YAJIMA Hidenobu

Researcher's full information

Conference, etc.
  • 宇宙再電離期の原始銀河団形成
    矢島 秀伸
  • 高密度領域で形成される初代銀河からのライマンアルファ輝線放射
    矢島 秀伸
  • Cosmological simulations of galaxy formation in protocluster regions
    Yajima Hidenobu
    FAPESP-Japan Workshop/2019-02-18--2019-02-21
  • Cosmological simulations of dusty galaxy formation in protocluster regions
    Yajima Hidenobu
    East-Asia ALMA Science Workshop/2018-11-17--2018-11-19
  • 原始銀河からの電離光子の脱出過程
    矢島 秀伸
  • Escape probability of ionizing photons from a proto-galaxy
    矢島 秀伸
    Accretion and Outflow in Astrophysics 2008 and Second Korea-Japan Young Astronomers Meeting/2007-07-01
  • Escape probability of ionizing photons from a photo-galaxy
    矢島 秀伸
    Galaxy Growth in a Dark Universe/2007-07-01
  • 原始銀河の非一様ガス構造における電離光子脱出確率
    矢島 秀伸
  • Escape fraction of ionizing photons from high-z photo-galaxy
    矢島 秀伸
    Panoramic Views of Galaxy Formation and Evolution/2007-12-01
  • 原始銀河の初期進化段階における電離光子脱出確率
    矢島 秀伸
  • 原始銀河の電離光子脱出過程:衝突電離とダストの効果
    矢島 秀伸
  • ライマンアルファブロッブの電離光子脱出確率と赤外線的性質
    矢島 秀伸
    初代星・初代銀河研究会 2008/2008-09-01
  • ライマンアルファブロッブの赤外線的性質
    矢島 秀伸
  • Escape fraction of ionizing photons from high-z Lyman-alpha emitters and Lyman break galaxies
    矢島 秀伸
    Understanding Lyman-alpha emitters/2008-10-01
  • Escape fraction of ionizing photons from a LAE and LBG
    矢島 秀伸
    The Third East-Asia Numerical Astrophysical Meeting/2008-11-01
  • 3D RT calculation and escape of ionizing photons from forming galaxies
    矢島 秀伸
    Cosmological Radiative Transfer Comparison Project Workshop/2008-12-01
  • ライマンアルファブロッブの赤外線特性
    矢島 秀伸
  • The Contribution of Lyman alpha emitters and Lyman Break Galaxies to the IGM Ionization
    矢島 秀伸
    The Cosmic Evolution of Helium and Hydrogen/2009-03-01
  • ライマンアルファエミッターの光学的特性と宇宙再電離との関係
    矢島 秀伸
  • The escape of ionizing photons from high-z Lyman-alpha emitters
    矢島 秀伸
    The Lyman Alpha Universe/2009-07-01
  • The escape fraction of ionizing photons from high-z galaxies and contribution to the IGM ionization
    矢島 秀伸
    3rd Korea-Japan Young Astronomers Meeting/2009-08-01
  • 原始銀河の光学的特性と宇宙再電離への寄与
    矢島 秀伸
  • Ultraviolet and Infrared radiation from protogalaxies
    Yajima Hidenobu
    The First Stars and Galaxies: Challenge for the Next Decade/2010-03-01
  • Ionizing radiation from high-redshift galaxies in cosmological SPH simulations
    Yajima Hidenobu
    The First Galaxies, Quasars & Gamma-Ray Burst/2010-06-01
  • Effects of dust in high-z star-forming galaxies
    矢島 秀伸
    4th Japan-Korea Young Astronomers Meeting/2010-08-01
  • more...