-19
  • Using network psychometrics , we explored the efficacy of cognitive behavior therapy’s unified protocol (UP)
    Kashihara J.; Takebayashi Y .; Kunisato Y.; Sugawara Dai...
    International Convention of Psychological Science/2023-03-09--2023-03-11
  • "Help" profession students from Israel and Japan : An examination of covid-19 impact on loneliness and other psycho emotional behaviours
    Reznik A.; Masuyama A.; Sugawara Daichi; Isralowitz R.
    International Public Health Conference/2023-05-16--2023-05-18
  • "Help" profession students from Israel and Japan : An examination of covid-19 impact on loneliness and other psycho emotional behaviours.
    Reznik A; Masuyama A; Sugawara Daichi; Isralowitz R.
    International Public Health Conference/2023-03
  • セルフ・コンパッションの向上による対人援助職の早期離職予防プログラムの開発
    水野 雅之; 菅原 大地; 谷 秀次郎; 吹谷 和代; 佐藤 純
  • Perceptions of Relational Mobility Influence Emotional Expressivity
    Sugawara Daichi
    Association for Psychological Science/2021-05-26--2021-05-27
  • Psychological characteristics determinig approval or disspproval of social activities under the COVID-19 infection spred
    雨宮怜; 菅原 大地; 上野雄己; 坂入 洋右
  • RE-COVER:REsilience to COVid-19 in Each Region
    Sugawara Daichi
    Social impacts & Responses in the COVID-19 Crisis
  • The effect of character traits and coping style on suicide attempts in Japanese adult with mental disorders
    菅原 大地
  • The effects of self-compassion on stress and on mental health
    Sugawara D.; Chishima Y; Mizuno M.
    The 31st International Congress of Psychology/2016-07
  • Perceptions of Relational Mobility Influence Emotional Expressivity
    Razavi P; Sugawara Daichi; Lin P; Tee E; Srivastava S
    Association for Psychological Science/2021-05-26
  • The Consequences of Incongruence between Emotional Experience and Expressions across Five Cultures
    Razavi P; Sugawara D; Tee E; Sugawara D; Lin P; Srivastav...
    2021 Society for Personality and Social Psychology’s Annual Convention./2021-02-13
  • The relationship between emotional processes, mental health, and wellbeing across four cultures.
    Razavi P; Tee E.; Lin P; Sugawara D; Razavi P.; Saucier G
    2020 Society for Personality and Social Psychology’s Annual Convention./2020-2
  • Contextual and Cultural Predictors of Emotional Expressivity in Four Countries.
    Razavi P; Sugawara D; Lin P; Tee E; Srivastava S; Saucier G
    2020 Society for Personality and Social Psychology’s Annual Convention/2020-2
  • A pilot study of Internet-based loving-kindness meditation for Japanese college students
    Sugawara Daichi; Arimitsu Kohki
    9th World Congress of Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies/2019-07
  • Ageing and emotion perception from robot facial expressions: Changes in perceptual style, or cognitive ageing?
    Etsuko Harada; Sugawara Daichi; Ryota Takawaki; Masahiro ...
    Psychonomic Society Annual Meeting2019/2019-11
  • Availability and Efficacy of Crisis Management, Anti-stigma, and Mental Health Literacy Program for University Students (CAMPUS)
    Asumi Takahashi; Hirokazu Tachikawa; Yuki Shiratori; Suga...
    2019 IASR/AFSP International Summit on Suicide Research/2019-10
  • A Pilot Study of Loving-Kindness Meditation for Japanese Nursing Students.
    Sugawara D; Akiyama M; Arimitsu K; Tsutsui C; Takano K; H...
    9th European Conference on Positive Psychology/2018-06-27
  • Explaining Cross-Cultural Differences in Emotional Expressivity from a Socio-Ecological Perspective.
    Sugawara D; Razavi P; Lin P; Tee E; Lieber S; Slivastava S
    Society for Personality and Social Psychology’s Annual Convention./2019-01-07
  • Maintenance in high ruminators dampens executive control during working memory updating.
    Sugawara Daichi; Nishimura Haruki; Mochizuki Satoshi
    8th World Congress of Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies
  • Effect of positive emotions with different arousal levels on thought-action repertoires.
    Sugawara Daichi; Sugie Masashi
    European conference on positive psychology
  • more...