- Articles
- Using Medical Big Data to Develop Personalized Medicine for Dry Eye Disease
Inomata Takenori; Sung Jaemyoung; Nakamura Masahiro; I...
CORNEA/39(11::S)/pp.S39-S46, 2020-11 - Heterogeneity of eye drop use among symptomatic dry eye individuals in Japan: large-scale crowdsourced research using DryEyeRhythm application
Eguchi Atsuko; Inomata Takenori; Nakamura Masahiro; Na...
JAPANESE JOURNAL OF OPHTHALMOLOGY/Epub, 2021-01 - 一般集団における精神的苦痛を有する者の受療行動に関連する要因の検討
塚崎栄里子; 岩上 将夫; 佐藤 幹也; 田宮 菜奈子
日本公衆衛生雑誌/68(2)/pp.118-130, 2021-02 - Risk of Cancer in Association with Ranitidine and Nizatidine vs Other H2 Blockers: Analysis of the Japan Medical Data Center Claims Database 2005-2018
Iwagami Masao; Kumazawa Ryosuke; Miyamoto Yoshihisa; I...
DRUG SAFETY/44/pp.361-371, 2020-11 - Expanded Indication for Recombinant Tissue Plasminogen Activator from 3 to 4.5 h after Onset of Stroke in Japan
Miyamoto Yoshihisa; Aso Shotaro; Iwagami Masao; Morita...
JOURNAL OF STROKE & CEREBROVASCULAR DISEASES/29(12), 2020-12 - Cancer risk of ranitidine and nizatidine versus other H2 blockers: An analysis of the Japan medical data center claims database
Iwagami Masao; Kumazawa Ryosuke; Miyamoto Yoshihisa; I...
PHARMACOEPIDEMIOLOGY AND DRUG SAFETY/29(3:SI)/pp.570-570, 2020-10 - Determinants of referral of women with urinary incontinence to specialist services: a national cohort study using primary care data from the UK
Gurol-Urganci Ipek; Geary Rebecca S.; Mamza Jil B.; Iw...
BMC FAMILY PRACTICE/21(1), 2020-10 - Surgical mask use by healthcare personnel to prevent COVID-19 spread in a long-term care facility
Abe Toshikazu; Tokuda Yasuharu; Iriyama Hiroki; Iwagam...
JOURNAL OF GENERAL AND FAMILY MEDICINE/Epub, 2020-10 - The association between chronic kidney disease and tuberculosis; a comparative cohort study in England
Ruzangi Judith; Iwagami Masao; Smeeth Liam; Mangtani ...
BMC NEPHROLOGY/21(1), 2020-10 - New medical big data for P4 medicine on allergic conjunctivitis
Inomata Takenori; Sung Jaemyoung; Nakamura Masahiro; F...
Allergology international : official journal of the Japanese Society of Allergology/69(4)/pp.510-518, 2020-07 - Clinical and Prodromal Ocular Symptoms in Coronavirus Disease: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Inomata Takenori; Kitazawa Koji; Kuno Toshiki; Sung J...
Investigative ophthalmology & visual science/61(10), 2020-04 - Stopping renin-angiotensin system blockers after acute kidney injury and risk of adverse outcomes: parallel population-based cohort studies in English and Swedish routine care
Bidulka Patrick; Fu Edouard L.; Leyrat Clemence; Kalog...
BMC MEDICINE/18(1), 2020-07 - Factors related to bereaved family's satisfaction with end-of-life care at geriatric health services facilities
Kotake Rina; Hanari Kyoko; Iwagami Masao; Okochi Ziro; Ue...
[Nihon koshu eisei zasshi] Japanese journal of public health/67(6)/pp.390-398, 2020-04 - Stratification of Individual Symptoms of Contact Lens-Associated Dry Eye Using the iPhone App DryEyeRhythm: Crowdsourced Cross-Sectional Study
Inomata Takenori; Nakamura Masahiro; Iwagami Masao; Mi...
Journal of medical Internet research/22(6), 2020-06 - Epidemiology of food choking deaths in Japan: Time trends and regional variations
Taniguchi Yuta; Iwagami Masao; Sakata Nobuo; Watanabe ...
Journal of epidemiology/31(5)/pp.356-360, 2020-06 - The effect of initiation of renin-angiotensin system inhibitors on haemoglobin: A national cohort study
Greenhall George H B; Mansfield Kathryn E; Nitsch Doro...
British journal of clinical pharmacology/Epub, 2020-06 - Comparisons of infection and other outcomes between users of angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibitors and angiotensin II receptor blockers: lessons for COVID-19 from a nationwide cohort study
Bidulka Patrick; Iwagami Masao; Mansfield Kathryn E; K...
Wellcome open research/5/p.77, 2020-04 - History of diabetes may delay antibiotic administration in patients with severe sepsis presenting to emergency departments
Abe Toshikazu; Suzuki Tomoharu; Kushimoto Shigeki; Fuj...
MEDICINE/99(11), 2020-03 - Number of consulting medical institutions and risk of polypharmacy in community-dwelling older people under a healthcare system with free access: a cross-sectional study in Japan
Suzuki Toshiki; Iwagami Masao; Hamada Shota; Matsuda ...
BMC health services research/20(1), 2020-04 - 12. AKIの予後
岩上 将夫
腎と透析/83(3), 2017-09 - 3. 徳洲会メディカルデータベースを用いた臨床研究
岩上 将夫
Progress in Medicine/38(2), 2018-02 - AKIを対象とした大規模疫学研究
岩上 将夫
腎臓内科・泌尿器科/3(1), 2016-01 - 日々の診療情報を用いた研究報告の質向上への提案(2)RECORD-PE : The REporting of studies Conducted using Oobservational Routinely collected health Data statement for Pharmacoepidemiology(日常的に観察されて集められる健康情報を用いて行われる薬剤疫学研究の報告に関する声明)の日本語版について
奥山 絢子; 岩上 将夫; 友滝 愛; 伊藤 沙紀子; 田中 宏和
医療の質・安全学会誌 = The Japanese journal of quality and safety in healthcare/14(2)/pp.133-138, 2019 - Statistical method for observational studies(5)Self-controlled study design
岩上 将夫
Bone joint nerve : BJN/9(1)/pp.51-57, 2019-01 - 英国のプライマリケアデータベースの利活用 (特集 ヘルスサービスリサーチ : サービスの効率と質の向上へ)
浜田 将太; 児島 剛太郎; 岩上 将夫
公衆衛生 = The journal of public health practice/83(9)/pp.690-694, 2019-09 - more...
- Using Medical Big Data to Develop Personalized Medicine for Dry Eye Disease